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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit1
时间:2007-9-12 21:57:28  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[18:30.45]A distinction should be made between the ;要区分
[18:32.44]primary and the secondary contradictions. ;主要矛盾和次要矛盾.
[18:34.79]economic[i:k㥮'n⺌mik] ;a.经济的,经济学的
[18:35.72]economic[i:k㥮'n⺌mik] ;n.[economics]经济学;   经济状况,经济因素;   经济意义
[18:36.34]The economic state is not good in many developing countries. ;许多发展中国家的经济状 况不佳.
[18:39.92]ensure[in'㤘u㥮] ;vt.保证,担保,确保
[18:41.43]If you want to ensure that you get the diploma, ;如果你想确保获得文凭,?
[18:43.95]you have to work harder and pass all the exams. ;就得努力些,通过所有 考试.
[18:46.96]We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way. ;我们可以保证把工作 做好.
[18:50.73]gear [gi㥮] ;n.齿轮,传动装置,(汽车   的)排挡;工具,用具 vt.使适合使适应
[18:51.79]Education should be geared to students's needs. ;教育应适合学生们的 需要.
[18:54.40]Learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving. ;开车要学会在适当的时候 换挡.
[18:57.55]feasible['fi:zib㥮l] ;a.可行的,可能的,   可用的
[18:58.65]It is feasible to apply the computer to language teaching. ;
[19:02.24]grip[grip] ;n.紧握,握牢;掌握,控制 vt.紧握,抓牢;    吸引住...的注意力
[19:03.48]The brake doesn't grip properly. ;刹车不灵.
[19:05.82]Van Gogh's "Sunflower" can always grip my imagination. ;梵高的画《向日葵》总能 引起我的想象.
[19:09.72]honorable['⺌n㥮r㥮bl] ;a.荣誉的,光荣的;   可敬的,高尚的
[19:10.96]Will the honorable member please answer the question? ;请尊敬的议员先生回答这 个问题好吗?
[19:14.06]imagination [i,m㘚d䅟i'nei㤘㥮n] ;n.想象,想象力;   空想,想象的事物
[19:15.70]In the world of words, imagination is one of the forces of nature. ;在文字世界里,想象力是 天赋的能力之一.
[19:19.90]interior [in'ti㥮ri㥮] ;n.内部;内地,腹地 a.内(部)的,内地的,   国内的
[19:21.41]Nowdays interior design is a very promising industry. ;室内设计是当今颇具前途 的行业.
[19:25.26]manufacture [,m㘚nju'f㘚kt㤘㥮] ;vt.(大量)制造,加工 n.(大量)制造,制造业 [pl.]产品
[19:26.77]All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down. ;所有制造盗版光盘的地下 工厂都必须查封.
[19:31.90]To develop manufactures to the utmost, ;若要极大地发展制造业
[19:34.38]China must have new markets for her products. ;中国就必须拥有销售其 产品的新市场.
[19:37.22]mobile['m㥮ubail] ;a.运动的,活动的,   可移动的;机动的,   流动的;易变的
[19:38.10]mobile['m㥮ubail] ;n.移动电话
[19:38.50]The mobile medical team will soon be here. ;巡回医疗队不久就要到 这儿来.
[19:41.38]Now more and more Chinese own mobile phones and they are not luxuries any more. ;现在越来越多的中国人有 手机,手机再也不是奢侈 品了.
[19:46.78]overcome[,㥮uv㥮'k⺧m] ;vt.战胜,克服;(感情等)   压倒,使受不了
[19:48.29]The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team overcome a lot of difficulty ;中国女排克服重重困 难,
[19:51.61]to win the match. ;赢得了这场比赛的胜利.
[19:53.02]permanent ['p㥮:m㥮n㥮nt] ;a.永久性的,固定的
[19:54.35]True love should be permanent. ;真爱应该是永恒的.
[19:56.30]predict[pri'dikt] ;vt.预言;预测;预示
[19:57.50]Timely snow predicts a bumper harvest. ;瑞雪兆丰年.
[20:00.46]A crystal ball is said to be able to predict the future in some Western countries. ;在一些西方国家中,人们 说水晶球可以预兆未来.
[20:05.07]proposal [pr㥮'p㥮uz㥮l] ;n.提议,建议;求婚
[20:06.53]Proposal is easier than performance. ;提议容易实行难,
[20:09.05]How could you make a proposal without a ring? ;你怎么可以去求婚而不带 上戒指呢?
[20:11.71]recreation ['rekri'ei㤘㥮n] ;n.消遣,娱乐
[20:12.95]Karaoke is many young people's favorite recreation. ;唱卡拉OK 是许多年轻人 喜欢的娱乐活动.
[20:16.93]resume[ri'zju:m] ;v.继续,(中断后)   重新开始,恢复 n.摘要,概略,简历
[20:18.66]We resumed our work after a rest. ;休息之后我们重新开始 工作.
[20:21.18]segment['segm㥮nt] ;n.部分;片段;节;弧形
[20:22.47]Do you still remember the most wonderful segment of Gone with the Wind? ;你还记得《飘》中最精彩 的片段吗?
[20:26.41]shortage['㤘⺌:tid䅟] ;n.不足,缺乏
[20:27.65]In the developed countries there's a great shortage of labor/work force. ;发达国家劳动力非常 缺乏.
[20:31.32]subtract[s㥮b'tr㘚kt] ;v.减去,减
[20:32.61]If you subtract 3 from 5,you get 2. (3 subtracted from 5 is 2.) ;5减3等于2.
[20:37.87]That subtractts nothing from his merit. ;那丝毫没有减损他的 功绩.
[20:40.75]total['t㥮ut㥮l] ;a.总的,全部的; n.总数,合计
[20:41.64]total['t㥮ut㥮l] ;vi.合计,总计 vt.计算...的总和
[20:42.21]The UN Security Council has a total of five countries as its permanent members. ;联合国安理会总共有5个 常任理事国.
[20:47.08]underline['⺧nd㥮'lain] ;vt.在...下面划线;    强调,突出
[20:48.41]Do you underline the important points ;阅读时你会将要点
[20:50.40]and things you don't understand while reading? ;和不明之处划处出来吗?
[20:54.04]Lesson 6 ;
[20:56.51]accidental [,㘚ksi'dent㥮l] ;a.意外的,偶尔发生的
[20:57.80]Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance. ;偶然的相遇使他们重续 前缘.
[21:01.25]alternative [⺌:l't㥮:n㥮tiv] ;a.两者择一的,供选择的   另类的,他择性的
[21:02.18]alternative [⺌:l't㥮:n㥮tiv] ;n.取舍,抉择,供选择的   东西;选择的余地
[21:02.80]I couldn't afford the trip to Xinjiang, ;不够钱去新疆旅游,
[21:04.97]so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. ;所以这个假期我只能呆 在家里.
[21:08.34]Have you got an alternative suggestion? ;你有没有其他的建议可 选择?
[21:10.77]career [k㥮'ri㥮] ;n.生涯,职业
[21:12.14]The technological innovation of recent years have changed the nature of many jobs ;近几年来的技术改革改变 了许多工作的性质
[21:16.31]and influenced the careers of many people. ;并影响着许多人的职业 生涯.
[21:19.01]collision[k㥮'li䅟㥮n] ;n.碰撞;冲突,抵触
[21:20.20]In Britian,a collision with the Parliament could ruin the government's plans. ;在英国,政府与议会的冲 突可能使政府的计划破产
[21:24.32]concede[k㥮n'si:d] ;vi.让步,认输 vt.(不情愿的)承认,
[21:24.98]concede[k㥮n'si:d] ;vt.承认...为真(或正确) (在结果确定前)承认失败  允许,让与
[21:25.65]The Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known. ;大选结果一揭晓,民主党 就承认失败.
[21:30.07]After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land. ;第一次世界大战后,德国 让与其邻国许多宝贵的 领土.
[21:35.39]contribution [,k⺌ntri'bju:㤘㥮n] ;n.贡献,促成作用;   捐款,捐献物;   (投给报刊等的)稿件
[21:36.94]Mr.He Zhenliang has made an important contribution to the Olympic bid. ;何振梁先生为申奥做出了 重大贡献.
[21:41.90]custom['k⺧st㥮m] ;n.习俗;风俗;惯例 [pl.]海关,关税
[21:43.36]In ancient times the custom of shaking hands ;在古时候,握手的惯例
[21:46.10]served to transfer power or authority. ;用以表示转让力量或 权威.
[21:48.80]devote[di'v㥮ut] ;vt.把...专用于;    将...奉献给
[21:49.95]Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick. ;护士致力于护理病人的 事业.
[21:52.79]The magazine Nature is devoted to science. ;《自然》杂志专门刊载科 技文章.
[21:55.80]donation [d㥮u'nei㤘㥮n] ;n.捐赠品,捐款;   捐赠,赠送'
[21:57.13]Bill Gates made a donation of 100 million U.S.dollars ;比尔.盖茨捐赠了1亿 美元
[22:00.01]to the Global AIDS and Health Fund. ;给全球艾滋病健康基金会
[22:02.26]embarrass[im'b㘚r㥮s] ;vt.使窘,使尴尬,    使不好意思
[22:03.68]The decline of sales embarrassed the company. ;销路下降使公司陷于财政 困难.
[22:06.34]It embarrassed him (He was embarrassed) ;他觉得很尴尬
[22:07.71]when he found he hadn't enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. ;当他发现自己不够钱请女 友吃晚饭时,
[22:11.61]exlusive[iks'klu:siv] ;a.奢华的,高级的;   独有的,独享的;   排斥的,排他的;
[22:12.49]exlusive[iks'klu:siv] ;a.(~of)不包括...的 n.独家新闻
[22:13.11]Hair is exclusive in mammals. ;毛发是辅乳动物独有的.
[22:15.50]Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. ;有的记者愿意不惜一切的 获取独家新闻.
[22:19.49]fiction['fik㤘㥮n] ;n.小说
[22:20.68]Truth is often stranger than fiction. ;真事常常比小说还离奇.
[22:23.38]general['d䅟en㥮r㥮l] ;n.将军 a.一般的,普通的;总的,   全体的;笼统的,大体的
[22:24.80]The Conservative Party failed in the general election for all their pains. ;尽管保守党费尽了心机, 还是在大选中遭到了 失败.
[22:28.79]I like games in general,and especially football. ;各种运动我一般都喜欢, 尤其是足球.
[22:32.68]humble[h⺧mb㥮l] ;vt.使谦虚,使...卑下
[22:33.79]humble[h⺧mb㥮l] ;a.卑贱的,地位(或身份)   低下的;谦虚的,   谦逊的;简陋的,低劣的
[22:34.14]Defeat and failure may make people humble. ;挫折和失败会使人变得 谦卑.
[22:37.15]infinite['infinit] ;a.无穷的,无限的,   无边无际的
[22:38.35]Infinite space surrounds the Earth. ;地球周围围绕着无限的 空间.
[22:40.74]judgement ['d䅟⺧d䅟m㥮nt] ;n.看法,评价,意见;   判断,判断力;   审判,判决
[22:42.02]As a qualified premier he is a man of good judgement. ;作为一个很有才干的总 理,他具有很强的判断 力.
[22:45.65]The judgement was in her favor and she was released from custody. ;判决对她有利,她被当庭 释放.
[22:49.59]miss[mis] ;n.小姐 vt.未击中,未达到;    未赶上;惦念;未注意    到,未明白;避免
[22:50.66]Don't miss our bargain offers! ;本店大减价,勿矢良机!
[22:52.87]Miss India was honored with Miss Globe for the year 2000. ;印度小姐荣膺2000年度 环球小姐.
[22:56.24]opposite ['⺌p㥮zit','⺌p㥮sit] ;prep/ad.在对面 a.对面的;相反的,对立的 n.对立面,对立物
[22:57.47]It is said that opposites attract. ;都说异性相吸.
[22:59.73]My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours? ;我的观点正相反,你接受 与你的意见相对立的意见 吗?
[23:04.38]performance [p㥮'f⺌:m㥮ns] ;n.演出,表演.履行,执行;   工作情况,表现;   工作性能
[23:05.76]Windows 98 has a very satisfactory performance. ;Windows 98 的性能令 人很满意.
[23:09.16]He is faithful in the performance of his duties. ;他忠于职守.
[23:12.22]pledge [pled䅟] ;n.保证,誓言 vt.保证,许诺
[23:13.46]Take this gift as a pledge of our friendship. ;把这个作为我们友谊象征 的礼物收下吧.
[23:15.89]You must be pledged to keeping the secret. ;你必须誓守秘密.
[23:18.82]profit['pr⺌fit] ;n.利润,收益,益处 vt.有益于,有利于 vi(~by,~from)得益
[23:20.32]We can profit by making mistakes. ;我们可以从错误中得到 教益.
[23:22.80]We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you. ;我们希望我们的批评和建 议将对你有所裨益.
[23:26.61]recognition [,rek㥮g'ni㤘㥮n] ;n.认出,识别;   承认,确认,认可;   赏识,表彰,报偿
[23:28.25]Henry Tanner received widespread recognition ;亨利坦纳受到了 广泛的承认,
[23:30.90]for his naturalistic painting of plantation life. ;是由于他对种植园生活的 自然主义描画.
[23:33.60]The arms race leads to the recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be resumed. ;军备竞赛使超级大国认识 到必须重开军备谈判.
[23:39.67]reflect[ri'flekt] ;v.反射,映现;反映,显示;   深思,反省,考虑
[23:41.04]Baseball reflects America's history, just as Roslyn Mazer put it. ;罗斯林.马泽尔说过,棒 球反映出美国的历史.
[23:45.47]A child's bad behavior reflects on his home training. ;孩子的坏行为可归咎于家 教不严.
[23:49.19]sacrifice ['s㘚krifais] ;n.牺牲,舍身;葬品;   献祭,供奉
[23:50.70]A mother would sacrifice her life for her children. ;母亲为自己的孩子操劳 一生.
[23:53.79]shock[㤘⺌k] ;n.震动,冲击;震惊,惊鄂;   休克;电震,电击 v.(使)震惊
[23:54.99]It was a great shock for him when his wife died. ;妻子的死对他是一种沉重 的打击.
[23:57.38]I was shocked when I heard about your accident. ;当我听到你出事后我很 震惊.
[23:59.99]talk[t⺌:k] ;vi.讲话,谈论,交谈 vt.讲,说,谈论
[24:00.88]talk[t⺌:k] ;n.谈话,会讲;讲演,讲话;   会谈;闲话,流言蜚语
[24:01.32]I hate talk and no action. ;我讨厌光有一大堆空话而 无实际行动.
[24:03.58]Peace talks between the two sides will be held again in Seoul soon. ;双方不久将在汉城重开 和谈.
[24:07.56]true[tru:] ;a.真实的,确实的;   真正的;真的;忠实的,  忠诚的;正确的,精确的
[24:08.72]It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, ;确实,城市能提供许多方 便和娱乐,
[24:12.30]which is the very reason why people can't bear to part with city life. ;这正是人们为什么不愿 放弃城市生活的主要原 因.
[24:16.29]variety[v㥮'rai㥮ti] ;n.品种,种类;   变化,多样性,多样化
[24:17.75]The secretary complained that her paperwork lacked variety. ;秘书抱怨她的文书工作缺 少变化.
[24:21.38]watch[w⺌t㤘] ;n.表;看管,监视
[24:21.91]watch[w⺌t㤘] ;v.注视,观看;看守,   监视,照看;小心,当心
[24:22.35]You have to watch it when you step onto the ice. ;你走上冰面时一定要 留神了!
[24:25.45]Keep watch against thieves! ;谨防小偷!
[24:29.44]Lesson 7 ;
[24:32.54]accommodation [㥮,k⺌m㥮'dei㤘㥮n] ;n.[常pl.]住处,膳宿
[24:34.04]The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for many Chinese students ;住宿昂贵使很多中国留 学生感到生活困难.
[24:38.11]in London. ;在伦敦
[24:39.13]alliance [㥮'lai㥮ns] ;n.结盟,联盟
[24:40.15]China is a nonaligned country and will never enter into other countries' alliances. ;中国是不结盟国家,不会 加入其他国家的联盟.
[24:45.15]In the Second World War,the United States, Britian, ;在第二次世界大战中, 美、英、
[24:48.52]France and some other countries made an alliance against German Fascists. ;法等国家结成联盟反对 德国法西斯.
[24:52.99]coarse [k⺌:s] ;a.粗的,粗糙的;   粗劣的;粗俗的
[24:54.27]On the stage, ;在台上,
[24:55.38]a stand-up comedian is performing a coarse imitation of President Bush. ;一位滑稽说笑的戏剧演员 正粗劣地模仿布什总统.
[24:59.19]Ultraviolet rays,dust, air-conditioning can make your skin coarse. ;紫外线、灰尘、空调等都 会使皮肤粗糙.
[25:03.97]concern[k㥮n's㥮:n] ;n.关切的事有关的事;   关心;担心;关系;   公司,企业
[25:04.86]concern[k㥮n's㥮:n] ;vt.涉及,有关于;使担 心,使关心
[25:05.43]Weak financial posture of "Netease" is starting to concern its stockholders. ;“网易”的财政危机 已开始困扰股东.
[25:10.48]A girl's concern is different from a boy's. ;女孩子关心的事和男孩子 所关心的不一样.
[25:13.62]crucial['kru:㤘㥮l] ;a.至关重要的,决定性的
[25:15.00]Generally in science, the 19th century is reckoned ;在科学领域中,19世纪通 常被看成是
[25:18.28]as the crucial period for the change in the structure of science. ;科学结构发生变化的关 键时期.
[25:21.68]Selecting a location is crucial to the opening of a store. ;地点的正确选择对开店是 至关重要的.
[25:25.58]defend[di'fend] ;vt.保卫,??    为...辩护,   为……(论文等)答辩
[25:27.13]Fan Zhiyi is better at attacking than defending. ;范志毅的进攻优于防守.
[25:30.76]The soldiers swore to defend the Nansha Isles against invasion ;战士们誓言保卫南沙群岛 不受侵犯.
[25:35.45]dominant['d⺌min㥮nt] ;a.占优势的,支配的,   统治的;居高临下的,   高耸的
[25:37.09]Russia is the dominant nation in Eastern Europe. ;俄罗斯是东欧的主要 国家.
[25:39.97]The Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s, ;宇宙大爆炸理论最初于20 世纪20年代提出,
[25:43.20]acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. ;这是宇宙形成的最具权威 性的解释.
[25:46.34]emphasize['emf㥮saiz] ;vt.强调,着重,加强的    语气
[25:48.11]Our government must use mass media to emphasize ;我们的政府要通过大众媒 体强调
[25:50.79]the important of a clean environment and the harm of polluted environment. ;营造清洁环境的重要性 以及一个受污染的环 境的危害性.
[25:55.24]Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize. ;计算机分析的市场报告可 以用来帮助决策现在着重 发展何种产品.
[26:00.20]execute['eksikju:t] ;vt.处死,处决;实施,    执行,完成
[26:01.49]McVeigh was executed for his crime. ;迈克维被处决,他是罪有 应得.
[26:04.27]The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager. ;经理助理到这里来是代替 经理办几件小事的.
[26:09.37]file [fail] ;n.挡案,卷宗,文件;   文件夹,公文柜;纵列
[26:09.81]file [fail] ;vt.把文件归档,把登记  备案,提出...申请书等
[26:10.25]file [fail] ;vi.(~for)提出,排成纵   队行进
[26:10.87]Here's our file on the results of the business in the past five years. ;这是我们过去五年来经营 成绩的案卷.
[26:14.59]Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data ;计算机技术使将大量资料 贮存在
[26:18.40]in machine-readable files. ;可机读的文档成为可能.
[26:21.01]glance[gla:ns,gl㘚ns] ;vt.看一眼;扫视 n.一瞥,扫视
[26:22.56]It was said that Hua Tuo,the well-known Chinese doctor in ancient times, ;据说,中国古时候的名 医华佗
[26:26.41]could tell whether a person was ill with one glance at his face. ;只要朝人脸上看一眼, 就知道他是否有病.
[26:30.53]humor ['hju:m㥮] ;n.幽默,诙谐;   情绪,心情
[26:31.68]The humor in Hawthorn's writing is not be absorbed in a hurry. ;霍桑作品中的幽默不是一 下子能领会的.
[26:35.49]People appreciate working with Mark Twain because he has a good sense of humor. ;人们喜欢和马克.吐温一 起工作,因为他很有幽 默感.
[26:40.05]influence['influ㥮ns] ;n.影响(力);产生影响的  人(或事物);势力,权势 vt.影响
[26:41.20]Family influence dominates the shaping of one's characteristics. ;家庭的影响对于塑造一个 人的性格起主要作用.
[26:45.36]lease[li:s] ;n.租借,租约 vt.出租;租有,租得
[26:46.47]The firm leases an office with views over the river. ;公司租有一个带临河风景 的办事处.
[26:49.83]When does the lease expire? ;租约什么时候期满?
[26:52.09]The lease has four years left. ;租约还有4年到期.
[26:54.79]offense[㥮'fens] ;n.犯规,违法行为;   得罪,冒犯
[26:56.52]Guangdong province has promised a reward of up to 300,000 yuan ($36.000) ;广东省承诺,可以给多达 30万元(36,000美元) 的赏金
[27:00.59]to drug offense informers ;给毒品犯罪举报人,
[27:02.45]if they provide important information on drug trafficking. ;如果他们能提供毒品走私 的重要情报.
[27:06.04]It's an offense to drive a car at night without lights. ;夜晚行车不开灯是违 章的.
[27:09.23]Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings. ;种族灭绝是违反文明人的 道德规范的罪行.
[27:13.34]penalty['pen㥮lti] ;n.处罚,惩罚,罚金
[27:14.76]A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty ;足球队员在比赛中会受到 黄牌或红牌处罚
[27:18.26]for his unnecessary roughness during the match. ;因其不必要的粗暴行为.
[27:21.14]position[p㥮'zi㤘㥮n] ;n.位置,方位;地位,职务;   姿势;见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置
[27:22.38]I am not in a position to lend you money because I am broke myself. ;我没能力借钱给你,因为 我自己也花光了.
[27:26.67]Many fans position themselves in the Beijing airport to greet Ricky Martin. ;许多歌迷站在北京机场的 出口处迎接瑞奇.马丁.
[27:31.45]promise['pr⺌mis] ;n.承诺,诺言;希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应;    有...可能,有希望
[27:31.94]promise['pr⺌mis] ;vt.允诺;有指望,有前途
[27:33.00]Remember to carry out your promise.(Remember to carry out what you have promised.) ;记住要履行诺言.
[27:38.01]Clouds give promise of rain.(Clouds promise rain.) ;阴云预示着雨的来临.
[27:40.71]reference['refr㥮ns] ;n.提到,谈及;参考,查阅;  参考书目;证明书(或人)  推荐信(或人)
[27:42.26]We are now forwarding you a catalog for your reference. ;现寄去我方产品目录以供 参考.
[27:45.36]I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned. ;我辞职的时候向IBM公司 索取了自荐信.
[27:49.96]resource [ri's⺌:s,'ris⺌:s] ;n.[pl.]资源,财力;   应付方法,谋略
[27:51.24]The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big companies. ;人力资源部是许多大公司 的一个重要部门.
[27:56.11]Zhuge Liang was a man of great resource. ;诸葛亮是个足智多谋 的人.
[27:59.43]scan[sk㘚n] ;vt.细看,审视;    浏览;扫描 n.扫描
[28:00.85]Many people like to scan the newspaper while having breakfast ;许多人喜欢在吃早饭的时 候浏览一下报纸.
[28:04.70]Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land. ;迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要 细看有无危险.
[28:09.75]sheer[㤘i㥮] ;a.完全的,十足的;   陡峭的,垂直的;   极薄的,透明的
[28:10.42]sheer[㤘i㥮] ;ad.垂直的,陡峭的 v.(~off)急转向,偏离
[28:10.90]Sucess is not achieved by sheer luck. ;成功不是完全靠运气取 得的.
[28:13.91]"Mentholatum" sheer color balm is a new product loved by young girls. ;“曼秀雷敦”薄色润唇膏 是新推出的产品,受到女 孩子们的喜爱.
[28:19.01]state[steit] ;n.状态,情况;   国家,政府;州 vt.陈述,说明
[28:20.51]A healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life. ;健康的心态是幸福生活的 源泉.
[28:23.74]Please state your name,age and occupation in a few words. ;请用简短的话陈述一下你 的姓名,年龄和职业.
[28:23.87]succession [s㥮k'se㤘㥮n] ;n.连续,继承继任;   一连串,一系列
[28:25.03]The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, ;奥运会以火把到达体育场 为开始,
[28:28.39]lighted on Mount Olympus by the sun's rays ;火把在奥林匹斯山上用 太阳光点燃,
[28:31.15]and carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. ;并由一个接一个的选手送 到体育场.
[28:34.41]tolerance['t⺌l㥮r㥮ns] ;n.宽容,容忍;忍耐(力)
[28:36.05]Turn the volume down, please.My tolerance to noise is limited. ;请把音量关小,我对嗓音 的忍耐力是有限的.
[28:40.61]Tolerance between the races in the world is a global goal. ;世界各民族间的互相宽容 是全球的目标.
[28:44.51]tremendous [tr㥮'mend㥮s] ;a.巨大的;精彩的,   了不起的
[28:45.79]Some pop fans had a tremendous night at the theater last night with Leon's concert. ;昨天晚上一些流行歌迷在 剧院听黎明的音乐会,度 过了一个美妙的夜晚.
[28:50.88]Like the other parts of China, ;与中国其他地方一样,
[28:52.92]Dalian has also made tremendous progress in its social and economic development. ;大连在社会经济发展方面 也取得了巨大的进步.
[28:58.10]trend[trend] ;n.倾向,趋向,趋势;   时尚,时新款式
[28:59.32]The growth in the American population in the 1950s ;20世纪50年代美国人口 的增长
[29:02.33]partly derived from a trend toward earlier marriages ;部分是因为早婚的倾向
[29:05.56]and an increase in the average size of families. ;以及家庭平均规模的 扩大.
[29:08.62]SOHO has become a new international trend. ;在家办公已成为一种国际 时尚.
[29:12.16]unexpected [,⺧nik'spektid] ;a.想不到的,意外的
[29:13.66]Noise can have unexpe- cted harmful effects on performance in certain kinds of tasks ;噪音会对某些任务的完成 有意想不到的不利影响.
[29:18.58]Many unexpected things would happen in one's life. ;人的一生中会发生很多意 想不到的事.
[29:22.03]virtually ['v㥮:tju㥮li] ['v㥮:t㤘u㥮li] ;ad.实际上,事实上
[29:23.49]Some manufacturers make all sorts of promises, ;有些生产商许下各种各样 的诺言,
[29:26.37]but it virtually means nothing. ;但事实上却啥也不做.
[29:28.58]If we travel by Concorde,New York and Paris are virtually neighbours. ;如果乘搭协和式飞机旅 行,纽约和巴黎几乎是 邻居.
[29:33.45]weakness ['wi:knis] ;n.虚弱,衰弱,软弱;   弱点,缺点;偏好,嗜好
[29:35.05]Education as a mirror of a society,can help us see the strengths, the weakness, ;作为社会的一面镜子,教 育可以帮助我们看清这种 文化本身的优点、缺点、
[29:40.63]the hopes,the prejudices,and the central values of the culture itself. ;希望、偏见和起支配作用 的价值观.
[29:45.19]Women have a weakness for shopping. ;女士都有爱逛街的嗜好.

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