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跟可可走遍美国:Career Choices职业选择ACTI
时间:2009-10-12 16:31:55  来源:可可英语  作者:qihui  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
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Career Choices职业选择ACTI教师讲解版视频


In the Stewarts' home one evening. Marilyn Stewart is singing a popular lullaby to her baby, Max.

Marilyn:“Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top,

When the wind blows,

The cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks,

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby,

Cradle and all.”

Later that night. Marilyn is in the living room. She is looking at the fashion designs she has drawn. Richard enters.

Richard:Hi,  Marilyn. What are you doing?

Marilyn:Just sketching. I've been thinking a lot about our responsibilities in the past few weeks.

Richard:I never stop thinking about them.

Marilyn:I've been wrestling with the question of whether I go back to work or not.

Richard:I see.

Marilyn:And I'm torn. I really want to go back to work, use my talents, and pursue my career in fashion design like we

always thought I would But  now… I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, especially when he's a baby.

Richard:I really understand, Marilyn But you never have to worry about Max There's Mother and Grandpa… and I can always

arrange my photo schedule around your schedule,if that will help.

Marilyn:It's not the same,Richard.

Richard:Have you discussed going back to work with your boss?

Marilyn:Rita Mae called yesterday.

Richard:Ah! That's what's got you thinking, isn't it?

Marilyn:She wants to know when I think I'll be returning to the boutique.

Richard:And you said?

Marilyn:I said I'd give her an answer in a few days… that I wasn't sure.

Richard:I'm sure Rita Mae will understand and wait until you're ready to go back to work.

Marilyn:Well, maybe she will, and maybe she won't.

Who knows? If I don't accept her offer, maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, and when I'm ready to go back, there

won't be a job for me.

Richard:That's something to consider. You've got yourself to think about, too.

Marilyn:But I am thinking about myself. Don't you see?

Richard:What do you mean?

Marilyn:It's not just the job. It's also my career as Max's mother. That's the way I 1ook at it. I have two career

opportunities at the same time. My career as a fashion designer and my career as a mother.

Richard:I never really thought about being a mother as a career. I guess you do have two career opportunities and a decision

to make.

[They hear the baby cry.]

Marilyn:I hear Max.

Richard:I'll go to him.

Marilyn:No, that's Ok. I'll do it.


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