
时间:2005-1-13 15:08:06  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

s toward the center of the earth
image - a reproduction of the appearance of a person or thing
laser - an instrument that makes a thin, powerful light
magnet - a piece of iron or other material that has a pulling force; this pulling force is called magnetism
molecule - the smallest amount of a chemical substance that can exist
nerve - a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain
nucleus - the center part of an atom or cell
nucleic acid - a molecule that holds the genetic information necessary for life; there are two kinds of nucleic acid: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)
nutrient - a food or substance that makes plants, humans or animals grow
organ - a part of the body that has a special purpose, such as the heart or brain
organism - a living thing, often so small it can be seen only through a microscope
particle - a very small piece of matter
proteins - substances responsible for the growth of tissue and for fixing damaged tissue
robot - a machine that moves and performs tasks
tissue - living material; a group of cells that are similar in appearance and do the same thing
virus - a kind of organism that causes disease
x-rays - a kind of radiation that can pass through most solid materials, often used in medicine
Organs of the Body
heart - pumps blood through the body
intestines - tubes through which food passes after it is broken down in the stomach; part of the intestines also remove solid wastes from the body
kidney - cleans liquid wastes from the body
liver - makes some proteins and enzymes; removes poisons from the blood
lung - takes in and expels air from the body
prostate - a part of the male reproductive system
stomach - breaks down food for the body to use
uterus - a part of the female reproductive system where a fetus develops

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