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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit3B
时间:2007-9-12 22:45:46  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[19:01.17]consecutive [k㥮n'sekjutiv] ; a.连续的;连贯的;    顺序的
[19:02.08]I am extremely busy every week on three consecutive days, ;我每星期连续三天 都非常忙,
[19:05.42]Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. ;是在星期一、星期二、 星期三.
[19:07.84]consensus [k㥮n'sens㥮s] ;n.一致同意,   多数人的意见,舆论
[19:09.59]The voters' consensus was that the capital penalty should not be abolished. ;大多数选民的意见是 不应该废除死刑.
[19:14.25]What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting? ;下午会议上一致的 意见是什么?
[19:17.84]consequent ['k⺌nsikw㥮nt] ;a.作为结果的,   随之发生的
[19:19.00]His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work. ;他因病缺席很久, 耽误了很多课程.
[19:23.25]contend [k㥮n'tend] ;v.斗争,竞争,主张;   辩论;声称
[19:24.17]The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. ;被警方声称证据是 不可接受的.
[19:27.57]discrepancy [di'skrep㥮nsi] ;n.差异,不一致;   矛盾,偏差,误差
[19:28.90]There was a discrepan- cy in the two reports of the loss of the earthquake in India. ;对于印度这次地震的损 失,两份报告不一致.
[19:33.36]discrete [di'skri:t] ;a.分离的,分立的,   无联系的
[19:34.61]The picture consisted of a lot of discrete spots of color. ;这幅由许多零散的色 点组成.
[19:38.70]disrupt [dis'r⺧pt] ; vt.使中断,干扰
[19:39.61]An accident of the collision of a truck with a train ;一辆卡车与一列火车 相撞的事故
[19:42.70]has disrupted railroad services into and out of Paris. ;中断了进出巴黎市的 铁路交通.
[19:46.77]Protesters in Poland disrupted Clinton's speech. ;波兰的抗议者干扰了 克林顿的演说.
[19:50.18]exceptional [ik'sep㤘㥮n㥮l] ;a.例外的,特殊的,   优越的,杰出的
[19:51.43]Mozart showed exceptional musical talent when he was only 3 years old. ;莫扎特3岁就表现出 非凡的音乐才能.
[19:55.61]execution [奺ksi'kju:㤘㥮n] ;n.执行;实行;执行遗嘱;   处决,处死
[19:56.86]Executions used to be held in public. ;死刑过去常常当众执行.
[19:59.52]forthcoming [f⺌⺮'k⺧mi㭎] ;a.即将到来的;准备好的;   乐意帮助的;友善的
[20:00.51]When she was asked why she was absent for the party,no answer was forthcoming. ;当问到她为什么没来参加 晚会,她不作任何回答.
[20:05.09]We asked several villagers the way to the mine,and they are very forthcoming. ;我们向好几个村民询问 通往矿山的路,他们都 很乐意帮助.
[20:09.85]fracture ['fr㘚kt㤘㥮] ;v.(使)破裂;(使)断裂 n.骨折,挫折
[20:11.02]A fracture in any part of the body can be very serious in elderly people. ;老年人身体的任何部位 发生骨折都有可能成为 严重疾患.
[20:14.93]hysterical [hi'sterik㥮l] ;a.歇斯底里的,   异常兴奋的
[20:16.26]On hearing the news that he was elected senator,he was in hysterical laughter. ;一听到他当选参议员 的消息,他一阵狂笑.
[20:20.85]insane [in'sein] ;a.毫无见识的,   患精神病的;疯狂的
[20:21.84]You must be insane to drive your car so fast ;你把车开得那么快, 一定是疯了.
[20:24.76]instrumental [奿nstru'ment㥮l] ;a 有帮助的;有作用的;   仪器的,器械的,   乐器的
[20:25.76]Technical innovation is instrumental in improving the quality products. ;技术革新有助于提高 产品的质量.
[20:29.59]Encouragement is more instrumental for the development of children than blame. ;鼓励比责备对孩子的 成长更有帮助.
[20:33.91]insulate ['ins㥮let] ;vt.使绝热;使绝缘;    隔离;使孤立
[20:35.16]The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people. ;王室人员都毋须应付 平民所面临的许多困难.
[20:39.66]Many houses in the north are warm in winter ;北方的许多房子在 冬天很暖和,
[20:41.92]because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost. ;因为它们都作了隔热 处理,使热量不致散失.
[20:44.75]locality [l㥮u'k㘚liti] ;n.地区,地点,现场
[20:45.91]Localities,even individual villages developed their own languages. ;许多地区,甚至各村子 都有他们自己的语言.
[20:49.90]module ['m⺌dju:l] ;n.模块,组件;  (宇宙飞船上独立的)舱
[20:50.83]It is very fast to use computation module to process files. ;利用计算模块来处理文挡 速度很快.
[20:54.90]numerical [nju:'merik㥮l] ;a.数字的,用数表示的,   数值的
[20:55.83]We do not have any numerical information about casualties of the earthquake. ;我们还没有有关地震 伤亡人数方面的报告.
[20:59.58]prone [pr㥮un] ;a.易于…的;   倾向于…的;俯卧的
[21:00.58]Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter. ;体弱的孩子在 冬天易患感冒.
[21:03.70]propagate ['pr⺌p㥮geit] ;vi.繁殖;增殖 vt.繁殖,增殖;    传播,宣传
[21:04.69]Most plants propagate by seed. ;大部分植物用种子繁殖.
[21:06.69]Water easily propagates sound. ;水容易传导声音.
[21:08.94]resultant [ri'z⺧lt㥮nt] ;a.作为结果发生的,   合成的
[21:10.10]Her rudeness and resultant criticism from her parents made her ashamed. ;她没有没有礼貌结果 被父母批评,这使她 很羞愧.
[21:14.10]retention [ri'ten㤘㥮n] ;n.保留,保持
[21:15.02]The retention of old technology has slowed the company's growth. ;延用旧技术阻碍了 该公司的发展.
[21:18.52]retrospect ['retr㥮uspekt] ;n.回顾,回想;   怀旧,追忆
[21:19.69]The retrospect that the Chinese football team ;回想起中国男子足球
[21:21.84]has been repeatedly defeated in the important matches was depressing. ;在重大比赛中屡战屡败 真是令人沮丧.
[21:25.80]spouse [spauz] ;n.配偶(指夫或妻)
[21:26.80]You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse. ;你可以选择与配偶一起 或分开交纳所得税.
[21:30.37]sponge [sp⺧nd䅟] ;n.海绵,海面体 vt.用湿布或海绵擦拭
[21:31.38]Young people should not sponge of their parents. ;年轻人应该不依赖父母.
[21:34.06]stabilize ['steibilaiz] ;v.(使)稳定,使稳固
[21:35.06]The primary task of the police is to stabilize the social order. ;警察的首要任务是 稳定社会秩序.
[21:38.38]stereotype ['steri㥮utaip] ;n.陈腔滥调,老套 vt.套用老套,   使一成不变
[21:39.72]Regional stereotypes ;地区性旧习
[21:40.97]have been part of America since its founding Westerners are trendy, ;自从美国建国以来就 成为它的一部分.
[21:44.63]Midwesterners are dull Northeasterners are brainy,and Southerners are lazy. ;西部人时髦,中西部人 木讷,东北部人机智, 南方人懒惰.
[21:49.47]It's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike. ;把人们看作都是一样的, 这是错误的.
[21:52.72]traverse ['tr㘚v㥮s] ;vt.横过,穿过,经过
[21:54.13]The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway traverses almost half of China. ;京广铁路几乎穿越 大半个中国.
[21:57.63]I have to intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture. ;在这次演讲中我不打算 详细讨论这一点.
[22:01.71]triple ['trip㥮l] ;a.三倍的,三部分的 vt.使成三倍
[22:03.13]The manager tripled his income. ;经理使他的收入增加两倍 (增至三倍).
[22:05.13]verbal ['v㥮:b㥮l] ;a.口头的,语言的;   用词的;动词的
[22:05.96]Verbal communication is primary in our social interaction. ;口头交际是我们社交 中最主要的交际方式.
[22:10.46]Lesson 44 ;第四十四课
[22:13.00]artery ['a:t㥮ri] ;n.动脉,要道
[22:14.07]The railway system is regarded as the artery of our country. ;铁路系统被视为 我国的大动脉.
[22:17.98]ascertain [婠[s㥮'tein] ;vt.弄清,查明;确定
[22:18.98]Biologists have ascertained that ;生物学家已经确定
[22:20.72]specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. ;有专门的细胞把化学能 转变成机械能.
[22:24.53]aspiration [婠[sp㥮'rei㤘㥮n] ;n.热望,渴望;志向
[22:25.78]Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor. ;年幼的爱迪生就渴望 成为一名发明家.
[22:29.70]contention [k㥮n'ten㤘㥮n] ;n.(辩论的)论点,   争论,争辩
[22:31.20]Clumbus's contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct. ;事实证明哥伦布认为 地球是圆的这论点是 对的.
[22:34.77]The study of English requires effort and contention of mind. ;学习英语需要勤奋和 精神上的毅力.
[22:38.02]continuity [妅⺌nti'njuiti] ;n.连续性,连贯性
[22:39.27]There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary. ;词典里没有一个 连贯的主题.
[22:42.18]conversion [k㥮n'v㥮:㤘㥮n] ;n.转变,变换,改变信仰,   (宗)转意归主
[22:43.36]Information conversions can now be done in computers. ;现在信息转换可在 电脑中进行.
[22:46.59]cooperative [k㥮u'⺌p㥮r㥮tiv] ;a.合作的;愿意合作的;   协力的 n.合作社;合作商店
[22:47.59]The rural credit cooprative is a financial organization ;农业信用合作社是 金融机构.
[22:51.18]corporate ['k⺌:p㥮r㥮t] ;a.团体的;法人组织的,   共同的;全体的
[22:52.02]The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships. ;中国乒乓球队通过集体 的共同努力赢得了无数 次冠军.
[22:56.02]dock [d⺌k] ;n.码头,船坞 vt.消减(薪金,供应,津    贴等),剥夺;    扣去…的应得工资
[22:57.01]Every month $5 is docked from our salaries for housing -repairing payment. ;每个月我们的工资中扣 5美元用于修房.
[23:01.10]exempt [ig'zempt] ;vt.免除,豁免 a.被豁免的,被免除的
[23:02.09]He is exempt from military service because of his bad sight. ;他由于视力不好而 免服兵役.
[23:05.26]His identity of a foreign official ;他的外国官员身份
[23:07.25]exempted him from the customs duties for these basic necessities. ;使他免缴这些基本 必需品的关税.
[23:10.63]exotic [ig'z⺌tik] ;a.异国情调的,   外来的,奇异的
[23:11.80]We saw many exotic flowers and plants which we had never seen before ;我们看到许多从未见过 的国外花卉和植物
[23:14.90]at the Kunming International Fair. ;在昆明世博会上.
[23:16.54]frantic ['fr㘚ntik] ;a.发狂的;狂欢的
[23:17.54]There was a frantic rush ;出现了一片疯狂的忙乱
[23:18.87]to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors. ;为了准备迎接上级 的突然检查.
[23:22.71]fringe [frind䅟] ;n.额前刘海;边缘,边界 a.边缘的;外围的; a.次要的;附加的 vt.成为…的边缘
[23:23.64]It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd. ;在人群外围移动比较容易
[23:26.95]interim ['int㥮rim] ;n.过渡时期;中间时期 a.暂时的;临时的
[23:27.87]The full report isn't ready yet,but you can see the interim report ;正式报告尚未写好, 但你可以先看看这 份临时报告.
[23:31.62]intermittent [奿nt㥮'mit㥮nt] ;a.间歇的,断断续续的
[23:33.20]Sometimes there are intermittent thunderstorms all day in summer. ;夏天有时整天有 断断续续的暴风雨.
[23:36.86]intersection [奿nt㥮'sek㤘㥮n] ;n.十字路口,交叉点
[23:38.20]In Guangzhou City there are many intersections on the roads and streets. ;广州市街道的交叉点 很多.
[23:41.54]lubricate ['lu:brikeit] ;vt.使润滑,加润滑油
[23:42.61]You should lubricate the moving parts of your car every 5000 kilometers. ;你应该每5000公里给 你的车的活动部位件 上油.
[23:46.45]monetary ['m⺧nit㥮ri] ;a.货币的;金钱的;   金融的;财政的
[23:47.52]The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold. ;某些国家的货币制度 过去一直是金本位的.
[23:51.02]nurture ['n㥮:t㤘㥮] vt./n.养育,培育,滋养 ;
[23:51.86]Nurture your mind with good reading. ;以优秀读物来陶冶你的 心智.
[23:54.11]As a teacher,we must murture students' talents. ;作为教师,我们必须 培养学生的才能.
[23:56.93]proposition [妏r⺌p㥮'zi㤘㥮n] ;n.主张,建议;陈述;命题
[23:58.36]Pythagorean proposition is a geometry term. ;勾股定理是一个 几何术语.
[24:01.51]prospective [pr㥮'spektiv] ;a.未来的;盼望中的;   预期的
[24:02.94]They want to sell their house and already have a prospective buyer. ;他们想卖房,并且已经 有了一位意向性的买主.
[24:06.01]rig [rig] ;n.船具;装备 vt.用欺骗手段操纵控制; vt.(为达到预期的目的   而)营私舞弊,事先决定
[24:07.11]People doubled whether the presidential election in Florida had been rigged. ;人们怀疑佛罗里达州的 总统选举有舞弊行为.
[24:10.47]ritual ['rit㤘u㥮l] ;n.典礼,(宗教)仪式;   例行习惯 a.仪式的,典礼的;   通常的,习惯的
[24:11.47]Our society has many rituals of greeting, farewell,and celebration. ;我们的社会有许多关于 招呼、告别和庆祝的仪 式.
[24:15.64]stern [st㥮:n] ;a.严厉的,严格的 n.船尾
[24:16.71]A father is usually much sterner with his children than a mother is. ;父亲一般比母亲对孩子 要严厉得多.
[24:20.80]stimulus ['stimjul㥮s] ;n.刺激物,促进因素;   鼓励
[24:22.13]Light is a stimulus to growth in plants. ;光是植物生长的促进因素
[24:24.63]strand [str㘚nd] ;vi.搁浅 vt.使搁浅,使落后 n.绳,线之一股;
[24:25.63]If you were stranded in a strange town without money or friends, ;如果你困在一个陌生的 城市,既没有钱,又没 有朋友,
[24:28.71]what would you do? ;你会怎么办?
[24:29.71]stray [strei] ;vi.迷路;离题;想到别处 a.迷了路的,离了群的;   意外的;零落的 n.迷失的家畜
[24:30.87]Don't stray from the point. ;不要离题乱扯.
[24:32.09]The streets were empty except for a few stray taxis. ;除了偶然可以看到的 几辆出租车外,街上 没有人迹.
[24:35.41]tuck [t⺧k] ;vt.打摺,卷起,塞,    使隐藏 vi.(衣服等的)摺,裥
[24:36.41]A bird usually tucks its head under its wing when it sleeps. ;鸟在休息时通常把头缩 进翅膀下.
[24:39.84]tuition [tju:'i㤘㥮n] ;n.学费;教诲;教学;讲授
[24:40.84]The tuition of higher education in the USA is much higher than that in China. ;美国高校的学费比 中国要高许多.
[24:44.91]upgrade ['⺧pgreid] ;vt.使升级,提升,    改良品种 n.上坡;升级,上升
[24:46.16]Israel makes every means to upgrade its military defenses. ;以色列千方百计地提升 其军事防务水平.
[24:50.00]visualize ['vi䅟u㥮laiz, 'vizju㥮laiz] ;vt.形象,形象化,想象
[24:51.00]When you read novels, do you visualize the scene as it is described? ;你读小说时是否想象 所描绘的场景呢?
[24:56.08]Lesson 45 ;第四十五课
[24:59.08]assimilate [㥮'simileit] ;vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.使同化,使吸收
[25:00.33]The U.S. has assimilated people from many European countries. ;美国同化了许多来自 欧洲国家的移民.
[25:03.57]We assimilate some kinds of food more easily than others. ;我们对某些种类的事物 比别的事物更容易吸收.
[25:06.73]authoritative [⺌:'⺮⺌rit㥮tiv] ;a.有权威的,可信的;   命令的,独断强制的
[25:08.15]That the moon moves around the earth ;月亮围绕地球运转,
[25:09.94]and the earth arounds the sun is an authoritative opinion. ;地球围绕太阳运转是 权威的观点.
[25:13.10]authorize ['⺌:⺮㥮raiz] ;vt.授权;批准
[25:14.60]I am authorized to act for the manager. ;我受委托代表经理行事.
[25:16.94]bypass ['baipa:s] ;n.旁路;小道;分流术;   旁通管 vt.绕过,绕…走;    越过,置…于不顾
[25:17.93]Let's bypass the town. ;我们绕过这座小镇子吧!
[25:19.56]correlate ['k⺌r㥮leit] ;vt.使相互关联 vi.(~to,~with)   相关,关联
[25:20.39]We should correlate theory with practice. ;我们必须把理论与 实践联系起来.
[25:22.64]The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate. ;圆的直径和圆周率有 相互关系.
[25:25.89]corrode [k㥮'r㥮ud] ;vi.使腐蚀,侵蚀,腐蚀
[25:26.89]Acid causes metal to corrode. ;酸会腐蚀金属.
[25:29.05]Iron corrodes easily. ;铁易生锈.
[25:30.72]corrupt [k㥮'r⺧pt] ;a.腐败的,堕落的 vt.腐蚀,使腐败
[25:31.55]The businessman was sent to prison for try -ing to corrupt a tax official with money. ;那个商人因企图向税务 官员行贿而被判入狱.
[25:35.63]counterpart ['kaunt㥮pa:t] ;n.与对方地位相当的人,   与另一方面作用相当   的物.
[25:36.63]Night is the counterpart of day. ;黑夜与白天相辅相成.
[25:38.47]The secretary of state is the counterpart of the foreign minister. ;国务卿相当于外交部长.
[25:41.88]drawback ['dr⺌:b㘚k] ;n.缺陷;不利条件;缺点
[25:43.13]In spite of all its drawbacks,CET Band 4 and CET Band 6 ;尽管有这样或那样的 缺点,但是大学英语 四级、六级考试
[25:47.47]greatly promote English teaching in colleges and universities. ;还是极大地促进了 大学的英语教学.
[25:50.97]dual ['dju:㥮l] ;a.双的,二重的
[25:51.79]A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes. ;别克轿车是有 双排气管的汽车.
[25:54.47]dub [d⺧b] ;vt.起绰号;授予…以称   号;为(影片)配音,   译制(影片)
[25:55.38]Wang Wei was dubbed revolutionary martyr. ;王伟被授予 革命烈士称号.
[25:57.79]I don't like English films dubbed in Chinese. ;我不喜欢用中文配了音 的英语电影.
[26:00.55]expertise [奺ksp㥮'ti:z] ;n.专门技能;专门知识
[26:01.71]Modern college students must acquire technical expertise to survive in society. ;当代大学生要想在社会 上立足就必须有技术专 长.
[26:06.28]exquisite ['ekskwizit] ;a.精致的,精美的;   剧烈的,极度的;  敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的
[26:07.38]A cancer patient usually suffers exquisite pain. ;癌症病人通常遭受 剧烈疼痛的折磨.
[26:10.78]He has exquisite tastes and manners. ;他有高尚的情趣和举止.
[26:13.28]fury ['fju㥮ri] ;n.狂怒,暴怒;   狂暴,激烈
[26:14.28]He flew into a fury when I said I couldn't help him. ;当我说不能帮助他时, 他立刻暴跳如雷.
[26:17.29]At last the fury of the storm lessened. ;风暴的猛烈程度 终于降低了.
[26:19.79]fusion ['fju:䅟㥮n] ;n.合并,联合;何聚变
[26:20.87]This series of symphony is a fusion of several different styles of music. ;这一组交响乐是糅合几种 不同风格的乐曲而成的.
[26:24.45]This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal. ;这种合金是用两种金属 熔和而成的.
[26:27.70]inventory ['inv㥮nt⺌:ri] ;n.详细目录,存货清单 vt.开清单;清点存货
[26:28.78]Some stores inventory their stock once a month. ;有些商店每月盘货一次.
[26:31.45]invert [in'v㥮:t] ;vt.使倒转,使颠倒,    使转化
[26:32.45]The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty. ;魔术师把袋子由里向 外翻,表明里面是空的.
[26:35.61]Inflation inverts all the old canons of economics. ;通货膨胀把原有的经济 准则统统颠倒过来.
[26:39.02]irony ['ai㥮r㥮ni] ;n.反话,讽刺,   讽刺之事
[26:40.36]He is too slow to understand the irony of his opponent. ;他反应太迟钝,居然没 有听出对手的讽刺挖苦 之意.
[26:43.11]luminous ['lu:min㥮s] ;a.发光的,明亮的
[26:44.11]It is said that there was a luminous UFO flying over New York City. ;有人说曾经有一个发光 的不明飞行物飞越纽约 市上空.
[26:47.93]mourn [m⺌:n] ;vt.哀悼;   (对…)感到痛心   (或遗憾)
[26:48.68]The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved leader. ;举国上下哀悼这位 敬爱的领导人.
[26:51.59]proximity [pr⺌k'simiti] ;n.接近,邻近,   附近,临近
[26:52.68]Swift's major writings ;斯威夫特的主要作品
[26:53.93]have a proximity and a relevance that is splendidly invigorating. ;具有令人非常激动的 亲近感和现实意义.
[26:57.59]quench [kwent㤘] ;vt.熄灭;扑灭;    抑制(欲望)
[26:58.68]The disapproval of my colleagues quenched my enthusiasm for the plan. ;同事们的反对减弱了我 对这项计划的热情.
[27:03.00]rot [r⺌t] ;v.(使)腐烂,(使)腐败 n.腐烂,腐败
[27:03.75]The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it. ;没有人来摘这些成熟 的水果,它们已经开 始烂了.
[27:06.76]rotary ['r㥮ut㥮ri] ;a.旋转的,转动的
[27:07.76]Some large stores have rotary doors. ;有些大商场的大门是 旋转的.
[27:10.01]rupture ['r⺧pt㤘㥮] ;n.破裂,裂开;   断绝(关系等) v.使破裂
[27:11.18]Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq. ;伊朗断绝了与伊拉克 的外交关系.
[27:14.34]streamline ['stri:mlain] ;vt.使成流线型;    使(企业、组织等)    简化并更有效率
[27:15.59]Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty. ;为了提高速度、增强美 观,现在小轿车均采用 流线型设计.
[27:17.92]stumble ['st⺧mb㥮l] ;vi.绊倒,蹒跚;    结巴地说话
[27:18.92]I stumbled over a stone and fell. ;我在石头上绊了一下, 跌倒了.
[27:21.34]sue [su:,sju:] ;vi.控告,向…请求,请愿 vt.控告,起诉
[27:22.17]The Palestinians sued for peace. ;巴勒斯坦人祈求和平.
[27:24.34]suffice [s㥮'fais] ;vt./vi.足够,有能力
[27:25.59]One glass of beer should suffice me. ;一杯啤酒就够我喝了.
[27:27.59]No words will suffice to convey my grief. ;没有言语能够表达 我的悲伤.
[27:30.42]tumble ['t⺧mb㥮l] ;n.跌倒;摔倒 vi.跌倒,滚翻;   (价格等)暴跌
[27:31.57]Owning to the Asian financial crisis the stock prices tumbled in the world. ;由于亚洲金融危机 全球股价暴跌.
[27:35.65]When a baby is just learning to walk,he will often tumble over. ;幼儿刚学走路时 会经常跌倒.
[27:39.25]turnover ['t㥮:n㥮uv㥮] ;n.营业额,销售量;   人员调整;人员更新.
[27:40.25]The textile export turnover has been increased 67% this year in China. ;中国的纺织品出口额 今年增长了67%.
[27:45.09]vocal ['v㥮uk㥮l] ;a.喜欢畅所欲言的,   直言不讳的;   嗓音的,发声的
[27:46.00]A cricket's chirps are not vocal;they are made by rubbing the legs. ;蟋蟀的鸣声不是从嗓 子发出的,而是通过 摩擦双腿发出来的.
[27:50.25]We were very vocal about our rights. ;我们直言不讳地表达了 我们应有的权利.

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