
时间:2005-1-13 15:05:02  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

kick - v. to hit with the foot
kidnap - v. to seize and take away by force
kill - v. to make dead; to cause to die
kind - n. sort ("What kind of dog is that?"); ad. gentle; caring; helpful
kiss - v. to touch with the mouth to show love or honor
knife - n. a tool or weapon used to cut
know - v. to understand something as correct; to have the facts about; to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before
knowledge - n. that which is known; learning or understanding

laboratory - n. a room or place where experiments in science are done
lack - v. to be without; n. the condition of needing, wanting or not having
lake - n. a large area of fresh water surrounded by land
land - v. to come to the earth from the air ("Airplanes land at airports."); n. the part of the earth not covered by water; the ground
language - n. words and their use; what people speak in a country, nation or group
large - ad. big; being of more than usual size, amount or number; opposite small
last - v. to continue ("The talks will last three days."); ad. after all others; the only one remaining ("She is the last person in line.")
late - ad. after the correct time; near the end; opposite early
laugh - v. to make sounds to express pleasure or happy feelings
launch - v. to put into operation; to begin; to send into the air or space
law - n. all or any rules made by a government
lead - v. to show the way; to command; to control; to go first
leak - v. to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)
learn - v. to get knowledge about; to come to know a fact or facts
leave - v. to go away from; to let something stay where it is
left - ad. on the side that is toward the west when one is facing north; opposite right
legal - ad. of or in agreement with the law
legislature - n. a government lawmaking group
lend - v. to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; to make a loan of money
less - ad. smaller in amount; not as much
let - v. to permit to do or to be; to make possible
letter - n. a message written on paper; a communication in writing sent to another person
level - n. the amount or height that something reaches or rises to; the position of something or someone
liberal - ad. one who usually supports social progress or change
lie - v. to have one's body on the ground or other surface; to say some

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