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灵异故事:He likes to stay(他不愿意走)
时间:2008-9-7 16:11:23  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  My husband worked at a hospital that was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a patient who died there. This patient had spent a lot of time in the hospital and reportedly liked it there. My husband told me this story (he has had a few paranormal experiences himself). It involves a man (we'll call him "Ed") who was a nurse or some sort of technician at the hospital (I can't remember exactly), but his brother and father were both doctors at this hospital. The sixth floor of the hospital had once been a patient floor, but with changes in health care, patient census declined, and that floor was turned into administrative offices. One night, Ed had to take the elevator to the sixth floor to get records. As the elevator door opened, there was a man standing right in front of him staring at him. [I can't remember, but the man may have been wearing a hospital gown.] Ed was so startled (no one should have been on that floor at that hour) that he just stood there staring back. The man then turned and walked off without saying anything. When he got his wits about him just a few seconds later, Ed ran to follow the man down the corridor, but he had vanished. Ed was so scared that he left the floor and went to the ER (there are always people there) without whatever is was he was he needed. The ER nurses said he was pale and upset, not at trying to fool them. Other employees reported seeing this man at other times. I guess he liked it so much he didn't want to leave.




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