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BBC新闻:Mumbai's Lunchbox Carriers(孟买的午餐快递员)
时间:2008-9-22 11:48:22  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


1.exemplary adj. 可仿效的, 可做模范的
2.skip v. 略过,漏掉
3.dilly-dally v. 游手好闲
4.illiterate adj..未受教育的,知识浅陋的

Mumbai's Lunchbox Carriers

65-year-old Tondu Chaudri has picked up a lunchbox from Anna Pabona's home in the suburbs of Mumbai every morning for the last 30 years. She relies on him to get her husband's daily lunch delivered. Like many of Mumbai's office workers, Mr Roy eats lunch food prepared for him by his wife while it is still fresh and hot. That's where Mr Chaudri the tiffin wala comes in. He takes the home-cooked meal to Mr Roy and he braves bad weather, illness and Mumbai's traffic to do so. For this service he gets paid about $5 a month.

Each month he makes about $20 from Mrs Roy and other customers. His work ethic is exemplary. He hasn't skipped a day of work in the last 3 decades and he is always on time. 'The most important thing for me is to be punctual,' he says rushing me along as I stop to take a few photographs of him. 'We can't spend too much time dilly dallying here. I need to go and pick up my next delivery. What would happen if the office workers get their lunch late? We'd lose their trust and then we'd lost their business.' And it's a business that him and his 5000 co-workers have spent most of their lives in.

The tiffin walas of Mumbia have been running their operations for over 100 years. They are an integral part of this city's ability to function as a dynamic, financial metropolis. Now delivering lunch may not sound like a particularly challenging business but imagine delivering 200,000 lunch boxes every day without one mistake. And it is their sorting procedure that has made the tiffin walas so famous. It's an age-old method that even international business schools have studied. Some of the tiffin walas have even given lectures on how other firms can copy their system. But it is a system that hasn't changed since it's its inception. Now though in an attempt to boost awareness about their service, the tiffin walas are entering the digital age.

They've set up a website and mobile phone texting service to increase the number of customers. The move has come as a big surprise to Mumbai's business community. Many of the lunchbox carriers are illiterate but the technology wasn't built by them. It was built by a software engineer Manesh Tripati who was so impressed with the efficiency of the legendary tiffin walas he wanted to help them become even more profitable. 'These people are the hardest working group of people I have ever met,' he told me showing me the website mydaba.com. 'I had to do something for them to show them there was a faster, easier way to make money.' The move online and onto the texting platform has been quite successful. Manesh says that even with very little publicity, 10-15 people have been enquiring about the tiffin wala service everyday. At the end of his long day delivering his tiffins, Tondu and I returned to base, the tiffin walas' office in the suburbs. Here his co-workers and him sit, chat, have a cup of tea and talk about their day. The hot topic: which one of them will learn how to surf the Internet the fastest first? For the BBC World Service, I'm Chris Warning in Mumbai.








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