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BBC地道英语:To let the cat out of the bag 透露秘密

时间:2012-08-27 10:06:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:Sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Cat: Miaoooowwwwww!

Will: Hello, I'm William.

Li: Hi, I'm Li. Will, 我希望你花钱买这只猫是有原因的,你瞧,它吓死了!

Will: I wanted to explain an English phrase. And I brought Whiskers to help.

Cat: Miaow.

Li: 你干嘛要把它塞到口袋里?咱们赶紧讲解今天的地道英语短语吧,然后你就可以让这可怜的猫解放了。

Will: Okay, okay. So, right, Li, I'm going to tell you a very big secret.

Li: Yes?

Cat: Miaow?

Will: But you must promise never to let the cat out of the bag!

Li: No, we must let him out, he is unhappy.

Cat: Miaow!

Will: No, no. In English, when we say 'you mustn't let the cat out of the bag', it means that something is a secret and that you mustn't tell anyone.

Li: 啊,不让猫从口袋里出来这个短语的意思并不是说口袋里真的有只猫,而是表示不要透露秘密,要保守秘密。

Cat: Miaow.

Will: Exactly. I brought Whiskers in just to help you remember the expression. If you let the cat out of the bag, it means that you reveal the truth.

Li: To let the cat out of the bag 意思是公开秘密。

Will: Yes. Listen to some examples.

We need to keep this quiet! If anyone lets the cat out of the bag there'll be trouble!

We were going to have a surprise birthday for dad, but my silly brother let the cat out of the bag the day before.

Well the cat's out of the bag now. Everyone knows Amy will be given the lead role.

Li: Okay I get it.

Cat: Miaow.

Li: 咱们短语归短语,不过在你把这只可怜的猫从这个口袋里放出来之前我不想听你的秘密,你看它叫得多可怜呢!I'm going to let it out!

Cat: Miaoooowwwwww!

Li: Owwwwww!

Will: Li, I actually meant it when I said don't let the cat out of the bag. Whiskers is a bit crazy.

Li: 你的猫太凶,走开,我真不该同情这只恶猫!

Will: Well, now you'll remember not to let the cat out of the bag next time!


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