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灵异故事:Dark Falls Elementary (黑暗降临小学)05
时间:2009-6-11 9:19:15  来源:本站原创  作者:yanlin   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

     I stood outside, in my front lawn, breathing deep, and clutching my side. Should I go in my house and tell my parents what happened? I knew that there was something in that school. I'm not sure if it was a ghost. I wanted to go in that school and help Alex more than anything. I wasn't sure how to confront that thing, whatever it was, in there. I needed a plan. I wanted to, at least try, before I told anybody. But what if it had killed Alex. It would kill me too.

  The man, at the hospital. He would know what to do. He used to go to that school. But he is over ninety, and he couldn't even talk. I looked at my watch. 12:13. The hospital wasn't that far away. On my bike it would only take me twenty minutes. And well, it was the only plan I had.

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