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灵异故事:漂浮的女头,神秘的夜猫 2
时间:2008-9-28 13:06:21  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

A floating head and a cat 2(漂浮的女头,神秘的夜猫 02)

It is also important to note that since I lived there in the early 90’s, my father acquired an old music organ that he said was a gift from a business associate. It is very, very old and I was told that is was originally from Connecticut, it used to be in a church and it is from the1800’s. It’s not very attractive and I was told that my mother refused to have it in her house so my father put it in his Aspen home as he thought the organ was great. He put the organ in the second, darkest bedroom where it dominates the room.

  When my father has guests in the downstairs area, whoever is there first always takes the first and brightest bedroom. Nobody ever wants the second bedroom unless they have no choice. Because my husband, son and I were the last to arrive, my brother’s daughters were in the room first but were moved from the second bedroom to the upstairs bedroom while our nephew and our son took the sofas upstairs. My husband and I were then given the second room with the organ. That night, both my husband and I were very tired from our trip and we went to bed exhausted.


  如果我父亲有客人来访需要住在楼下时,不管是谁只要是先到者,总会选第一间明亮的卧室,没有人希望住到第二间,除非他别无选择而于我们一家就来的比较晚,我弟弟的女儿从楼下第一间卧室搬到了楼上的卧室,我儿子和外甥睡在楼上的沙发上, 而我们两口得到的便是那间由风琴守候的第二间卧室。那天晚上,丈夫和我由于长途劳顿,上床时都已经是精疲力竭了。



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