
时间:2005-11-26 18:54:59  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
voidance 合法避税
tax bearer 纳税人
tax bearing rate 税负率
tax bureau 税务局
tax collection 征税
tax collector 税收员
tax cut 减税
tax delivery 上交税金
tax due 应交税款
tax exemption 免税
tax farming system 保税制

tax law 税法
tax loophole 漏税
tax on income 所得税
tax on land and buildings 土地房产税
tax on natural resources 资源税
tax on personal income 个人所得税
tax on property 财产税
tax on transaction 交易税
tax on value added 增值税
tax payer 纳税人
tax rate 税率
tax reform 税制改革
tax refund 退税
tax refunded 已退回的税款
tax return 纳税申报表
tax system 税制
tax year 税收年度
tax-free 免税
tax-free trade zone 免税贸易区
tax-free transaction 免税交易
tax-sharing system 分税制
value-added tax 增值税
Taxable 应纳税的
Taxation 税务,税收
Tax-exempt 免税
Technical 技术性的
technical aid 技术援助
technical cooperation 技术合作
technical innovation 技术革新
technical measures 技术措施
technical reconstruction 技术改造
technical service 技术服务
Technological 技术的,工艺的
technological advance 技术进步
technological obsolescence 技术陈旧
technological transformation 技术改造
Technology 技术,工艺
technology evaluation 技术评估
technology import 技术引进
technology intensive investment 技术密集性投资
technology transfer 技术转让
Telecommunication 通讯
Temporary 暂时的,临时的
temporary borrowing 临时借款
temporary budget 临时预算
temporary certificate 临时证书
temporary credit 临时贷款
Tenancy 租赁
Tender 投标,招标
Term 条款,项目,条件,期
term bond 定期债券
term loan 定期贷款
term mortgage 定期抵押
term share 定期股票
terms of acquisition agreement 收购协议条款
terms of contract 合同条款
Terminate 终止
terminate a contract 终止合同
Termination 解雇,终止
termination allowance 解雇津贴
termination indemnity 解雇补偿金
Territorial 地方的
territorial economiy 地方经济
Tertiary 第三位的
tertiary industry 第三产业
tertiary sector 第三产业部门
Theory 理论
decision theory 决策论
theory of asset appraisal 资产评估理论
theory of building socialism with Chinese
characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义理论
theory of demand-pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀理论
theory of macroeconomics policy 宏观经济政策理论
theory of surplus value 剩余价值理论
Third party 第三方
Thrift 节约
thrift shop 旧货店
Through in-depth reforms 通过深入改革
Throughput 生产量
Ticket 门票,入场卷,罚款单,标签
Tight 紧的
appropriately tight 适度从紧
tight credit policy 紧缩的贷款政策
tight monetary policy 紧缩的金融政策
tight money market 银根紧缩的金融市场
Title 名称,所有权
title defect 所有权不完整
title insurance 产权保险
title of ownership 所有权
title of possession 所有权
title to land 土地所有权
tittle to property 财产所有权
Toll 服务费,通行税
toll bridge 收费桥
toll gate 收费卡,收费站
toll highway 收费高速公路
Top 顶部,最前面的
top 500 enterprises 前500家企业
Total 总计,总数
total account 总帐户
total amount of loss 损失总额
total assets turnover 总资产周转率
total capital profit ratio 总资本利润率
total cost of production 总生产成本
total equity 总权益
total import-export value 进出口总值
total industrial output value 工业生产总值
total investment 总投资
total liability 总负债
total profit and loss 总损益
total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理
total value of fixed assets to be depreciated 应计折旧固定资产总值
total value of production in national economy 国民经济总产值
Town house 市政厅
Township 乡镇
township enterprise 乡镇企业
Trade 交易,贸易,商业
barter trade 易货贸易
frontier trade 边境贸易
trade agreement 交易协议
trade by agreement 协议交易
trade deficit 贸易逆差
trade fair 交易市场
trade in technology 技术贸易
trade integration 贸易一体化
trade mark registration 商标注册
trade negotiation 交易谈判
trade share 交易份额
trade surplus 贸易顺差,贸易盈余
transit trade 过境贸易
Trading 商业,贸易
trading capital 商业资本
trading range 成交价幅度
Traditional 传统的
traditional commodities 传统商品
traditional economy 传统经济
traditional industry 传统工业
Training 培训
Transaction 交易
transaction analysis 交易分析
transaction cost 交易成本
transaction in assets 资产交易
transaction in future 期货交易
transaction in technology 技术交易
transaction on exchange 场内交易
transaction outside exchange 场外交易
transaction tax 交易税
transaction va

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