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灵异故事:茂林路 03
时间:2008-12-4 15:15:30  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Morrow Road 03
茂林路 03

  The look on her face was priceless as she shook her head in objection and headed for her vehicle. "No way, Jennifer. Get me to the van!" I laughed, and followed her to the van but stopped just as I opened the door...because I saw someone. At the spot where the bridge used to be, I saw a woman with blonde hair, in a dirty white nightgown.

  Her arms were outstretched, and she was sobbing and screaming. She looked at me from across the road and I heard her ask me to stay. Then I noticed that the ends of her hair had been wet and were frozen. I stood still momentarily, while I listened to her as she began to inform me of what happened.

  According to what I saw and felt, this woman was home and went outside looking for her two children in the middle of winter. When she found them, they were frozen in the pond, and she spent the evening trying to get them out--although they were already dead. I could then see that the little girl looked like her mother, blonde hair, freckles and blue eyes, and the little boy had his father's dark hair, but he too, had freckles.






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