
时间:2005-5-13 14:03:13  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

1. 谁惹你生气的?

Who got your goat?

2. 她一直对我怀恨在心。

She has been bearing me a grudge.

3. 不要推卸责任。

Don't pass the buck.

4. 我感到很惭愧。

I felt like two cents.

5. 他总是喜欢找别人的茬。

He always likes to find faults with other people.

6. 在她看来,别人都不是人。

She treats everyone like dirt.

7. 她真是厚脸皮。

She's just thick-skinned.

8. 我受不了她。

I can't put up with her.

9. 物以类聚,人以群分。

Birds of a feather flock together.

10. 我与你的意见一致。

I see eye to eye with you.

11. 我们关系很好。

We are on good terms.

12. 人各有所好。

Many people, many tastes.

13. 对一个人好的东西对另一个人来说未必也是好的。

One man's meat is another man's poison.

14. 人多好干活。

Many hands make light work.

15. 人多不出活。

Many hands make slight work.

16. 众人的主意总比一个人的好。

Two heads are better than one.

17. 人多意见杂。

Many man, many minds.

18. 得寸进尺。

You give him an inch and he'll take a mile.

19. 我是不会靠别人的施舍过日子的。

I won't live on the handouts of other people.

20. 我们应当学会说话合时宜,做事多考虑。

We should learn to say things in season and do things in moderation.

21. 别动不动就发火,记住:要保持冷静。

Don't fly into a rage at the drop of a hat. Remember: keep cucumber cool!

22. 骄者必败。

Pride goes before a fall.

23. 他这几天趾高气扬的。

He is on his high horse these days.

24. 他不懂事。

He has no sense.

25. 他是一个难对付的家伙。

He's a hard nut to crack.

26. 我真搞不懂为什么他好象和几乎每个人都有仇似的。

I can't make out why he seems to have a bone to pick with almost everyone.

27. 他对老婆乖的不得了,看到她总是必恭必敬的。

He's just like a lamb with his wife and always comes to her hat in hand.

28. 他这个人很自负,这使得他不是和厂里的同事过不去就是得罪于老板。

He has a high opinion of himself which makes him either get cross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.

29. 那天她可把我惹火了。

She really drove me mad that day.

30. 我是认真的.

I mean it.

31. 真便宜.

That's a steal.

32. 我想喝点可乐.

I am dying for coke.

33. 大家都这么说.

So they say.

34. 轻声点/慢慢来/别着急.

Easy does it.

35. 一言为定.

It's a date.

36. 我不懂.

It's beyong me.

37. 我很忙.

My hands are tied.

38. 试试你的运气.

Try your luck.

39. .请你吩咐.

My time is your time.

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