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灵异故事:摇篮曲(The Lullaby 01)
时间:2009-2-2 14:06:43  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

My mom was big on garage sales and wouldn't miss a Saturday to get me out of my deep slumber to go along with her. My neighbors were having their annual garage sale along with three other families. My mom caught a glimpse of the 3-foot porcelain doll before I did. She decided to purchase it for me, since at the time, I was a doll collector. I had never owned such a beautiful masterpiece.

  She stood tall, showing an air of confidence. Her dark, human like hair, hung in loose curls around her almost angelic face. The attire consisted of a formal evening gown, immaculate in detail. The dark material formed nicely around the torso, and flared out from the waist down into a full skirt of deep green velvet trimmed with fine lace. I was ecstatic with the new edition to my collection and spent the remainder of the day showing her off to my friends.

  I went to bed that night feeling contentment. I set the doll, which I had named Sarah, onto the shelf alongside of my other possessions. I turned off the light, and fell asleep almost instantly. It seemed only a couple of minutes, when I was awakened by a voice singing. It was a high soprano voice, almost like a voice of an angel. It was singing some kind of a lullaby...a lullaby that a mother would sing to her newborn child. I sat up straight in my bed, not sure where the voice was coming from.

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