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时间:2008-10-10 9:49:38  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


1.alzheimer n. 老年痴呆症
symptom n. [医][植]症状, 征兆
degenerative adj. 退化的
diagnosis n. 诊断
protein n. [生化]蛋白质
amyloid beta peptide n. β淀粉状蛋白
hurdle n. 障碍,关卡

New Medical Development: Test for Alzheimer's Disease

Scientists have developed a new test that could answer some crucial questions about the origins of Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms of the degenerative illness - which is thought to affect hundreds of thousands of people around the world - include loss of memory, confusion and problems with speech and understanding. Writing in the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in the United States say the new test could lead to faster diagnosis and better treatment - here's our science reporter Matt McGrath:

Scientists understand that Alzheimer's disease is characterised by a build up in the brain of a protein called amyloid beta peptide.

The memory loss and decline in mental performance associated with the disease occur in people when this protein forms small lumps in the brain. They eventually lead to a complete loss of function.

One of the key scientific hurdles in developing effective treatments for the disease is to understand if the build up of these lumps is caused by the brain producing too much protein or if it's because the brain can't clear it out quickly enough.

In healthy people the brain produces and clears equal amounts, but scientists don't yet know why the process becomes unbalanced in Alzheimer's sufferers.

This is crucial information for researchers trying to develop effective treatments for the disease.

Now scientists at the Alzheimer's disease research centre in Missouri report that they have developed a new test that could answer this question and many others.

In the test the scientists take sample of brain fluid from patients and look for a marker chemical they've injected previously. This marker goes to the brain and brain cells include it in new copies of the protein when they make it - From the brain fluid the scientists can work out how much protein is being produced or cleaned up.

Because this test directly measures the levels of production of the protein that causes the disease, the scientists believe that it could also prove very useful in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's before the onset of symptoms.












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