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[可可杂谈]Which one do you care more, course or the result?
Update:2009-8-3 16:14:35  Source:可可英语  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Which one do you care more, course or the result?

There are two things that we have no choice but to do them in our life——moving forwanrd and stopping to see if we have a good attitude. A good attitude is the best partner of us, making us happy and healthy. These are the same with our view to the course and the result. All our life, we are busy doing the things that seem to be done without queation. However, we also leave time to check what we have achieved through all these.

More than often, we find that the more we want that thing, the easier it slips from our palms. Everything may only be achieved after an awkward course. And life goes so quietly, with green leaves withering day by day. What should we do then?


Be happy to stop for every successful moment or to be a life tourist?

Course and result, which one do you prefer?



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