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灵异故事:Burning Down the House(烧毁房子) 01
时间:2009-5-10 16:39:29  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

Michelle, my twin sister and myself along with two other friends spent the night at Michelle's house. She had been telling us for weeks how she had an Ouija board and wanted my sister and I to experiment with her on it. I was very hesitant to do so because my sister and I have had some very psychic experiences and I didn't want anything weird to happen. I had heard all the stories about people getting possessed by the devil using the Ouija board and that frightened me. Well they talked me into it and we were just waiting for it to get dark out to set the mood for the whole adventure.

  I think it is the appropriate time to tell you that Michelle did not buy this Ouija board. Her and her mother found this board in an upstairs closet when they moved into the house. The board was old and well worn. I don't know where it came from but it wasn't like the new kind you can buy at the toy store with the plastic dial with the see-through circle on it. It was very ornate and antique looking with a wood dial and glass opening in it. The closet that they found the board in was in a room that looked as though it was used for a child. There was wallpaper with little spaceships blasting into outer space on it. Also there were some other discarded toys left in the closet in that room. They appeared to be toys for a little boy.

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