
时间:2006-8-12 23:32:47  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

Action English   20

Movie dictionary 电影词典

director   导演  

American slang 美国俚语

tiger  原意老虎。But in American fathers often call their son tiger 父亲对儿子的爱称
There’s nothing to be afraid of ,tiger
例:I’m so proud of you , tiger       Go help your mom, tiger
pumpkin 原意南瓜。在这里是对女儿的爱称
I’m so proud of you , pumpkin
其他:honey ,  sweet heart , darling .

Classic film clips 经典对白

strip =take off your clothes
You can strip Byers naked .
例:The doctor said to go into the exam room and strip .
      Strip the shirt off ,it’s terrible color on you .
(2).go over one’s head =contact someone’s superior
Well , then we’ll go over their heads  跨过他们向上级告状
例:The DVD player I bought is defective , I wrote to a letter to the complaint department , but
they didn’t do anything . I’m going to go over their heads .
I know you don’t like your boss , but you can’t complain to his boss about it, because you
can’t go over his head .

Movie Tunes 原声碟

Gravy        “给爱情加点佐料”from 修女也疯狂
Gimme gravy on my mashed potatoes.  Come on and treat me right  
Hey baby, you’re the greatest
So gimme gravy tonight.

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