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BBC新闻:Happy Birthday World Wide Web万维网生日快乐
时间:2008-8-27 10:47:21  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


1.commonwealth n. 国民整体,共和国,联邦 2.presumably adv. 推测起来,大概 3.ultimately adv. 最后,终于,根本,基本上 4.remote adj. 遥远的,偏僻的 5.random adj. 任意的,随便的,胡乱的

Happy Birthday World Wide Web!

THE HOST: But before that Happy Birthday World Wide Web! A bit older than two, the web is actually celebrating its 50…15th birthday, not quite it's 50th yet, it's 15th birthday. That was over the weekend. Well, here at the BBC on our technology website at bbcnews.com. We have been marking the occasion with discussion of how the web has changed our lives. Well, let's hear from some people who have been part of that discussion. First to Kai over in the Commonwealth of Dominica. And Kai, you are a deep-sea diver. Presumably the web doesn't necessarily help you when you are under the waves, so how has it has changed and hopefully improved your life.

KAI: Well, the biggest thing for me of course has been the fact that I live a long way from all of my family, my family are spread, my sister in Australia, my mother in Spain, my father in France, a brother in Norway and of course I'm in Dominica so definitely over the last few years it's enabled me to stay in contact with them. So I can use a voice over internet programme called Skype and we can see each other with video, we can talk to other and it costs me nothing which of course is a very useful thing to have.

THE HOST: Alright, and Amner, what about you? You originally came from a small village in Pakistan. You live in Canada now, don't you?

AMNER: Yes, that's right. I live in Canada right now. (I have been living here) for 5 years now.

THE HOST: OK. The web has helped you with your education, to get your stuff together so ultimately you have made your way over to Canada.

AMNER: Before coming to Canada I was living in a remote city in Pakistan. I started using internet and I decided, you know, I want to go abroad for my education because I was talking to all these people around the world, and, you know, thanks to the internet I looked up the entire procedure, applied online. It was kind of hard to convince my parents…yeah, I finally came here. I have a life that would have been impossible to even think of before.

THE HOST: And we have heard from Kai that he communicates with people across the world with voice over IP and so on. I mean you presumably still have friends and family back in Pakistan.

AMNER: Yeah, yeah I keep in touch with them, send them gifts over the internet, like if there is mother's day, I'm going to send my mother flowers. You know things like that.

THE HOST: And do you communicate with them? Are you like Kai? Are you doing all the voice over stuff too?

AMNER: I do voice over IP within Canada but I also use primarily MSN and the voice chat on MSN to communicate with my family.

THE HOST: Random thought for you, Kai, Does the web help you at all with your diving?

KAI: What it does is that I have a website where I also have a digital camera and a digital video camera and when I get back from diving, I can make little videos which I do and photographs, and then my family, friends and anybody who wants to see what I've been seeing, can easily access the underwater world. And I live in a very beautiful part of the world so it is good for them to be able to see that.

THE HOST: Yeah, it's good for us in these big crowded cities to see what you are up to.

万维网, 生日快乐!





主持人:好的。 网络已经帮助你完成学业,让你装备齐全,并最终让你踏入了加拿大。






主持人: 顺便问你一下,凯,网络的确在潜水方面对你有帮助吗?




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