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真实生活英语Unit2:Employment and Job Services就业和工作
时间:2007-3-21 15:00:51  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:英文对话
第 2 页:Vocabulary and Phrases

Part Four: Monologue
“When I was a student I was broke*, so I took a part-time job to help support myself. I needed something that wouldn’t interfere with my class schedule. I found a job at the local supermarket working twenty hours a week in the evenings. Mostly I took inventory and stocked the shelves. The work itself wasn’t so interesting and it was hard for me to find the time to study. It was good for me though; I got some practical working experience and I learned a lot about how to manage my time. And plus, money. I mean, hey, who can complain about that?”                                                                                         
--Cristoph Burleson

Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases
-- full-time 全职
-- part-time 兼职
-- temporary  临时的;暂时的
-- permanent  固定性的;常在的
-- agency 中介;代理
-- volunteer 自愿参加者,志愿者,义工
-- register  自动登录机,收银机
--entail  必需;使承担
-- experience 经验,体验
--* temp - abbreviation for temporary
--* way too - slang, same as “much too”
This is too expensive < This is much too/ way too expensive.
--* “Information” does not take “s” as a plural: never “lots of informations”.
--* broke - slang, have no money

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