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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit3A
时间:2007-9-12 22:34:12  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[08:24.43]terrific[t㥮'rifik] ;a.极妙的;极大的
[08:25.58]In the newly-completed movie theater we saw a terrific film by Sharon Stone. ;在新落成的电影院我们看 了一部有莎朗.斯通演的 极妙的电影.
[08:30.02]timid['timid] ;a.羞怯的,胆小的
[08:30.84]You are every inch as timid as a mouse.Just speak up! ;你真是十足地胆小如鼠. 大声说出来吧!
[08:34.01]unemployment [婠knim'pl⺌im㥮nt] ;n.失业,失业人数
[08:35.32]Unemployment hurts every person in the country, ;失业对国内的每一个人 都有害,
[08:37.91]not just those who have lost their jobs. ;而不仅是那些丢掉饭碗 的人.
[08:40.46]vein[wein] ;n.经脉,血管;叶脉;   纹理,纹路
[08:41.36]Along the edge of the mountain there is a rich vein of silver. ;沿着山脉的边上,有丰富 的银矿脉.
[08:44.61]warfare['w⺌:f⺶㥮] ;n.战争(状态);   斗争,冲突
[08:45.76]Under certain conditions, ;在某些条件下,
[08:47.16]guerrilla warfare works better to the overall victory than trench warfare. ;对于战争全局的胜利 来说,游击战比阵地战 更有效.
[08:53.36]Lesson 31 ;
[08:56.90]ample['㘚mpl] ;a.足够的;   宽敞的,面积大的
[08:57.88]We have ample money for the journey. ;我们有足够的钱去旅行.
[08:59.77]biography [bai'⺌gr㥮fi] ;n.传记
[09:01.05]A biographer tends to flatter the person he intends to write about in his biography. ;传记作者常常在传记中美 化他的传主.
[09:05.90]brisk[brisk] ;a.轻快的,生机勃勃的;   兴隆的,繁忙活跃的;   寒冷而清新的
[09:07.01]Britney Spears speaks in a brisk tone, drawing everyone's attention. ;布瑞特妮.斯皮尔斯讲话 声调轻快,引人注目.
[09:10.70]bronze[br⺌nz] ;n.青铜;青铜色;青铜   (艺术)制品,铜牌
[09:11.69]King David's statue was made of bronze and it attracted many sculptors. ;大卫王的塑像是用青铜 铸造的,吸引了无数的雕 塑家.
[09:15.51]captive['k㘚ptiv] ;a.被俘虏的,被捕获的 n.俘虏
[09:16.54]Lying in my hospital bed, ;躺在医院里的病床上,
[09:18.18]I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories. ;我只好听那些乏味的旧 故事.
[09:22.09]Catholic['k㘚⺮lik] ;a.天主教的;   [C-]普通的,广泛的 n.天主教徒
[09:23.07]Most non-Christians find it hard to under- stand why a Catholic isn't a Protestant. ;非基督徒很难理解天主 教徒与基督教徒有什么 不同.
[09:27.51]commend[k㥮'mend] ;vt.表扬,称赞;推荐
[09:28.50]We should commend good people and good deeds. ;我们应当表扬好人好事.
[09:31.50]deem[di:m] ;vt.认为,视为
[09:32.77]Murdock deemed it was time for a change,so he quit the Time- Warner Corporation. ;默多克觉得是换换环境的 时候了,于是辞职离开了 时代-华纳公司.
[09:37.09]doom[du:m] ;n.厄运,劫数 vt.注定,命定
[09:38.07]With its natural habitat shringking day by day, ;随着它的栖息地日益萎 缩,
[09:40.87]the species is doomed to extinction. ;这个物种命中注定要 灭绝.
[09:43.33]drought[draut] ;n.干旱,旱灾
[09:44.15]When a drought wrecks havoc,millions of people are compelled to run for life. ;当旱灾肆虐的时候,数百 万的人被迫将流离失所.
[09:48.10]endeavor[in'dev㥮] ;n.努力,尽力,尝试
[09:49.29]Sweden has failed in its endeavor to rank among the world powers in table tennis. ;瑞典本想在世界乒乓球 强国中占有一席之地, 但是失败了.
[09:53.69]endow[in'dau] ;vt.资助,捐赠,向…捐钱  (或物)(~with)给予,  赋予,认为具有某种特质
[09:54.80]Great musicians like Mozart and Beethoven certainly were endowed with musical talent. ;像莫扎特,贝多芬一类的 伟大音乐家确实具有音乐 天赋.
[09:59.44]feminine['feminin] ;a.女性的,女子的;   女子气的
[10:00.51]Michael Jackson has a feminine face after the face-lifting. ;整容后,迈克尔.杰克逊 有着一张女性气质的脸.
[10:04.00]formulate['f⺌:mjuleit] ;vt.构想出(计划、方法等    规划(制度等);系统    地(或确切地)阐述
[10:05.07]The idea of setting up this corporation was formulated over coffee. ;喝咖啡的时候,设立该 公司的想法形成了.
[10:08.81]gossip['g⺌sip] ;n.流言蜚语;爱说长道短   的人; vi.传播流言蜚语,    说长道短
[10:09.88]It is ridiculous that here newspapers are read mainly for their gossip columns. ;真滑稽,这里的人们读报 主要是冲着闲话栏目而去
[10:14.40]heritage['heritid䅟] ;n.遗产,继承物,传统
[10:15.59]Every generation has the duty to pass down heritage of knowledge from the past. ;每一代人都有责任把过去 继承的知识传下去.
[10:19.86]imperative [im'per㥮tiv] ;a.必要的,紧急的,   极重要的;命令的 n.必要的事必须完成的   事;祈使语气
[10:21.14]It is absolutely imperative that the whole international community ;国际社会共同行动,
[10:24.14]works together to stop polluting the earth. ;制止环境污染是极为 必要的.
[10:26.27]lame[leim] ;n.跛的,瘸的;站不住脚   的,差劲的,蹩脚的
[10:27.26]Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late. ;睡过了头不能成为迟到 的充足理由.
[10:29.97]mash[m㘚㤘] ;vt.(~up)把…捣成糊状 n.糊状物
[10:30.92]Mother mashed the potatoes and made a potato cake. ;妈妈把土豆捣成糊状, 做了土豆饼.
[10:33.47]mock[m⺌k] ;vt.嘲笑,嘲弄;   (为了取笑)模仿 vi.嘲笑,嘲弄 a.模拟的,演习的;假的,
[10:34.12]He made us laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke. ;他模仿老师说话的样子, 把我们都逗笑了.
[10:37.16]nickel['nikl] ;n.镍;(美国和加拿大的)   五分钱,五分镍币
[10:38.31]To buy that pudding, the poor old gentleman counted out dimes, nickles,and cents. ;为了买那个布丁,那位可 怜的老先生数出了一堆1 角、5分、1分面值的硬币
[10:42.47]Don't take any wooden nickels. ;[美俚](临别用语) 再见,多加小心.
[10:44.72]oath['㥮u⺮] ;n.誓言,誓约;   咒骂,诅咒语
[10:45.96]A new prime minister should take an oath to rule by the constitution. ;新首相需宣誓遵守宪法.
[10:49.90]paralyze['p㘚r㥮laiz] ;vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹;    使丧失作用;    使惊谔,使呆若木鸡
[10:51.01]The electricity failure paralyzed the train service. ;电力中断使得列车无法 运行.
[10:53.89]pope[p㥮up] ;n.[常the P-](天主教)   教皇,罗马主教
[10:54.83]The Pope holds the hightest position of the Roman Catholic Church. ;教皇在罗马主教堂中的 地位最高.
[10:58.08]reap[ri:p] ;vt.收割,收获;    获得,得到
[10:59.23]They are just shameless:we invented the idea and they reaped its profit. ;他们真是寡廉鲜耻:主意 是我们想出来的,好处却 被他们占了.
[11:03.67]reminder[ri'maind㥮] ;n.使人忆起某事之物   (人);提示
[11:04.82]If they don't pay their bills,send them a reminder. ;如果他们拖欠帐单不付, 给他们送一张催帐单去.
[11:07.82]This album is the only reminder left of my college days. ;惟有这本相册能让我想起 大学时光.
[11:11.44]shabby['㤘㘚bi] ;a.破旧的;衣衫褴褛的;   卑鄙的,不公平的
[11:12.26]She looks rather shabby in that shabby old dress. ;她穿着那件破旧的裙子 显得寒酸.
[11:14.81]silicon['silik㥮n] ;n.硅
[11:15.83]Silicon Valley has been hailed as a symbol of creativity and success. ;硅谷作为创新与成功的象 征而被人们推崇.
[11:19.82]sovereign['s⺌vrin] ;n.君主,元首 a.至高无上的,   拥有最高统治权的   具有独立主权的
[11:20.89]The true sovereigns of a country are those who determine its mode of thinking. ;国家的真正领袖是那些 决定该国思想方式的人.
[11:24.87]successor[s㥮k'ses㥮] ;n.接替的人或事物, 继任者
[11:26.11]J.F.Kennedy Sr. would have blown his top ;老肯尼迪会气冲牛斗
[11:28.39]at hearing what his unworthy successor had done. ;要是老肯尼迪知道他卑 鄙的继任者的所作所为 的话.
[11:31.12]witch[wit㤘] ;n.女巫,巫婆
[11:32.02]Why are witches always depicted as bad in fairy tales? ;为什么在童话里巫婆总 是邪恶的代表呢?
[11:37.20]Lesson 32 ;
[11:40.16]appendix[㥮'pendiks] ;n.阑尾;附录
[11:41.27]For further information, ;如果想做进一步了解,
[11:42.70]please refer to the appendixes at the end of the book. ;请参阅书后的附录.
[11:45.17]bless[bles] ;vt.(~with)使有幸得到,   使具有;为…祈神赐福   (或保佑)
[11:46.16]The farmers are blessing propitious winds and rains. ;农民们正在祈求 风调雨顺.
[11:49.73]buzz[b⺧z] ;n.嗡翁声,嘈杂的谈话声 vi.发出嗡翁声,发出嘈    杂的谈话声;
[11:50.93]What's all this buzzing about?Can't you discipline yourselves? ;你们在嘤嘤嗡嗡做什么? 你们安静点不行吗?
[11:54.50]carve[k?v] ;vt.切,把…切碎(或切    成片);雕刻,刻
[11:55.61]The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root. ;天才的艺术家把这块树根 雕成一件有趣的装饰品.
[12:00.30]commonwealth ['k⺌m㥮nwel⺮] ;n.联邦,联合体
[12:01.77]The former USSR republics ;前苏联共和国
[12:03.88]formed by themselves the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS). ;自发组成了“独立国家 联合体(独联体)”.
[12:07.24]denounce[di'nauns] ;vt.谴责,指责;告发
[12:08.31]The president's speech denounced the killing of hostages by the terrorists. ;总统的讲话谴责了恐怖 分子对人质的杀害行为.
[12:12.50]disturbance [dis't㥮:b㥮ns] ;n.扰乱,打扰;骚乱,   混乱;烦恼,心神不定
[12:13.73]The noise of cars passing along the road ;马路上的车辆声
[12:15.73]is a continual disturbance to our quiet home. ;不断扰乱我们家中的 安宁.
[12:18.38]ecology[i:k⺌l㥮d䅟i] ;n.生态,生态学
[12:19.73]When the ecology of a region is disturbed,it takes years to return to normal. ;如果一个地方的生态被 破坏,往往要多年才能恢 复正常.
[12:24.17]flank[fl㘚㭎k] ;n.肋,肋腹;侧翼 vt.位于…的侧面
[12:25.16]During the march,we were attacked on our left flank,but they got no advantages. ;行军途中,敌人向我们的 左翼发起了进攻,但是他 们没有占到便宜.
[12:29.92]foul[faul] ;a.难闻的,发臭的;   糟透了的;污浊的,   下流的,(天气)恶劣的
[12:30.58]foul[faul] ;vt.(比赛中)对…犯规;    弄脏,污染 n.(比赛中的)犯规
[12:30.87]It's a foul night tonight, ;今夜天气坏极了,
[12:32.22]it's pouring with rain,with thundering and lightning. ;大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣,
[12:35.18]generalize ['d䅟n㥮r㥮laiz] ;vt.概括,归纳,推断
[12:36.38]Knowledge is generalized experience. ;知识是经验的总结.
[12:38.63]hinge[hind䅟] ;n.铰链
[12:39.58]The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge,so it doesn't open easily. ;小提箱箱盖的铰链坏了, 因此不容易打开.
[12:43.52]incorporate [in'k⺌:p㥮reit] ;vt.包含,加上,吸收;    把…合并,使并入
[12:44.80]The three largest Japanese banks incorporated ;日本最大的三家银行合 并,
[12:46.98]into the world's largest banking group. ;组建了全球最大的金 融集团.
[12:49.03]legend['led䅟㥮nd] ;n.传说,传奇故事;   传奇人物
[12:50.02]Pele,Maradonna and other footballing legends have become household figures. ;贝利、马拉多纳等足球界 传奇人物早已成为家喻户 晓的名字.
[12:55.24]masterpiece ['ma:st㥮pi:s] ;n.杰作
[12:56.76]The famous French writer Dumas Sr. once wrote that Dumas Jr. was his masterpiece. ;法国大文豪大仲马曾经写 道,他的儿子小仲马是他 的杰作.
[13:02.30]monopoly[m㥮'n⺌p㥮li] ;n.垄断,专卖;   垄断商品,专卖商品
[13:03.54]The influence of mass media has made new technical terms ;大众传媒的影响已使新的 技术术语
[13:06.70]no longer the monopoly of the specialist. ;不再为专家们所垄断.
[13:09.46]nominal['n⺌minl] ;a.名义上的,有名无实的;   (费用等)很少的,   象征性的
[13:10.73]In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal. ;在君主立宪制中,国王和 王后只是象征性的,
[13:14.43]The country is ruled by the prime minister and the cabinet. ;国家由首相和内阁统治.
[13:17.51]opaque[㥮u'peik] ;a.不透明的,不透光的;   难理解的,晦涩的
[13:18.62]Bathroom window panes are usually made of opaque glass. ;洗澡间的窗玻璃通常是用 不透明的毛玻璃做的.
[13:21.99]pave[peiv] ;vt.铺(路),铺筑
[13:23.14]This agreement is expected to pave the way for a lasting peace ;人们期待这个协议将为 持久和平铺平道路.
[13:26.43]between the two countries. ;两国之间的
[13:28.28]plague[pleig] ;n.瘟疫,鼠疫;灾难,祸患 vt.使痛苦(难受)   给…造成困难(或麻烦)
[13:29.43]The incidence of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportions. ;营中霍乱流行已酿成瘟 疫之灾.
[13:33.33]preach[pri:t㤘] ;vt.宣讲(教义),布道;    竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教
[13:34.11]You have faith in him? He is just a triger preaching benevolence. ;你居然相信他?他就像一 只老虎鼓吹仁道一样.
[13:37.97]recite[ri'sait] ;vt.背诵,朗诵;列举, 一一说出vi.背诵,朗诵
[13:39.21]don't encourage him,or he will recite the whole family history. ;你可别鼓励他,要不他会 把他的家族史和盘托出.
[13:42.99]reckless['reklis] ;a.鲁莽的,不考虑后果的
[13:44.14]I never think it's advisable for ordinary people to possess guns, ;我从来认为普通人拥有枪 支是不好的,
[13:47.96]they might be reckless under certain conditions. ;因为在某些情况下他们 会不考虑后果的.
[13:50.75]simultaneous [妔im㥮l'teinj㥮s] ;a.同时发生的,同步的,   同时存在
[13:52.15]There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert of ;那场音乐会由电视和无线 电台同时播送,
[13:54.69]the world's three most renowned tenors on TV and radio. ;这场音乐会有全球最著名 的三位男高音歌唱家参加
[13:58.11]trench[trent㤘] ;n.沟,沟渠
[13:59.42]The soldiers are opening trenches to prepare for yet another, ;士兵们正在挖战壕,准备 应对敌军另一次
[14:02.38]more violent attack from the enemy troops. ;更猛烈的攻击.
[14:04.68]unify['ju:nifai] ;vi.使联合,使统一;    使相同,使一致
[14:05.88]In my opinion,Abraham Lincoln was honored mostly in the U.S. ;在我看来,美国人尊重 林肯,
[14:09.08]because he unified the country. ;主要是他保持了美国的 统一.
[14:10.85]verge[v㥮:d䅟] ;n.边,边缘 vi(~to)接近,濒临
[14:11.79]Don't blame her;she is on the verge of tears. ;别再责备她了, 她都哭了.
[14:14.38]ward[w⺌:d] ;n.病房;(城市的)区;   受监护人
[14:15.12]Let's try to ward off any potential problems. ;我们还是尽量避免任何 可能出现的问题吧.
[14:17.67]weary['wi㥮ri] ;a.疲劳的,疲倦的;使   人疲劳的,令人厌倦的 vi.(~of)厌烦,不耐烦
[14:18.62]Weary of his prototyped roles in the motion picture, ;厌倦了在影片中的固定的 角色,
[14:21.74]Ricky Martin decided to try something different. ;瑞奇.马丁决心另辟蹊径.
[14:25.39]Lesson 33 ;
[14:27.90]apt[㘚pt] ;a.易于,有…倾向;   恰当的,适宜的;   聪明的,反应敏捷的
[14:28.97]The former world heavyweight boxing champion,Tyson,is apt to get irritable. ;世界前重量级拳击冠军泰 森很爱发怒.
[14:33.70]blunt[bl⺧nt] ;a.钝的,爽直的,   直言不讳的 vt.使迟钝,使减弱
[14:34.60]Too much alcohol made the young driver's sense blunt. ;大量喝酒使得那个年轻 司机感觉迟钝.
[14:37.72]brutal['bru:tl] ;a.野兽般的,残忍的;   无情的,冷酷的
[14:38.67]Those white four Los Angeles policemen ;四个洛杉矶白人警察
[14:40.86]gave the black suspect brutal treatment and killed him. ;野蛮拷打那个黑人 嫌疑人,使其毙命.
[14:43.68]burial['beri㥮l] ;n.葬,掩埋,葬礼
[14:44.67]In view of her popularity,Diana's burial was a worldwide event. ;由于戴安娜深受人们喜 爱,她的葬礼令全球 瞩目.
[14:48.78]certify['s㥮:tifai] ;vt.证明,证实;发证书   (或执照)给
[14:49.85]This butter is certified Grade A and is certainly of the best quality. ;这黄油被验证为A级, 当然是质量最好的.
[14:53.54]climax['klaim㘚ks] ;n.高潮,最令人兴奋   (感兴趣)的部分
[14:54.65]The play was brought to a climax when the colossal ship ;当那艘庞然大物般的轮船 载着男主角
[14:57.37]slowly went down with the male protagonist. ;缓缓下沉时,故事达到 高潮.
[15:00.04]cordially['k⺌:dj㥮li] ;ad.热情友好地,热诚地
[15:01.19]On arriving at the station, ;友好代表团到达火车站时
[15:02.67]the goodwill delegation was cordially welcomed by the mayor. ;受到市长的热诚欢迎.
[15:06.00]dentist['dentist] ;n.牙科医生
[15:06.98]Have you heard that your teeth are your second name card? ;你有没有听说过,牙齿是 人的第二张名片?
[15:09.65]Perhaps you should make an appointment with the dentist. ;或许你该去看看牙医.
[15:12.41]diploma[di'pl㥮um㥮] ;n.毕业文凭,资格证书,   毕业证书
[15:13.72]The Nobel Foundation give a Peace Prize to Kim Dae Jung and along with it a diploma. ;诺贝尔基金会向金大中颁 发了和平奖并附有一张 证书.
[15:18.20]electrician [奿lek'tri㤘㥮n] ;n.电工,电器技师
[15:19.47]The electricity has gone out send an electrician as soon as possible. ;没电了,尽快找个 电工来.
[15:23.58]enclosure[in'kl㥮u䅟㥮] ;n.围场,四周有篱笆(或   围墙等)的场地;   (信中的)附件
[15:24.90]There's a special enclosure where you can look at the horses before the race starts ;这里有一处特备的围场, 在比赛前你可以先看看 马.
[15:28.93]fragile['fr㘚d䅟ail] ;a.易碎的,脆的,依损   坏的;虚弱的,脆弱的
[15:29.99]These thin glass wares are fragile.Put them in wooden boxes. ;这些很薄的玻璃器皿依 碎.把它们放进木箱子 里吧.
[15:33.69]geology[d䅟i'⺌l㥮d䅟i] ;n.地质学;地质情况
[15:34.97]Geology is useful in many ways, ;地质学在许多方面都是有 用的,
[15:36.77]such as helping decide whether a high-rise may be built in a certain spot. ;比如,可以帮助确定能否 在某处地段上修建高楼.
[15:40.72]hug[h⺧g] ;vi.(热烈地)拥抱;紧抱,    怀抱 vt.互相拥抱,抱紧在一起 n.紧抱;互相拥抱
[15:41.62]Seeing her son safe and sound after the accident,the mother bugged him tightly. ;眼见儿子在事故后平安 无恙,母亲紧紧拥抱着 儿子.
[15:45.28]inland['inl㥮nd] ;a.内地的,内陆的 ad.在内地,向内地   (或内陆)
[15:46.22]Brazil moved its capital inland to Brasilia ;巴西把首都内迁到巴西利 亚
[15:48.49]in order to develop its economy around the new capital. ;以发展新都一带的经济.
[15:51.61]limp[limp] ;a.松软的,无生气的,无   精神的;软的,松沓的 vi.一瘸一拐地走 n.跛行
[15:52.72]Injured when trying to get the ball,that footballer limped off the football field. ;争球的时候受了伤,那个 足球队员一瘸一拐地走出 足球场.
[15:56.62]meadow['med㥮u] ;n.草地
[15:57.61]The cattle are grazing in the meadow. ;牛养在草场上吃草.
[15:59.70]monster['m⺌nst㥮] ;n.怪物;巨人,巨大的   东西;极其残酷的人 a.巨大的,庞大的
[16:00.77]Frankenstein is a monster created by Mary Shelley, ;弗兰肯斯坦是玛丽.雪莱
[16:03.48]A laboratory creature that brought near-disaster. ;塑造的产自实验室的怪物 差点带来灾难.
[16:06.48]motel[m㥮u'tel] ;n.汽车旅馆
[16:07.51]In the U.S. people driving over long distance like to spend their nights in motels ;在美国,长途驱车的人喜 欢在汽车旅馆过夜,
[16:11.95]because their cars can be serviced there. ;因为他们的车可以得到 检修.
[16:14.37]novelty['n⺌v㥮lti] ;n.新奇事物;   新奇,新奇感,新奇性;   新颖小巧而廉价的物品
[16:15.65]Cars were a novelty in 1900 but now hundreds of millions of people drive them every day. ;在1900年,汽车是个新 奇的玩意,但时至今日, 每天上亿人开着车.
[16:20.41]outbreak['autbreik] ;n.(战争,情感,火山,   疾病等)爆发,(疾病,   虫害等)的突然发生
[16:21.65]The outbreak of the Great Depression in the 1930's ;20世纪30年代“大萧条” 的爆发
[16:24.32]shocked everyone because there was no sign of it whatsoever. ;让所有的人震惊不已,因 为在那之前似乎毫无迹象
[16:27.65]presume [pri'zju:m] [pri'zu:m] ;vt.推测,假定,(没有证   据地)相信;认定,推定   冒昧(做),擅(做) vi.擅自行事
[16:28.76]I presume from your pronunciation and intonation that you are a foreigner. ;按你说话的语音语调, 我推测你是个外国人.
[16:32.50]If a person is missing for 7 years he is presumed dead. ;假如一个人失踪7年,即 作已经亡论.
[16:36.24]reclaim[ri'kleim] ;vt.要回;开垦(荒地);    回收
[16:37.39]A legend goes that Holland reclaims more land from the sea than its original size. ;传说荷兰填海造地获得 的土地面积比它原来的 国土面积还大.
[16:42.11]resemblance [ri'zembl㥮ns] ;n.相似,形似
[16:43.30]Twins often show great resemblance. ;孪生儿常显示出酷似的 相貌.
[16:46.18]scar[sk?] ;n.伤疤,伤痕;   (精神上的)创伤 v.(给…)留下伤痕   (或创伤)
[16:47.45]A long scar across his cheek makes him look fiendish, but he is very good-natured. ;他棉颊上的长疤令他看起 来很凶恶的样子,但是他 却很善良.
[16:52.34]skeleton['skelit㥮n] ;n.骨骼,框架,骨干;   梗概,提要
[16:53.62]This is just the skeleton of the plan. The details will come later. ;这只是计划的梗概.细节 稍后才出来.
[16:57.23]spacious['spei㤘㥮s] ;a.宽敞的,宽广的
[16:58.30]China has the most spacious square in the world-the Tian'anmen Square. ;中国有世界上最大的广 场,那就是天安门广场.
[17:01.96]tilt[tilt] ;v.(使)倾斜,(使)倾侧 n.倾斜,倾侧
[17:02.86]During a conversation, he likes to tilt his head forward,to show he is very attentive. ;和人说话的时候,他喜欢 把头往前倾,表明他很 专注.
[17:07.38]tract[tr㘚kt] ;n.传单,小册子;   大片(土地或森林)
[17:08.41]Under this wild tract of desert,a large reserve of oil was found last year. ;去年,在这大片的沙漠地 带之下,发现了大量的石 油储备.
[17:13.55]versus['v㥮:s㥮s] ;prep.与…为对手,对;     与…相对,     与…相比之下
[17:14.70]The coming competion is actually Beijing versus Toronto. ;最后的竞赛实际是北京对 多伦多.
[17:18.40]Which will laugh till the last? ;谁会笑到最后呢?
[17:22.10]Lesson 34 ;
[17:25.10]assert[㥮's㥮:t] ;v.肯定地说,断言;   维护,坚持

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