
时间:2006-1-1 18:10:07  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴


    Your letter; Your favour; your esteemed letter; Your esteemed favour; Your valued letter; Your valued favour; Your note; Your communication; Your greatly esteemed letter; Your very friendly note; Your friendly advice; Yours.


    Our (my) letter; Our (my) respects; Ours (mine); This letter; these lines; The present.


    The last letter; The last mail; The last post; the last communication; The last respects(自己的信); The last favour(来信).

    The next letter; The next mail; The next communication; The letter following; the following.


    Your letter of (the) 5th May; Your favour dated (the) 5th June; Yours of the 3rd July; Yours under date (of) the 5th July; Your letter bearing date 5th July; Your favour of even date(AE); Your letter of yesterday; Your favour of yesterday's date; Your letter dated yesterday.


    Your telegram; Your wire; Your cablegram(从国外); Your coded wire(密码电报); Your code message; Your cipher telegram; Your wireless telegram; Your TELEX; Your Fax.


    Your telephone message; Your phone message; Your telephonic communication; Your telephone call; Your ring.

    Advice; Notice; Information; Notification; Communication; A report; News; Intelligence; Message.
    To communicate (a fact) to; To report (a fact) to...on; To apprise (a person) of; To let (a person) know; To acquaint (a person) with; To intimate (a fact) to; To send word; to send a message; To mail a notice; to write (a person) information; To give notice(预告); To break a news to(通知坏消息); To announce(宣布).


    An answer; A reply; A response.
    To answer; To reply; To give a reply; To give one's answer; To make an answer; To send an answer; To write in reply; To answer one's letter.
    Reply to; Answering to; In answer to; In reply to; In response to.
    To await an answer; To wait for an answer.
    To get an answer; To favour one with an answer; To get a letter answered.


    Receipt(收到); A receipt(收据); A receiver(领取人,取款人); A recipient(收款人)
    To receive; To be in receipt of; To be to (at) hand; To come to hand; To be in possesion of; To be favoured with; To get; To have; To have before (a person); To make out a receipt(开出收据); To acknowledge receipt(告知收讫).


    To confirm; Confirming; Confirmation; In Confirmation of(为确认……,为证实……); A letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)


    To have the pleasure to do; To have the pleasure of doing; To have pleasure to do; to have pleasure in (of) d

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