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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit3A
时间:2007-9-12 22:34:12  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[17:26.12]Copernicus asserted before the church that there was nothing wrong with his theory. ;在教会面前,哥白尼坚持 声称他的理论没错.
[17:30.15]astronomy [㥮'str⺌n㥮mi] ;n.天文家
[17:31.38]As a scientific discipline,astronomy developed earlier than most other subjects. ;作为一门学科,天文学 比其他学科发展得都早 一些.
[17:35.86]boycott['b⺌ik⺌t] ;vt./n.拒绝参加,     (联合)抵制
[17:37.05]For a few days every year,people in South Korea will boycott everything Japanese. ;每年都有几天韩国人会 抵制一切来自日本的东 西.
[17:41.33]bud[b⺧d] ;n.叶芽,花蕾 vi.发芽,萌芽
[17:42.48]When trees are budding everything seems to be full of vitality. ;当树发芽的时候,一切都 显得生机勃勃.
[17:46.46]bulletin['bulitin] ;n.(报纸、电台等)简明   新闻,最新消息;公布,   布告,公报;学报,期刊
[17:47.45]After Ronald Reagan was shot, ;里根总统被刺以后,
[17:49.09]a lot of people read the latest bulletin about the President's health. ;很多人阅读关于总统健康 状况的最新公报.
[17:52.59]coincidence [k㥮u'insid㥮ns] ;n.巧合,巧事;   (意见、爱好的)   一致,符合
[17:54.15]By a strange coincide- nce we happened to be travelling on the same train. ;巧得出奇,我们正好坐 同一列火车.
[17:57.89]There is a coincidence of interests between our two countries. ;我们两国之间有着共同 的利益.
[18:01.34]contradict [妅⺌ntr㥮'dikt] ;vt.反驳,否认…的真实    性;与…矛盾/抵触
[18:02.74]His actions contradict his declared moral principles.What a hypocrite! ;他的行为违背了他所宣 称的道德准则.真是个 伪君子!
[18:07.46]descendant [di'send㥮nt] ;n.后代,后裔
[18:08.53]Today's bicycles are descendants of the earlier velocipede. ;今天的自行车是从早期的 脚踏车发展而来的.
[18:11.86]dispise[dis'paiz] ;vt.鄙视,看不起
[18:12.97]No one will despise you so long as you respect yourself. ;主要你尊重自己,没有人 会鄙视你.
[18:16.26]dispatch[dis'p㘚t㤘] ;vt.派遣,发送,调遣 n.急件,快信;(记者发回 的)新闻报道;调遣,派遣
[18:17.45]We have arranged for the goods to be dispatched to you at once. ;我们已为立即向你方发运 商品做好了准备.
[18:20.69]As the items he has ordered are in urgent need,they have to be sent by dispatch. ;由于他所需的产品为其所 急需,这些产品须由快递 发货.
[18:25.79]dreadful['dredful] ;a.可怕的;糟透了的,   极不合意的
[18:26.98]I've had a dreadful day-everything seems to have gone wrong. ;我度过了很糟糕的一天, 每件事好像都出了差错.
[18:30.93]ensue[in'sju:] ;vi.接着发生,接踵而来,    因而产生
[18:32.28]Serious problems will ensue if something is not done about gang rivalry now. ;如果目前对于黑帮团伙坐 视不理,将来会产生严重 的后果.
[18:36.97]furious['fju㥮ri㥮s] ;a.狂怒的,暴怒的,激烈的
[18:38.12]Davis will be furious and violent if his ball was intercepted. ;如果有人中途截获了戴 维斯的球,他会暴怒, 从而变得凶猛.
[18:42.39]fuse[fju:z] ;n.保险丝,熔丝;导火线,   导火素 v.熔合,合并
[18:43.95]You'll blow a fuse if you put the electric heater and the cooker on at the same time. ;如果你同时把电暖炉和电 热锅都开者着,保险丝会 烧断的.
[18:48.18]gigantic [d䅟ai'g㘚ntik] ;a.巨大的,庞大的
[18:49.34]Flying very high,the new ariplane looked like a gigantic bird. ;因为飞得很高,这架新 飞机看起来像一只巨大 的鸟.
[18:52.75]grin[grin] ;vi./n.咧嘴笑
[18:53.49]Seeing his stocks on the rise,he was grinning from ear to ear. ;眼见自己的股票一个劲 地往上涨,他笑得合不 拢嘴.
[18:56.65]intact[in't㘚kt] ;a.完整无缺的,未经触   动的,未受损伤的
[18:57.68]Despite his misfortunes,his faith and optimism remained intact. ;虽然他遭到一连串的不 幸,他的信心和乐观丝 毫未减.
[19:01.29]intellect['int㥮lekt] ;n.智力,理解力;   才智非凡的人
[19:02.44]Those scientists who won Nobel prizes in various sciences ;那些获得诺贝尔科学奖的 人
[19:05.37]are the intellect(s) of the age. ;无一不是当代有才智的 人士.
[19:06.92]litter['lit㥮] ;n.废弃物,被胡乱仍掉   的东西;一窝(仔崽);   (一堆)杂乱的东西
[19:07.50]litter['lit㥮] ;vt.乱扔东西于 vi.乱扔废弃物
[19:07.91]The litter in some holiday resorts really makes people feel disgusted. ;在度假胜地,仍得到处都 是的废弃物令人讨厌.
[19:11.65]multitude['m⺧ltitju:d] ;n.大量,许多 (the m~)大众,群众
[19:12.72]Do you mean to say "Fair skin covers the multitude of sins". ;你的意思是说, 一俊遮百丑?
[19:15.88]And that he may be pardoned for his past achievements? ;因为他过去的成绩,我们 就该原谅他?
[19:19.33]muscular['m⺧skjul㥮] ;a.肌肉发达的,健壮的;   肌肉的
[19:20.61]When watching a sports game,we can't help admiring the athlete's muscular bodies. ;观看比赛的时候,我们禁 不住会羡慕运动员们肌肉 发达的身体.
[19:25.17]promising['pr⺌misi㭎] ;a.有希望的,有前途的
[19:26.48]Though he is not yet a first-rate actor,he is a promising youth. ;虽然他还不是一流演员, 他确实是个有前途的小 伙子.
[19:29.98]pursuit[p㥮'sju:t] ;n.追求,寻求;   追赶,追逐;   [常pl.]嗜好,消遣
[19:31.04]In the pursuit of profit,businesses make people's lives conven- ient and colorful. ;在追求利益的同时,商业 公司也使得人们的生活更 方便、更多彩.
[19:35.73]slum[sl⺧m] ;n.贫民窟
[19:36.80]Poverty and illness are common in the slums,but things are bound to improve. ;在贫民窟,贫穷和疾病 盛行,但是情况一定会改 善的.
[19:41.15]snack[sn㘚k] ;n.快餐,小吃,点心
[19:42.02]Snack bars have become a familiar sight in most big cities ;快餐店在大城市里随处 可见,
[19:45.10]and they are young people's favorites. ;成为年轻人的至爱.
[19:47.40]splash[spl㘚㤘] ;vi.溅,泼 n.溅出的水,  (光、色等)斑点
[19:48.47]Don't splash me;I don't want to get wet with all these clothes. ;不要往我身上泼水,我不 想弄湿身上的衣服.
[19:51.96]staircase['st⺶㥮keis] ;n.楼梯
[19:53.36]This is just a flight of staircase.There is still a long way to go. ;这只是一段楼梯,还有好 长一段呢.
[19:57.18]stitch[stit㤘] ;v.缝,绣 n.(缝、绣、编织的)  一针,线迹;缝法,针法,  编织法;突然剧痛
[19:58.25]A stitch in time saves nine. ;及时的一针顶日后的 九针.
[20:00.51]Thanksgiving ['⺮㘚㭎ks,givi㭎] ;n.(基督教)感恩节
[20:01.74]Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday in November, ;感恩节即每年11月第4个 星期四,
[20:04.41]kept in the U.S. as a holiday ;是美国的一个假日,
[20:06.21]on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered in. ;原为庄稼收成后感谢 上帝恩典.
[20:10.00]tolerant ['t⺌l㥮r㥮nt] ;a.宽容的,容忍的
[20:11.23]As friends,we should be tolerant and understanding with each other. ;朋友必须要互相宽容并 互相谅解.
[20:14.81]trait[treit] ;n.特征,特点,特性
[20:15.55]Thousands of years later people are still arguing vehemently ;数千年后,任命依然在热 烈争论,
[20:18.47]against each other over whether personality traits are born or learned. ;究竟个性是先天就有的 还是后天习得的.
[20:22.78]trifle['traifl] ;n.琐事,小事,无价值   的东西 vi.(~with)嘲笑,轻视
[20:24.05]He is always worrying about trifles losing sight of his main objectives. ;他总是担心琐事,失去了 人生的主要目标.
[20:29.56]Lesson 35 ;
[20:32.77]attendant [㥮'tend㥮nt] ;n.服务人员,侍者,随从 a.伴随的,随之而产生的
[20:33.88]The leakage of the 100 thousand ton oil and the attendant circumstance ;10万吨原油泄漏以及其后 的情况
[20:37.74]threatened the marine lives. ;对海洋生物产生巨 大威胁.
[20:39.34]brace[breis] ;n.支架,托架 vt.支住,撑牢;使防备,    使受锻炼,使绷紧
[20:40.58]He braced one of his feet against the wall and stood on the other foot for three hours. ;他用一只脚顶着墙角站 稳,用单脚立地达3小时 之久.
[20:45.34]bull[bul] ;n.公牛,雄兽;(对股市行 情)看涨的人,买进证券 (或商品等)投机图利者
[20:46.25]When it is a bull market,a lot of people will be attracted to the stock market, ;当股市上涨的时候,很多 人被吸引入市,
[20:50.11]without realizing the coming risks. ;全然不顾风险在逼近.
[20:52.61]closet['kl⺌zit] ;n.橱,壁橱 a.私下的,隐蔽的 vt.把…引进密室会谈
[20:54.01]Two days before the election, ;在选举前两天,
[20:55.53]the candidate suddenly came out of the closet and denounced the proposed law. ;竞选人忽然打破缄默, 公开谴责提议的法律.
[20:59.19]commodity[k㥮'm⺌diti] ;n.商品,货物
[21:00.34]Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Haier sells abroad. ;空调是海尔许多种出口 商品中的一种.
[21:04.74]cradle['kreidl] ;n.摇篮;策源地,发源地 vt.轻轻地抱,捧
[21:05.72]China was the source cradle of Eastern civilization, ;中国是东方文明的起源,
[21:08.77]just as Greece was the cradle of Western culture. ;正如希腊是西方文化的发 源地一样.
[21:11.76]deviate['di:vieit] ;vi.(~from)    背离,偏离
[21:12.87]In India,a train deviated from the track, ;在印度,一辆火车脱轨 翻转,
[21:15.18]turned over and killed over 100 passengers. ;并使得100余人丧生.
[21:17.85]dine[dain] ;vi.进餐
[21:18.79]Toward evening we were told that the manager's going to dine with us tonight. ;傍晚是有人通知我们, 今晚经理要和我们一起 吃饭.
[21:22.74]disregard [奷isri'g?d] ;vt.不理会,漠视 n.忽视,漠视
[21:24.22]He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with an accident. ;他全然不知我的警告, 结果出了事故.
[21:28.00]equator[i'kweit㥮] ;n.(地球)赤道
[21:29.47]The equator divides the earth equally into the nothern and southern hemisphers. ;赤道把地球等分为南北 两个半球.
[21:33.83]escort['esk⺌:t] ;n.护卫者,护送者 vt.护送,护卫
[21:35.06]When the head of a state pays a visit, there will always be a group of escorts. ;国家元首出访时,总会 有大批护卫者.
[21:38.89]grieve[gri:v] ;vi.感到悲痛,伤心 vt.使伤心,为...而伤心
[21:39.79]It grieves me to think that ;令我一想起就伤心的是,
[21:41.07]China's football team has never appeared in the finals of the World Cup. ;中国国家足球队从来没打 进过世界杯决赛.
[21:44.72]hostage['h⺌stid䅟] ;n.人质;抵押品
[21:45.87]National policies cannot be made hostage to another country. ;一个国家的政策不能被另 一个国家所操纵.
[21:49.86]irrigation [iri'gei㤘㥮n] ;n.灌溉
[21:51.34]In areas where there is no source of water, irrigation channels are built for crops. ;在没有水源的地方,修建 了灌溉渠来种庄稼.
[21:56.10]longitude ['l⺌nd䅟itju:d] ['l⺌nd䅟itu:d] ;n.经线,经度
[21:57.46]By agreement, ;按照约定,
[21:58.40]the longitude passing through Greenwich of Observatory is called the prime meridian. ;经过伦敦格林尼治天文台 的经线被称为本初子午线 (零度经线).
[22:02.68]melody['mel㥮di] ;n.旋律,曲调;   悦耳的音乐
[22:03.83]The success of a popular composer depends on his melody. ;人们喜爱的作曲家成功的 秘诀在于他谱写的优美的 音乐.
[22:07.53]missionary ['mi㤘㥮n㥮ri] ;n.传教主
[22:09.01]In many western countries,missionaries not only preached, ;在许多西方国家,传教士 们不仅布道,
[22:12.50]but brought different ways of thinking as well. ;也带来了不同的思维 方式.
[22:14.88]mortgage['m⺌:gid䅟] ;n.抵押,抵押贷款 vt.抵押
[22:15.99]In order to start my new firm,I had to mortgage my house for the loan. ;为了开设新的公司,我只 好以房子作抵押以获得 贷款.
[22:19.94]prophet['pr⺌fit] ;n.先知;预言者
[22:21.13]Though a great footballer himself, ;尽管是个伟大的足球 运动员,
[22:23.18]Pele is a bad prophet who never predicted the result of the World Cup. ;贝利是个蹩脚的预言家. 他关于世界杯的预言从来 都是不准的.
[22:27.38]reliance[ri'lai㥮ns] ;n.依靠,依赖
[22:28.48]No reliance is to be placed on his word. He has a glid tongue. ;他的话靠不住. 他巧舌如簧.
[22:32.47]repay[ri'pei] ;vt.归还(款项);报答
[22:33.42]As she has always been so good to me,I will repay her with kindness. ;她对我一直很好,我会 报答她对我的好意.
[22:37.20]resent[ri'zent] ;vt.对…表示愤恨,怨恨
[22:38.68]Jenna,one of President Bush's twin daughters, ;事事都得征求父母的许 可,
[22:41.10]resents having to ask her parents' permission is everything she does. ;布什总统孪生女儿 之一的詹娜很不高兴.
[22:44.55]rigorous[rig㥮r㥮s] ;a.严密的,缜密的;   严格的,严厉的
[22:45.70]Having got a reliable report that a passenger who was to smuggle drugs, ;在得到可靠的情报,知道 有人将走私毒品之后,
[22:49.81]the police carried to a rigorous search. ;警察进行了严格的搜查.
[22:52.03]rim[rim] ;n.(圆形物体的)边,缘 vt.环绕(圆形或环形物    的)边缘
[22:52.89]Grandma liked to do the washing-up, ;奶奶说她喜欢洗碗,
[22:54.58]declaring she liked the pattern round the rim of plates. ;郑重其事说她喜欢盘子 边缘的图案.
[22:58.07]Mountains rimmed the valley. ;群山环绕着山谷.
[23:00.95]royalty['r⺌i㥮lti] ;n.王族(成员); [常pl.](著作的)版税
[23:02.35]In this universally democratic world of today, ;在今天普通实现民主的 世界,
[23:04.69]people naturally have special interest in royalty. ;人们自然对王室有着特殊 的兴趣.
[23:07.61]sensation[sen'sei㤘㥮n] ;n.(感官的)感觉能力;   感觉,知觉;轰动,引起   轰动的事件(或人物)
[23:08.88]At times the Western mass media go a long way to pursue what is known as sensation. ;有时,为了达到轰动效 应,西方传媒会不遗余 力.
[23:13.07]shipment['㤘ipm㥮nt] ;n.装运,装船;   装载(或运输)的货物
[23:13.87]To meet our urgent needs, ;我们急需该货,
[23:15.24]please arrange the shipment of the first of our order by the 1st available steamer. ;请搭乘最早的方便汽轮把 我们定单的首批货物运 出来.
[23:20.63]smuggle['sm⺧gl] ;v.走私,非法私运;   偷运,偷带
[23:22.32]Among other reasons, smuggling is prohibited ;禁止走私,原因很多,
[23:24.81]because it will make countries suffer losses in customs duties. ;其一便是国家会减少不少 关税.
[23:28.42]sociology [妔㥮usi'⺌l㥮d䅟i] ;n.社会学
[23:30.02]The scientific study of nature and growth of society ;社会学是对社会和社会行 为的本质
[23:32.72]and social behavior is known as sociology. ;和发展进行的科学研究.
[23:35.43]spectacle['spekt㥮kl] ;n.(大规模)演出,场面;   景象,景观;  pl.眼镜
[23:36.61]Viewed from the top of Mount Tai,the sunrise was indeed a spectacle ;从泰山顶上看去,日出真 是个奇观.
[23:40.22]Don't make a spectacle of yourself. ;不要丢人现眼了.
[23:42.30]stall[st⺌:l] ;n.货摊;小隔间;   (发动机的)熄火; [pl.]剧场的正厅前座区
[23:43.07]stall[st⺌:l] ;v.(使)(发动机)熄火;   拖延,推迟
[23:43.76]As the engine stalled on the highway,I had to call 110 for emergency. ;由于引擎在高速公路上 熄火,我只好打110紧急 求助.
[23:48.48]stride[straid] ;vi.大踏步走 n.大步;步伐,步态; [常pl.]进展,进步
[23:49.52]All my students are striding forward in English. ;我所有学生的英语在大踏 步地取得进展.
[23:52.44]sturdy['st㥮:di] ;a.强壮的,结实的,  坚固的;坚强的,坚定的
[23:53.41]Without sturdy knowledge,this mathematical problem can't be solved easily ;没有真才实学,这道数学 难题不会轻易就可以解 出来.
[23:57.37]surgeon['s㥮:d䅟㥮n] ;n.外科医生
[23:58.48]Surgeons need to know much more than medical knowledge. ;外科医生不能只懂得医学 知识.
[24:01.39]swamp[sw⺌mp] ;n.沼泽 vt.淹没,浸没;    难倒,压倒
[24:02.30]Be careful when stepping over the swamp,or you may sink in. ;踏入沼泽地时,请小心, 不然会陷入的.
[24:05.63]thesis['⺮i:sis] ;n.论文,毕业论文;   论题,论点
[24:06.60]It pains the professo- rs to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis. ;得知大学生购买事先写好 的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心.
[24:11.18]tribe[traib] ;n.部落;族(生物分类)
[24:12.57]Some African tribes have no written languages.That's why they are so backward. ;一些非洲部落没有书面文 字,这正是他们落后的原 因.
[24:17.78]Lesson 36 ;
[24:20.28]abortion[㥮'b⺌:㤘㥮n] ;n.流产,堕胎;   失败,夭折
[24:21.46]In some Catholic countries,abortion is still illegal. ;在一些天主教国家,堕胎 仍然是非法的.
[24:24.93]His plan to study in the U.S.was a abortion at last owing to his failure in TOEFL. ;由于他没有通过托福 考试,所以赴美留学的计 划最终流产了,
[24:31.45]adverse['㘚dv㥮:s] ;a.不利的,有害的
[24:32.98]The excess use of fertilizer is adverse to the environment. ;过度使用化肥对环境 有害.
[24:36.66]Adverse economic circumstances ;生意不景气
[24:38.94]cause a sharp drop in the current prices of stocks in Taiwan. ;致使台湾的股市急剧下跌
[24:42.29]baffle[b㘚f㥮l] ;vt.使困惑,难住
[24:43.26]Some English idioms often baffle English learners. ;有些英语成语经常使英语 学习感到困惑.
[24:46.66]cater['keit㥮] ;vi.迎合;承办酒席
[24:47.70]TV programs must cater to many different tastes. ;电视节目必须迎合各种人 的爱好.
[24:50.82]bibliography [奲ibli'⺌gr㥮fi] ;n.参考书目;(有关某   一专题的)书目
[24:52.21]An academic paper must include the bibliography in its end. ;学术论文最后必须注明 参考书目.
[24:55.75]criterion [krai'ti㥮ri㥮n] ;n.标准,准则
[24:56.93]It is unacceptable to say popularity is the only criterion of a good novel. ;把是否流行作为判断一本 好小说的惟一标准是让人 难以接受的.
[25:01.65]defendant[[di'fend㥮nt] ;n.被告
[25:02.76]In the trial,the defendant,Hu Changqing is accused of committing bribery. ;被告人胡长清在审判中被 指控犯有受贿罪.
[25:07.76]donate[d㥮u'neit] ;v.捐赠,赠送
[25:08.67]To help the suffering people weather the severe winter, ;为了帮助灾区人民度过 严冬,
[25:11.23]citizens who were spared from the flood were called on to donate money, ;政府号召没受洪灾 的人们捐赠钱,
[25:15.12]food and clothes. ;食物和衣服.
[25:16.79]epidemic[奺pi'demik] ;n.流行?涣鞔?盛行 a.流行性的,流传极广的
[25:18.04]There was an epidemic of cholera in Thailand in 1998. ;1998年泰国曾经流行过 霍乱.
[25:21.51]explicit[ik'splisit] ;a.明确的,明晰的;   毫不隐瞒的
[25:22.83]The coach had to give very explicit instructions ;教练不得不给非常 明确的指导.
[25:25.39]to each player on the Chinese football team. ;中国足球队每名队员
[25:27.55]fabulous['f㘚bjul㥮s] ;a.极好的,巨大的,   寓言般的
[25:28.59]During the two world wars,the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. ;在两次世界大战期间, 垄断资本家大发横财.
[25:32.96]forum['f⺌:r㥮m] ;n.论坛,讨论会,   专题讨论节目
[25:33.93]The letters page of New York Time's is a forum for public argument. ;《纽约时报》的读者来信 版面是公众辩论的论坛.
[25:37.96]groan[gr㥮un] ;vi./n.呻吟(声)抱怨 (声);(因承受重压而发 出的)吱吱声,响声
[25:38.93]I have no alternative but to groan when I have a terrible toothache. ;牙痛很厉害的时候,我 无可奈何,只能发出呻 吟声.
[25:42.27]The chair gave a groan when the heavy woman sat down. ;当那个胖女人坐下时, 椅子发出吱吱声.
[25:45.39]harassment [h㥮'r㘚sm㥮nt] ['h㘚r㥮sm㥮nt] ;n.骚扰;烦恼
[25:46.78]There have been quite a lot of cases of sexual harassment ;美国海军中已发生过多 起
[25:49.62]against women in the American navy. ;针对女性的性骚扰事件.
[25:52.05]integral['intigr㥮l] ;a.必不可少的,必需的
[25:53.16]Practice is an integral part of language learning. ;练习是语言学习必不可 少的一部分.
[25:55.73]Steel is an integral part of a modern skyscraper. ;钢铁是现代摩天大厦的 主干.
[25:58.79]irrespective [奿ri'spektiv] ;a.不考虑的,不顾及的
[26:00.04]Irrespective of where you decide to turn to for help and support, ;不管你决定从哪里得到帮 助和支持,
[26:03.30]it is important that you do not delay. ;重要的是你不能耽误.
[26:05.94]identification [ai奷entifi'kei㤘㥮n] ;n.身份证明;鉴定,认出
[26:07.46]Do you have any identification? ;你有什么能证明你身份 的证件吗?
[26:09.48]The identification of the fingerprints was quickly done. ;指纹的鉴定很快就完 成了.
[26:12.46]momentum[m㥮u'ment㥮m] ;n.动力,冲动,势头
[26:13.57]A falling object gains momentum as it falls. ;下落的物体下落时动量 增加.
[26:16.98]mortal['m⺌:t㥮l] ;a.致命的,终有一死的
[26:18.09]It is an indisputable fact that man is mortal. ;人(早晚)都会死,这是 无可争辩的事实.
[26:20.93]narrative['n㘚r㥮tiv] ;n.故事,记叙文;叙述
[26:21.90]The astronaut gave a narrative of her strange experience in space. ;宇航员叙述了自己在太空 的奇妙经验.
[26:25.45]overt[㥮u'v㥮:t] ;a.公开的,不隐蔽的
[26:26.42]Most British people ;大多数英国人
[26:27.77]are disgusted with the overt love relationsh- ip between Prince Charles and Camilla. ;对查尔斯王子和卡米拉公 开 的情人关系感到反感.
[26:32.25]We should learn to fight with the enemy in an overt and covert way. ;我们应学会同敌人作公开 的和隐蔽的斗争.
[26:36.27]parameter[p㥮'r㘚mit㥮] ;n.参数
[26:37.52]X+2Y=7 is an equation which has 2 parameters ;X+2Y=7 是一个含有2个 参数的方程式.
[26:41.83]partition[pa:'ti㤘㥮n] ;n.分隔物,隔墙;分隔
[26:42.80]Now in most offices there are partitions between desks, ;现在大多数办公室内的办 公桌均有隔离物隔开,
[26:45.44]so people do have some privacy. ;这样人们的确有点隐 秘感.
[26:47.80]redundant[ri'd⺧nd㥮nt] ;a.多余的,过剩的
[26:48.98]Many jobs and labor workers are made redundant by automation. ;自动化使许多工种和劳动 力变得多余.
[26:53.01]recur[ri'k㥮:] ;vi.再发生,重现
[26:53.98]The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me. ;孔繁森的崇高品质和事迹 经常在我脑海里再现.
[26:58.91]sacred['seikrid] ;a.神圣的,宗教的
[27:00.37]Ingla Gandhi considered it a sacred duty to fulfill her dead father's wishes. ;英杰拉.甘地认为完成她 已故父亲的遗愿是她神圣 的职责.
[27:05.78]salute[s㥮'lu:t] ;n.敬礼,致意 vt.向…敬礼,向…致敬;    赞扬,颂扬
[27:07.10]It is a universal custom for a solider to salute his officer in the army. ;士兵向军官行军礼,在 军队里这是一种普遍的 习惯.
[27:11.40]tempo['temp㥮u] ;n.(音乐的)速度;   节奏,行进的速度
[27:12.51]The tempo of life in a modern city is very quick. ;许多都市生活的节奏 很快.
[27:15.11]Quick tempo and big noise make me dislike rock music. ;由于节奏快、噪音大, 我不喜欢摇滚乐.
[27:18.65]testimony['testim㥮ni] ;n.证词;见证,证明
[27:19.90]The psychiatrist gave testimony that ;精神病医生有证言说,
[27:21.98]the young man who tried to assassinate President Regan was insane at that time. ;那个企图暗杀里根总统的 年青人当时精神失常.
[27:26.15]vocational [v㥮'kei㤘㥮n㥮l] ;a.职业的,业务的
[27:27.26]Does your company provide vocational training? ;你们公司提供培训吗?
[27:29.55]watertight ['w⺌:t㥮tait] ;a.防水的;无懈可击的
[27:30.80]The agent of the Buick Auto Company is extremely cautious in making the contract ;别克汽车公司的代理在 做合同时非常谨慎,
[27:35.70]lest it is not watertight enough to prevent unnecessary loss. ;以免合同不够严密, 遭受不必要的损失.

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