
时间:2006-4-15 22:16:33  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

Asking for an appointment 提出预约:
"Are you available on the Monday afternoon?"
"Can we meet on the Tuesday morning?"
"How does next Friday sounds to you?"
"Are you free on Sunday?"
"Would 3:30pm suit you?"
"Is it convenient for you on this Saturday?"
"What about next Friday afternoon?"

Set up a time 确定时间:
"What time are you available?"
"What is good time for you?"
"Is 10am sounds fine with you?"
"If it's possible, I'd like to meet on 2pm instead."
"How does 3pm suit your schedular?"

Agree the arrangement同意:
"Yes, Monday afternoon will be fine."
"Monday afternoon is good for me."
"Monday afternoon sounds perfect."

Suggest to change date 提议更改时间:
"I'm afraid I can't make it on Monday. What about Tuesday?"
"Sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday afternoon. Could we meet on Tuesday afternoon instead?"
"I'm sorry, Monday afternoon is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Tuesday afternoon, if that's OK with you?"
"I really don't think I can make it on Monday. Can we make Tuesday instead?"

Changing the appointment 改变约会日程:
"You know we were going to meet on Monday afternoon? Well, I'm very sorry, something urgent has come up. We have to change date."
"I’m afraid that I'm not going to be able to meet you after all. Can we fix another time?"
"I am terribly sorry, something has just come up and I won't be able to meet you this afternoon. Can we make another time?"

不能守约时, 说话要很客气。要道歉并说明理由。 

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