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来源:天道留学 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


  Develop an essay template. Take advantage of the fact that you only have to write one essay during the SAT. For example, what do you find to be the easiest technique to use to form an interesting introduction: rhetorical questions, a quote, or a shocking statement? Choose one and stick to it. When practicing writing essays (see Tip #5 below), never stray from your chosen template! You will then enter the SAT testroom with a tried-and-true format for writing rapid essays.

  Build your vocabulary.

  Read sophisticated material. This, combined with Tip #2 above, proves effective in improving results for both the Critical Reading and Writing sections.

  Drill yourself on grammar rules. Using flashcards, you can effectively memorize the most common grammar rules and concepts that will appear in Writing questions. On the front of the cards, write sample SAT Writing questions. On the back of the cards, write the answers along with a very brief explanation. Keep these flashcards (along with the vocabulary cards) with you at all times, and review whenever you have a few minutes to spare.

  Practice writing 25-minute essays. Practice is of course an integral part of preparation for all three subject areas, but considering the particularly rigorous time constraints on the essay-writing section, practice is invaluable here. By practicing diligently, you will soon enough be able to write a substantive essay in the short 25-minute timeframe, with a couple minutes left to review your work and make last-minute changes.


文章关键字: 备考 策略 SAT 写作





