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灵异故事:房顶工人 03
时间:2008-11-17 12:56:38  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Roofer 03
房顶工人 03

  Thinking the fuse box may be faulty; we determined which fuse to turn off to snuff the doorbell. As we settled back in our rooms the doorbell rang again in an oddly hollow ring. At that moment I began to realize that something must have been trying to get our attention.

  That morning I called one of the local spiritual practitioners to discuss this phenomenon. She suggested that I come for an "entity healing" as soon as possible. Later that morning several practitioners came to sit in on the healing session. One of the practitioners picked up on a male who seemed lost and in need of direction. The group took turns directing their prayers of healing and lifting to this entity. One of them mentioned that lost souls often seek out those who are sensitive and spiritually aware.

  When I returned to my basement office I was told by one of the long time employees that shortly before the building was completed one of the roofers had taken a fatal fall from the exact spot I was standing when his left ankle was caught in a coiled rope. His ghost had been seen by several of the employees over the years.

  Could I have attracted the roofer while standing in the exact spot he died at the completion of the building during a major trauma to the building?







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