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灵异故事:恶魔的岬角 01
时间:2009-1-1 13:29:08  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Devil's Point 01

This story took place when I was 19. In fact my uncle was also 19 at the time. My uncle and I grew up together in northern Wisconsin. I don't wish to name the exact location at this time. We lived about 1 and half miles from a river that winds through the forest. The only way you can reach the river at the point where we always did was by foot or with an ATV.

  While we grew up we made it nearly a daily ritual of going fishing at the river in the woods. As we grew a little older we started camping quite often. The day finally came. My uncle and I were waiting for a friend from downstate to show up at my uncle’s place. The friend usually came up on Friday evenings in the summer and joined us on several of our camping trips. Unfortunately, he was unable to make it this time. My uncle and I headed back into the woods on foot carrying all of our equipment with us. We didn't go to the exact spot on the riverbank where we normally went. We went downstream about a quarter mile further just for a change.

  Later that night we would regret that decision.

  We chose the location because it was high, about 100 feet above the riverbank, and it was shaped like a point. It sloped downward on 3 sides, so we felt like it was a nice view during the daylight.








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