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国家地理:Is It Real? Miracle Cures 灵丹妙药
时间:2010-1-7 11:50:43  来源:可可英语  作者:jessica   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

When he is not on the road holding miracle crusades, he broadcasts to over 100,000 TV viewers a day.

It is done by the power of God in Jesus Mighty name. Somebody praise the Lord.

Throughout his ministry he claims miracles are abundant.

I believe thousands upon thousands. In fact, these people, they are still telling me 40 years ago they were healed, they were there today.

Reverend Jenkins, I know you're a man of God. You made my daughter well with cancer. Hallelujah. Breast cancer.

Yes, I believe that thousands of people have been healed.

Here in Los Angeles and you go to church, why?

People like Shirley Lagrone who's come to Reverend Jenkins' crusade today for the first time in her life.

You need a cleansing of your blood and doctors have told you not the royal Jenkins. Am I telling you...

In fact, Shirley has diabetes. But Reverend Jenkins told her she needed a blood cleansing.

He knew what he was talkin' about, about me.

Reverend Jenkins had the solution.

I want you to drink this. This, the little vial of, what I call miracle water I get criticized for, but I don't care.

This little thing of water is just to give somebody a, a chance to release their faith.

I want that to go into every part of your blood stream and cleanse your blood right now in the name of Jesus. It is done by the power of God in Jesus' name. You are a healed Catholic. Somebody say amen.

It was a miracle. It was a miracle.

Shirley says the water made her body single. But Jenkins clearly denies the water has special properties.

This water will not heal a frog. It will not heal nobody. It will just quench your thirst. But the obedience of doing what a man of God tells you to do is what opens the door.

Nevertheless the water is in hot demand.

How do you order that water? How do you get it if I want to buy some more?

I drank what he sent me, and I feel like my lungs are whole a lot better.

'cause that I need that. That gives me life, that water.

Sales of water are brisk at the crusades and bottles are snatched up by the case. All there Jenkins offers small free vials to his viewers and ships about 3000 a day.

Miracles, I think, is God. I really do, I do think. I can't heal nobody.

You hear me? Yeah. It is done by the power of God. Amen. Somebody say praise the Lord.

Reverend Jenkins claims to be an instrument of God. Through him the faithful are touched and healed.


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