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时间:2006-5-10 20:58:14  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

118.I don’t think so.
[   ]

A: I think this is the perfect solution.
B: I don’t think so.

A: Would you like to go out tonight?
B: I don’t think so. I have too much work to do.

A: Drinking is a bad habit.
B: I don’t think so. It’s only a problem if you drink too much.

①I disagree.(我反对。)
②I doubt it.(我表示怀疑。)
③I think not.(我认为不是。)
④I suppose not.(我认为不是。)

119.Neither do I.
[  ]

A: I don’t think he’s telling the truth.
B: Neither do I.

A: I don’t like working overtime.
B: Neither do I.

A: Mom doesn’t agree with me.
B: Neither do I.

120.Neither am I.
[  ]
Kim’s Note: Neither and either give Chinese English learners a lot of headaches. Don’t worry about memorizing the rules for using them correctly. Just practice blurting out correct sentences until their use becomes automatic.

A: I’m not confident at all.
B: Neither am I.

A: I’m not good at tennis.
B: Neither am I.

A: We’re not going.
B: Neither am I.

121.I’m afraid not.
     [  ]
A: Do you have a smoking section?
B: I’m afraid not.

A: Is the VCR fixed?
B: I’m afraid not.

A: Can you still catch the last bus?
B: I’m afraid not. It left ten minutes ago.

①Unfortunately, no.(可惜不是。)
②Regrettably, no. (可惜不是。)

122.I hope not.
[  ]

A: Is it going to rain tomorrow?
B: I hope not. I want to go to the beach.

A: Do you think we’ll have a test today?
B: I hope not. I didn’t study.

A: Are all those people waiting for a taxi?
B: I hope not.

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