乡间之音 Country Music ACT I

时间:2005-10-1 18:05:31  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
乡间之音 Country Music ACT I


Hot dogs. I love hot dogs. 热狗。我喜欢热狗。
There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. 在美国乡村没有比热狗更好的东西了。
Hot dogs and mustard. 热狗和芥末。
Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的火堆上烤。
I wish I had one now. 我真希望现在就来一个。
Do you remember when Daddy and I used to take you 你还记得爸爸和我常带你
and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach?   Susan, Robbie去Jones海滨的事吗?
Oh, I sure do. 哦,我当然记得。
We'd wait until dark and make a fire, 我们等到天黑就升火,
and we'd cook the hot dogs. 然后烤热狗。
Oh, don't forget the mustard. 噢,不要忘了芥末。
And, oh, does anybody want ketchup? 噢,有人要番茄酱吗?
I might as well take it along. 我不妨带着。
And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties.   现在务必确信带上汉堡碎肉饼。
I have to remember to put them in the bag 我必须记得将它们放进袋子
tomorrow morning before we leave. 在明天早上临走之前。
I'll remind you, Richard. 我会提醒你的, Richard。
Mom, 妈,
we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend 我们真心感谢你周末照顾Max
and giving up your free time. 放弃你的闲暇时间。
I love doing it. 我爱这样做。
Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, Susan和Harry在城里给Michelle找到一位临时保姆,
and I'm taking care of Max. 我就来照顾Max。
It's no big deal. 这没有什么。
I am happy to do it for you. 我很高兴为你们做这件事。
I guess Max is asleep by now. 我想Max现在已经睡觉了。
He's not crying anymore. 他不再哭了。
Oh, poor baby. 噢,可怜的宝贝。
He's teething. 他正在长牙齿。
Well, he's asleep--finally. 好了,他总算睡着了。
I feel so bad for him. 我为他难过。
It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. 小孩子长第一颗牙齿时好痛哟。
He'll be fine, Marilyn. 他不会有问题的,Marilyn。
Well, he wakes up several times during the night, 噢,他一晚醒了好几次,
and the pain is so bad. 疼得很厉害。
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个周末外出真快乐,Ellen,
and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. 还要把照顾Max的全部责任留给你 。
Especially with his teething. 特别是他现在开始长牙。
I wish he felt better. 我真希望他现在好一点。
Please don't worry, Marilyn. 请别担心,Marilyn。
Remember your father-in-law's a pediatrician. 记住你公公是小儿科医师。
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle. 假如我遇到不能解决的问题我们还有位驻家医生。
I agree, Marilyn. 我同意,Marilyn。
We really don't have to be overly concerned. 我们真的不需要过分担心。
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again. 我上楼去陪他直到他又睡着。
Thanks, Richard. 谢谢,Richard。
Try putting him across your lap on his stomach. 试试让他趴着睡在你大腿上。
He likes that. 他喜欢那样。
I'll try it. 我试试吧。
When are Susan and Harry picking you up, Marilyn? Susan和Harry什么时候来接你们,Marilyn?
They're coming by at six tomorrow morning, 他们明天早晨六点钟过来。
so we can get an early start. 这样我们可以早点出发。
That's nice. 很好。
And you'll have a full day in the country. 你们就可以在乡下呆一整天啦。
And a full night. 还有一整个晚上。
Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents. 明天晚上我们将露宿在帐蓬。
And coming home on Sunday? 星期日回来?
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在黄昏时打道回府。
You're going to have the time of your lives. 你们将会玩得非常痛快。
Camping out is such great fun. 露营是件很好玩的事。
We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure. 我确定我们会在露营时玩得很开心。
But I'm still a little worried about you, Ellen. 但我还是有点牵挂着你, Ellen。
It will be my great pleasure, Marilyn. 我也会很快乐的,Marilyn。
Remember, it's only one night. 记住,只是一个晚上。
He's asleep. 他睡着了。
I think he'll sleep t

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