USA Strikes Afghanistan:军事打击阿富汗

时间:2005-12-24 16:11:07  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
USA Strikes Afghanistan:军事打击阿富汗

ueling stop between Europe and India before the long-haul Boeing 747s were introduced.

on condition of anonymity (匿名): The assault on the southern Afghan city came in at least three waves, according to Taliban sources who spoke to The Associated Press by telephone on condition of anonymity.

armada (舰队): Forty U.S. and British warplanes and an armada of warships and submarines pummeled strongholds of the al-Qaida network and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

firepower (火力): The demonstration of Western firepower was the first wave of an anti-terrorism campaign promised after the   Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

  cargo planes (运输机): U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo planes flying from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, were dropping food and medical supplies inside Afghanistan as part of President Bush 's effort to aid displaced civilians.

  carrier (航空母舰): A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said later that Navy F/A-18 and F-14 fighters flew missions off two U.S. carriers in the Arabian Sea, and that no land-based Air Force strike planes other than bombers were used in the first round of attacks.

  blitz (闪电战(尤指空袭)): Britain joined U.S.-led attacks on Afghanistan, using submarines to launch a cruise missile blitz against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban protectors.

  Tomahawk (战斧式巡航导弹): The naval task forces include warships capable of firing Tomahawk cruise missiles, which were last used in Afghanistan in 1998 against bin Laden training camps in a failed bid to kill the exiled Saudi-born millionaire and his lieutenants.

  Tomcat (美国航母F-14野猫战斗机): Two US Navy airmen were killed when their F-14 "Tomcat" aircraft crashed the day before yesterday during a landing manoeuvre at an air show at Willow Grove US Naval Air Station, an annual event attended by 200,000 people, a Navy spokeswoman said.

  neutral country (中立国): The Taliban insisted they would not be bullied into handing over bin Laden, but said he could be given to a neutral country if Washington provided evidence linking him to last month's suicide plane attacks.

  air raid (空袭): The air raids have sparked an exodus of people from cities -- many heading toward Pakistan with belongings piled hastily onto donkeys and camels.

  strip the citizenship (取消国籍): Kuwait decided Sunday to strip the citizenship of the spokesman who appeared in the tapes, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, a former Kuwaiti teacher.

  all-out attack (全面进攻): The United States and its partners have been urging the opposition to avoid launching an all-out attack on Kabul until a broad-based government can be formed to replace the Taliban.

  extremist (极端分子): On Sunday, thousands of Muslim extremists converged on the city of Jacobabad, site of one of two airfields that Pakistani officials privately say the Americans have been allowed to use to support the campaign, though not to launch attacks on Afghanistan.

  shrapnel (流霰弹): He said a bomb or missile had exploded nearby and shrapnel landed on his house.

  commando (突击队): Taliban's troops hit as allies plan for commando raids.

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