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BBC新闻:Environmentally Friendly Weapons(环保武器)
时间:2008-8-18 12:50:46  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


grenade n. 手榴弹
degradable adj. 可降解的
mechanism n. 机械装置
munition n. 军火,军需品
stringent adj. 迫切的,严格的,苛刻的
detonate v. 爆炸,爆发
collateral adj. 附带的,间接的,从属的

Environmentally Friendly Weapons

The host: Now this may sound like satire but does the bang of a bomb cause too much noise pollution? Are grenade explosions too smoky? Is the lead of a bullet dangerously non-degradable? According to the British arms manufacturer, BAE Systems, the answer is yes. So they are developing economically sound weaponry, what could be described as environmentally friendly fire. To discuss whether it's possible for soldiers to save the planet whilst killing people. I spoke to Deborah Allen, director of corporate responsibility for the company.

Deborah: We're looking across the range of all the platforms and areas we produce, obviously trying to improve all the mechanisms. So everything from looking at making a fighter jet more fuel efficient to looking at the materials munitions are made of and what their impact on the environment would be.

The host: We have heard about lead-free bullets. That's true, is it?

Deborah: It's something we're working on and it's part of ensuring that munitions if they get lodged in the environment, (they) don't create any additional harm.

The host: So is this partly a response to ever stringent health and safety regulations and ideas about noise pollution and so forth?

Deborah: It's always part of a driver as people, as we all become more environmentally aware and take the responsibility. No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it. We all have a duty of care to ensure that from cradle to grave things are being actually used appropriately and won't do lasting harm.

The host: But one of the products I read about was the bang-free bomb or a bomb that wouldn't make so much of a noise when it exploded. What's the thinking behind that?

Deborah: That's reducing the fumes around it when it is detonated, so for the user there's less exposure. To ensure they are safe to use, they only go off when they are required to go off and they do the minimum of collateral damage.

The host: But bombs by the very nature of the thing are not safe to use though, are they?

Deborah: It depends which end you're on of course. What we have to do is ensure that the person deploying them is not put at extra risk from using them. These things are going to be used and that's unfortunately an aspect of the modern world. We just have to make sure that our customer who is defending the country is actually safe using these things.

The host: Ah, so you are saying that it is about the safety, the health of the soldier in the field?

Deborah: That's a key point but also reducing collateral damage, ensuring these things are as accurate as possible. And that's obviously a key point and something everybody gets concerned about.















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