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灵异故事:Don't listen (—切勿聆听) 04
时间:2009-6-1 9:29:46  来源:本站原创  作者:yanlin   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

Soon, the street lamp flickered out. I stared at the pine tree ahead of me in alarm; very worried that my only light source had just flashed out, when I saw some movement by the side of the house. A human form was jumping between the shadows on the house's side. It looked like a shadow itself, as though someone was running through the pasture right next to me. I didn't like this, considering that I obviously don't want to see the ghosts because I ignore them constantly, so I slammed my feet into the ground. I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture. The red fence that surrounded that one was covered with shadows, and yet another shadowy form jumped between its patches of black. I felt someone watching me from behind and quickly picked up pace to get inside.

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