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灵异故事:我生命中最可怕的三年 03
时间:2008-12-31 12:26:52  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Worst Three Years Of My Life 03

The final straw came when I woke up one night, and there was a black shape, a man-shaped black fog-thing standing next to my bed. It had red eyes and no other features other than the blackness, and I could feel the evil radiating off of it. It was just completely wrong and I couldn't even catch a breath to scream. Finally I snapped out of it and lunged for the light switch and when I flicked it on the shadow-man-thing was gone.

  My sister had many of her own horrible experiences after I left for college, many of which she won't tell me. All I know is that it got so bad when she and a friend were alone in the house she had to call my Grandma from the basement phone in hysterics to come get her, because they were trapped in the room. When she arrived, the disruption stopped, but the house was icy cold.

  FINALLY my parents realized something had to be done, that they couldn't ignore it any longer, and got the house blessed. Only then would I come back to spend the night, and even now, six years later, I have trouble sleeping more than three hours a night there and I have to have a light and a radio on all night!






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