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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit1
时间:2007-9-12 21:57:28  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[08:36.54]The soldier violated the church by using it as a stable. ;士兵们把教堂当马厩用而 亵渎了它.
[08:40.21]You have violated the traffic regulation. ;你违反了交通规则.
[08:42.51]This is double yellow line and no parking is allowed. ;这是双黄线,不可以停 车的.
[08:45.88]wage[weid䅟] ;n.[常pl]工资,报酬 vt.开始,进行
[08:46.94]The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase ;铁路工人要求增加工资,
[08:50.13]and the management is working on that. ;资方正在研究此事.
[08:52.43]The six members to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ;"上海合作组织"签约的 6个成员国
[08:55.71]have determined to wage war against terrorism,separatism and extremism. ;决定向恐怖主义、分裂主 义和极端主义开战.
[09:02.00]Lesson 3 ;
[09:04.92]accelerate [㘚k'sel㥮reit] ;v.使加快,(使)增速
[09:06.42]Deng Xiaoping's open policy has accelerated China's economic growth. ;邓小平的对外开放政策大 大促进了中国经济的快速 发展.
[09:11.03]advocate['㘚dv㥮keit] ;vt.拥护,提倡,主张  n.拥护者,提倡者,    辩护者
[09:12.35]We advocate building more schools ;我们主张多建几所学校,
[09:14.13]to provide more education opportunities for children. ;给孩子们提供更多受教育 的机会.
[09:17.18]The Chinese people are advocate of peace. ;中国人民都是和平的 拥护者.
[09:20.15]budget['b⺧d䅟it] ;n.预算,预算拨款
[09:20.94]budget['b⺧d䅟it] ;vi.编预算,作安排 vt.规划,安排  n.低廉的,收费公道的
[09:21.43]The new financial secretary of Hong Kong ;香港新任财政司司长
[09:23.82]is expected to announce fax cuts in this year's budget. ;香港人期望他在本年度预 算中宣布削减税收.
[09:27.19]A lot of money has been saved by budgeting. ;通过预算开支,一大笔钱 节省下来.
[09:29.93]capable['keip㥮bl] ;a.有能力的,有技能的
[09:31.48]Not everyone is capable of judging art. ;并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺 术的能力.
[09:34.05]The situation is capable of improvement. ;这种情况是可以改善的.
[09:36.75]That mob's capable of any crime. ;那个暴徒什么违法的事都 干得出来.
[09:39.45]combat['k⺌mb㘚t] ;n.战斗,格斗 v.与...战斗, 与...斗争
[09:40.60]In order to survive all kinds of competitions, ;要想在各种各样的竞争中 站稳脚跟,
[09:43.44]a businessman has to combat with his rival. ;商人就不得不与对手 抗争.
[09:46.45]comprehensive [k⺌mpri'hensiv] ;a.广泛的,综合的
[09:48.00]The state government of California gave a very comprhensive explanation ;加利福尼亚州政府 详尽地解释了
[09:51.72]of its plans for the development of the electronic industry. ;对电子工业的发展规划.
[09:55.21]convince[k㥮n'vins] ;vt.使确信,使信服,说服
[09:56.45]What conviced them to vote for Bush? ;究竟是什么说服了他们投 布什的票?
[09:58.98]You should present evidences to convince the judge of your innocence. ;你得摆出证据使法官相信 你的清白.
[10:03.45]defeat[di'fi:t] ;n.击败,战胜;战败,失败 vt.击败,战胜;    使失败,挫折
[10:04.78]The Chinese U-21 Football Team ;中国青年足球队
[10:07.30]was defeated by the Argentina Team in the football match. ;在足球赛中输给了阿 根廷队.
[10:10.67]deserve[di'z㥮:v] ;vt.应受,应得,值得
[10:11.91]Nature deserves our protection because we ourselves are part of it. ;大自然应受我们的保护,??, 因为我们自己也是它的一 份子.
[10:15.89]economical [i:k㥮'n⺌mik㥮l] ;a.节约的,节省的,经济的
[10:17.40]Going by train is more economical than going by plane. ;坐火车比坐飞机更省钱.
[10:20.94]Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses ;自行车被看成是比公共汽 车更实惠的交通工具,
[10:24.52]whose fares have increased 5 times in the past 3 years. ;因为公共汽车票价在最 近三年内涨了五倍.
[10:27.98]evaluate[i'v㘚ljueit] ;vt.评价,估计,    求...的值
[10:29.39]The research project has been under way only for three months, ;这个研究项目进行了不过 三个月,
[10:32.80]so it's too early to evaluate its success. ;所以要对它的成绩作出 评价为时尚早.
[10:35.59]fantastic [f㘚n't㘚stik] ;a.极好的,极出色的;   极大的,难以相信的;   异想天开的;奇异的
[10:37.10]Li Yundi's piano performance is really fantastic. ;李云迪的钢琴表演实在是 太出色了.
[10:40.68]There are many fantastic legends in ancient China. ;中国古代有许多稀奇古怪 的传说.
[10:44.36]frontier ['fr⺧nti㥮,fr⺧n'ti㥮] ;n.边界,边境
[10:45.25]frontier ['fr⺧nti㥮,fr⺧n'ti㥮] ;(the ~)开发地区的边缘 边远地区; [常 pl.]新领域
[10:45.69]The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed farther outwards ;医学知识的新领域正向 前推进
[10:48.70]as time goes on. ;随着时间的推移.
[10:50.34]guarantee[g㘚r㥮n'ti:] ;vt.保证,担保  n.保证,保证书
[10:51.71]Every new television comes with a guarantee. ;每台新电视机都有保 修单.
[10:54.41]Blue skies are not always a guarantee of continuing fine weather. ;蔚蓝的天空并不能永远 保证天气持续晴朗.
[10:58.35]Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. ;许多店主向顾客保证一定 要让他们满意.
[11:02.25]honor['⺌n㥮] ;n.[U]光荣,荣誉;敬意  名誉;[常pl.]优异成绩  大学荣誉学位课程
[11:03.22]honor['⺌n㥮] ;vt.给...以荣誉;    向...示敬意,尊敬
[11:03.66]It's a great honor to meet you. ;见到你真是三生有幸.
[11:05.79]The strong powers must honour their commitments to smaller nations. ;大国应该履行对小国所作 的承诺.
[11:09.73]Will you honor me with a visit? ;如蒙光临,荣幸之至.
[11:12.12]invisible[in'viz㥮bl] ;a.看不见的,无形的
[11:13.54]Many distant stars are invisible to the naked eye. ;很多遥远的星球是肉眼看 不到的.
[11:16.68]Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business. ;友好关系对于一桩生意来 说是一种无形的资产.
[11:20.22]manage['m㘚nid䅟] ;vt.管理,经营,处理;   设法,对付;控制,操纵 vt.处理,设法对付
[11:21.55]Who will manage while the director is away? ;总管不在时谁管事?
[11:24.16]Are you good at managing your money? ;你善于理财吗?
[11:26.60]mess[mess] ;n.凌乱状态,脏乱状态;   混乱的局面,困境 vt.弄糟,弄脏,搞到
[11:27.71]You have made a mess of the job! ;你把工作弄的一团糟.
[11:29.74]I've just cleaned the floor,and you've messed it up again ;我刚扫干净地板,
[11:32.31]by dropping bits of paper everywhere! ;你又把纸屑弄得到处都 是,把地板搞脏.
[11:34.79]morderate['m⺌d㥮reit] ;a.中等的,一般的;   温和的,稳健的;   有节制的,适度的
[11:35.68]morderate['m⺌d㥮reit] ;v.(使)和缓; (使)减轻
[11:36.29]Parents should moderate their language when children are present. ;孩子们在场时,父母们讲 话应有节制.
[11:39.75]notify['n㥮utifai] ;v.通知,告知,报告
[11:41.08]When your bike is stolen,do you notify the police or just accept the bad luck? ;如果自行车被偷,你是通 知警察,还是自认倒霉?
[11:45.73]odd[⺌d] ;a.奇特的,古怪的;   临时的,不固定的;
[11:46.43]odd[⺌d] ;a.不成对的,单的;   奇数的;挂零的,剩余的
[11:46.83]Some people get odder as they grow older. ;有些人越老越古怪.
[11:49.58]parade[p㥮'reid] ;n.游行,检阅 v.(使)列队行进,   (使)游行
[11:50.82]The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. ;奥运会以参赛各国运动员 的列队行进开始.
[11:54.45]He is always parading his wealth/his knowledge. ;他总是夸耀自己的财富/ 知识.
[11:56.79]peculiar [pi'kju:lj㥮] ;a.奇怪的,古怪的; 特有的,独具的,独特的
[11:58.30]Language is peculiar to mankind. ;语言是人类特有的.
[12:01.13]personality [p㥮:s㥮'n㘚liti] ;n.个性,人格;   人物,名人
[12:02.82]The purpose of educa- tion is to develop a fine personality in children. ;教育的目的是发展孩子完 美的品格.
[12:07.15]prevail[pri'veil] ;vi.流行,盛行,获胜,    成功
[12:08.35]Truth is great and will prevail. ;真理是至高无上的,且必 将获胜.
[12:10.43]At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了惩罚.
[12:14.42]quality['kw⺌liti] ;n.质,质量;品质,品德;   性质,特性
[12:15.70]This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either. ;这种新款式质量非?? 而且也不贵.
[12:19.60]One quality of wood is that it can burn. ;木材的一个特性是可以 燃烧.
[12:22.56]reckon['rek㥮n] ;vt.认为,估计;   指望,盼望;测算,测量
[12:23.63]Do you still reckon him as your friend? ;你还认为他是你的 朋友吗?
[12:25.79]I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. ;我估计房间里至少有50 个人.
[12:28.54]scale[skeil] ;n.大小,规模;等级 [pl.]天平,磅秤;比例 (尺);刻度;鱼鳞
[12:29.03]scale[skeil] ;vt.攀登
[12:29.47]A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. ;称体重的机器上有从1磅 到300磅的刻度.
[12:34.08]The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. ;这个地图的比例是1厘米 代表1公里.
[12:37.79]The tax was scaled up/ down to 10 percent. ;税按比例增/减百分之十.
[12:40.41]wealthy['wel⺮i] ;a.富裕的
[12:41.51]If we want everyone to live a healthy,wealthy and happy life, ;如果我们想使每个人都能 过健康、富裕和幸福的生 活,
[12:45.06]strict birth control is quite essential. ;就必须实行严格的计划 生育.
[12:47.71]A man who is wealthy in compassion sometimes suffers a lot. ;感情丰富的人有时候很 遭罪的.
[12:53.16]Lesson 4 ;
[12:55.90]abundant[㥮'b⺧nd㥮nt] ;a.大量的,充足的;   丰富的,富裕的
[12:57.59]Countries abundant in natural resources ;那些自然资源丰富的国家
[13:00.24]should know how to turn this potential advantage into prosperity. ;应学会如何把这潜在的优 势化为实际的繁荣.
[13:03.61]In China,Shanghai may be the city with the most abundant human resources. ;在中国,上海或许是人力 资源丰富的城市.
[13:08.74]advise[㥮d'vaiz] ;vt.劝告,忠告;建议;    通知,告知 vi.提供意见,建议
[13:10.16]Yasir Arafat's father advised him to go into business, ;亚瑟.阿拉法特的父亲要 他从商,
[13:13.39]but he was determined to strive all out to construct an indepen- dent state ;可是他却决心为建立独立 的巴基斯坦人的国家而 奋斗.
[13:16.90]for the Palestinians. ;为巴基斯坦人.
[13:18.75]We wish to advise you that your telephone bill is due tomorrow, ;特此通知:你的电话帐单 明天到期,
[13:22.25]after which we will have no chioce but to disconnect you. ;过期未缴,我们将不得不 停机.
[13:25.52]boring['b⺌:ri㭎] ;a.令人厌烦的,乏味的,   无聊的
[13:26.59]I had expected books on philosophy to be boring, ;我原以为哲学书枯燥乏 味,
[13:29.33]but this one,Sophie's World,is fascinating. ;谁知道这本《苏菲的世 界》却妙趣横生.
[13:32.39]The lecture was boring that we couldn't help yawning. ;那场讲座真闷,我们都忍 不住要打哈欠.
[13:35.53]clap[kl㘚p] ;vt.拍,击 vi./n.拍手,鼓掌
[13:36.77]When Richard Clayderman finished the performance, ;理查德.克莱德曼结束演 出的时候,
[13:39.25]the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped. ;观众全体起立,掌声经 久不息.
[13:42.92]The coach clapped the new member on the back to suggest his encouragement. ;教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队 员的背表示鼓励.
[13:47.22]conceal[k㥮n'si:l] ;vt.隐藏,掩盖,隐瞒
[13:48.63]A teacher should learn to conceal his bad mood when giving lectures. ;教师应学会在授课的时候 掩饰自己的坏心情.
[13:52.75]contribute [k㥮n'tribju:t] ;vi.捐款,做出贡献;    有助于,促成,投稿 vt.捐,捐献
[13:54.30]Popular songs and music may be labeled as vulgar, ;流行音乐和流行歌曲也许 是庸俗的,
[13:57.27]but they contribute to our enjoyment. ;但它们使得我们更享受 生活的乐趣.
[13:59.26]The prestigious professor has said in his will ;那位名教授立下遗嘱,
[14:02.32]to contribute his collection of books to the local library. ;在他死后把他的藏书捐给 当地的图书馆.
[14:05.50]critical['kritik㥮l] ;a.决定性的,关键性的,   危急的
[14:06.88]Life will have significant change at some critical moments, ;人生往往在关键时刻会有 重大改变,
[14:09.89]so we should grasp every chance and take every critical decision seriously. ;所以我们要把握好每一个 机遇并认真对待每一个 重大决定.
[14:14.71]A critical spirit is what a reader should possess ;一个读者必须具有批判 精神,
[14:18.48]to get the most out of anything he reads. ;才会读有所获.
[14:21.22]deposit[di'p⺌zit] ;vt.使沉淀,使沉积;    存放,寄存;储蓄
[14:22.06]deposit[di'p⺌zit] ;n.定金,押金;存款;   沉积物,矿藏
[14:22.51]I left a 10,000-yuan deposit toward the purchase of a Sail. ;为了买一台赛欧车,我留 下1万元人民币的订金.
[14:26.49]Millions of years later, ;数百万年之后,
[14:28.31]a thick deposit of rich fertile soil has formed in the delta. ;在三角洲地区沉淀了一 层厚厚的沃土.
[14:31.85]distress[di'stres] ;vt.使痛苦,使悲伤 n.痛苦,悲伤,忧虑;   贫困,困苦;危难,不幸
[14:33.18]When the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking, ;船长发现船在迅速下沉时
[14:35.92]he ordered his men to send out a distress signal. ;就命令船员发了遇险 信号.
[14:39.11]Two in distress makes sorrow less. ;同病相怜,同忧相救.
[14:42.47]due[dju:] ;a.应给的,应得的;预定   (应到)的;应有的,   充分的;到期的
[14:43.76]Having worked in the company for over three years, ;你在公司干了3年多了,
[14:46.11]you are due for a pay raise. ;该升工资了.
[14:47.83]Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. ;由于粗心而造成的错误可 能会引起严重后果.
[14:51.77]error['er㥮] ;n.错误,差错
[14:52.66]Computers can help check spelling errors, ;电脑能帮助检查拼写 错误,
[14:54.91]so more people's spelling is getting worse. ;所以越来越多人的拼写能 力差了.
[14:57.44]fault[f⺌:lt] ;n.缺点,毛病;?   过错;故障 vt.找...的缺点,挑剔
[14:58.59]Every man has his faults. ;人非圣贤,孰能无过.
[15:00.67]When you love a person you should love him/ her for her faults as well as his/her virtues ;当你爱一个人时,你爱他 /她的优点,也得爱他/她 的缺点.
[15:06.65]gentle['d䅟entl] ;a.和蔼的,温和的;   轻柔的,徐缓的;   不陡的,坡度小的
[15:08.20]Some girls appear gentle,but you shouldn't take it for granted ;有些女孩子表面看上去挺 温柔,但你千万别以为
[15:11.61]that they never lose their temper. ;她们从不发脾气.
[15:13.69]ideal[ai'di㥮l] ;a.理想的,圆满的;   想象的,空想的 n.理想;理想的东西或人
[15:14.88]Leonardo might be an idea lover,but he is too handsome to set a girl's mind at rest. ;列奥纳多也许可以做一个 理想的情人,但是他太英 俊了,让女孩子放心不下.
[15:20.42]incredible [in'kred㥮bl] ;a.不能相信的,不可信的  难以置信的,不可思议的
[15:21.92]People around the world can't hold their wonder ;全世界人们无不惊叹
[15:25.29]at the incredible speed at which the Chinese reconstruct their own country. ;中国人民重建其国家 的惊人速度.
[15:28.21]landscape['l㘚ndskeip] ;n.风景,景色;风景画;   全景 vt.美化...的景观
[15:29.76]I am crazy about Italian landscapes because they are colorful. ;我十分迷恋意大利风景画 因为它们色彩极为丰富.
[15:33.79]mercy['m㥮:si] ;n.慈悲,仁慈;恩惠,幸运
[15:35.12]I beg your mercy for another chance. ;求求你大发慈悲再给我一 次机会吧.
[15:37.46]multiply ['m⺧ltiplai] ;v.(使)增加,(使)繁殖;   乘,(使)相乘
[15:38.93]When animals have more food,they generally multiply faster. ;动物如果吃得多,通常繁 殖也快.
[15:42.82]If you give the workers proper incentives,efficiency will be multiplied. ;如果你给予工人适当的激 励,可以成倍地提高效率.
[15:47.69]partner['pa:tn㥮] ;n.配偶,搭档;   伙伴,合伙人 vt.做...的搭档
[15:48.84]You are losing Thomas as a friend? ;失去托马斯的友情吗?
[15:50.92]Didn't I tell you that friends should never be partners in doing business? ;我不是给你讲过,朋友之 间不要合伙做生意吗?
[15:54.60]persist[p㥮'sist] ;vi.坚持不懈,执意;    持续,继续存在
[15:56.06]On the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year. ;高山顶上,积雪终年不化.
[16:00.36]precise[pri'sais] ;a.精确的,准确的;严谨的
[16:01.90]Having won a gold medal in the Olympics, ;赢得一枚奥运会金牌,
[16:04.25]Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters. ;陶路娜以世界最准确的 神枪手之一而成名.
[16:09.43]prospect['pr⺌spekt] ;vt.勘探,勘察
[16:10.27]prospect['pr⺌spekt] ;n.前途,前景;景象,景色;   可能成为主顾的人   有希望的候选人
[16:11.02]What do you think of the prospect of cyber economy? ;你对网络经济的前景有何 看法?
[16:14.13]An insurance salesman sometimes calls on quite a few prospects ;保险公司推销员有时访问 好几个可能的顾客
[16:17.58]but fails to make a sale. ;却一笔生意也做不成.
[16:19.53]recover[ri'k⺧v㥮] ;vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.寻回,收复;使恢复    使健康;挽回,弥补
[16:20.90]Bone marrow transplantation ;做骨髓移植
[16:22.76]is the most effective way for leukaemia patients to recover. ;是白血病人得以痊愈的 最有效的方法.
[16:26.39]restrain [ris'trein] ;vt.阻止,控制;    抑制,遏止
[16:27.89]I can't restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals. ;当听到有人残酷地对待动 物的时候,我就抑制不住 愤怒.
[16:31.75]scarce[sk⺶㥮s] ;a.缺乏的,不足的;   稀少的,罕见的
[16:33.16]According to a recent study,50 years from now oil will become scarce. ;据最近的研究,50年后石 油将短缺.
[16:37.90]shield[㤘i:ld] ; n.防护物,护罩,盾 vt.防护
[16:39.14]In summer people like to wear sun glasses to shield their eyes from the sun. ;夏天人们爱戴墨镜以使 眼睛免遭太阳光照射.
[16:43.66]succeed[s㥮k'si:d] ;vi.成功;接着发生;继承 vt.接在...后面;    接替,继承
[16:44.99]As she had no son or daughter to succeed her, ;由于没有子女来继承她的 财产,
[16:47.51]the old English lady decided to leave her property to her pet dog. ;那个英国老太太决定由 她心爱的宠物狗来继 承财产.
[16:52.07]treasure['tre䅟㥮] ;n.金银财宝,财富;   珍品,珍藏品 vt.珍爱,珍视
[16:53.53]Dreams of finding lost treasures in the ancient riverbed almost came true. ;在古河床找到失去的财宝 的梦想几乎变成了现实.
[16:57.65]variation [v⺶㥮ri'ei㤘㥮n] ;n.变化,变动;变体,变种;   变秦(曲)
[16:59.06]British English, American English, Australian English and South African English ;英国英语、美国英语、 澳洲英语和南非英语
[17:03.67]are the major variations of the English language. ;是英语的主要变体.
[17:06.99]worth[w㥮:峕 ;n.价值 prep.值钱的,    相当于...价值的,    值得...的
[17:08.23]The true worth of one's friendship is demonstrated when you are in distress. ;友谊的真正价值体现在你 落难时刻.
[17:12.39]Very few places are worth visiting twice in 10 years, ;很少地方值得在10年内去 两次,
[17:15.67]but Shanghai is an exception. ;但是上海是个例外.
[17:19.83]Lesson 5 ;
[17:23.06]accident['㘚ksid㥮nt] ;n.意外遭遇,事故,   意外因素,意外
[17:24.66]Accidents will happen in the regulated families. ;[谚]家规再严,事端难免.
[17:28.20]John's had an accident;he's been run over by a car. ;约翰出事了,他被一辆小 汽车撞倒了.
[17:32.40]announce[㥮'nauns] ;vt.宣布,宣告;   声称,叙说;预示,预告
[17:34.18]The government announced that they would build a new highway ;政府宣布他们将修建一条 新公路
[17:36.92]to the mountains. ;通向山区.
[17:37.98]The invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers. ;微芯片的发明预示了新一 代计算机的诞生.
[17:42.23]candidate ['k㘚ndideit, 'k㘚ndidit] ;n.申请求职者;候选人;    投考者
[17:43.74]The Republican candid- ate George W.Bush has become President of the U.S.A. ;乔治.布什已当选为美国 总统.
[17:49.27]clash[kl㘚㤘] ;vi.发生冲突;不协调;    发出撞击声 n.冲突;不协调;撞击声
[17:50.78]This shirt clashes with your trousers. ;这件衬衣和你的裤子 不配.
[17:53.70]I failed to watch the World Cup final because it clashed with my examination. ;我没能看成世界杯 (足球)决赛,因为和我 的考试日期冲突了.
[17:58.26]compromise ['k⺌mpr㥮maiz] ;n.妥协,折中办法 vi.妥协
[17:59.15]compromise ['k⺌mpr㥮maiz] ;vt.危及...的安全;    放弃(原则,利益)
[17:59.99]I would rather die than compromise. ;我宁死不妥协.
[18:02.51]Such conduct will compromise your reputation. ;如此举动将会损害你的 名誉.
[18:05.79]contradiction [k⺌ntr㥮'dik㤘㥮n] ;n.矛盾,不一致;   否认,反驳
[18:07.34]Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs? ;又爱护动物又穿皮毛服装 是矛盾的吗?
[18:10.92]court[k⺌:t] ;n.法庭,法院;球场;??  宫廷,宫室,庭院
[18:12.07]The prisoner was brought to court for trial. ;囚犯被带上法庭受审.
[18:14.51]The court found the prisoner not guilty. ;法官判决犯人无罪.
[18:17.52]delicate['delikeit] ;a.易破碎的,脆弱的;   微妙的;娇弱的,纤细   的;精美的,精致的
[18:19.07]The international situation is very delicate at present. ;当前的国际形势十分 微妙.
[18:22.39]Delicate plants must be protected from old wind and frost. ;娇弱的植物必须妥为保护 以避免风霜的侵袭.
[18:26.64]distinction [dis'ti㭎k㤘㥮n] ;n.差别,不同;区分,辨别   优秀,杰出;荣誉,优待
[18:28.01]There is no distinction between the twins. ;在这对孪生子之间看不出 有什么明显的差别.

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