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灵异故事:One Night(一天夜里) 02

来源:本站原创 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Once we had finished making it, we started off with a few virgin white candles around us in a circle. Now, I don't know how correct this book that we had was, but it said to put at least 4 virgin (never used) candles around us in a circle and sit in the middle of them with the board between us. We started off just by asking the normal silly questions that 14-year-old girls ask. Who will I marry? Am I going to be successful? Will I have kids? Yadda yadda yadda.... Anyhow, whether this part was real or it was just Cynthia moving the cursor around on her own trying to freak me out, I’d never know. To this day she still denies it. So, I kind of believe her that it wasn't her.

  But the cursor started going clockwise in circles around the board. I got the bright idea to ask "Is there a spirit that is trying to contact us?" the cursor went to 'yes'. At first Cynthia and I were excited. Maybe we had actually found a spirit to talk to! So then I asked, "Are you a good spirit?" The cursor went to 'no'. This freaked us out just a little bit, but we just kept going. It's just a ghost right? It'll go away when we're done with the board. Right? Wrong.




