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来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. She's tall and slim and …
a. have got green eyes – Wrong - you can't use 'have' with 'she'.
b. has got eyes green – Wrong - the words are in the wrong order.
c. has got green eyes – Correct - you use 'have/has got' to describe people's appearance.
d. green eyes – Wrong - you need a verb with 'green eyes'.

2. Some people think my dad's quite …
a. matronly – Wrong - you use 'matronly' to describe a woman, not a man.
b. handsome – Correct - you use 'handsome' to say someone is good looking
c. built well – Wrong - the words are in the wrong order.
d. shaved head – Wrong - you can say 'He's got a shaved head' but not 'He's shaved head'.

3. "He's really funny" is the answer. What's the question?
a. What is he like? – Correct - this is the question you use to ask about someone's personality.
b. What does he like? – Wrong - you use this question to ask about someone's preferences.
c. What does he look like? – Wrong - you use this question to ask about someone's appearance.
d. What like is he? – Wrong - the words are in the wrong order.

4. "He's gorgeous - he's tall and he's got big brown eyes." What are the three "he's" short for in that sentence?
a. he is, he is and he is – Wrong - look at 'he's got brown eyes' again.
b. he is, he is and he has – Correct.
c. he is, he has and he has – Wrong - look at 'he's tall' again.
d. he has, he has and he has – Wrong - look at 'he's gorgeous' and 'he's tall' again.

5. She loves going to parties, meeting new people and being the centre of attention. She's …
a. shy – Wrong - this doesn't describe someone who likes to be with people.
b. friendful – Wrong - there is no word 'friendful' in English.
c. introvert – Wrong - this doesn't describe someone who likes to be with people.
d. extrovert – Correct - this describes someone who likes to be with people.

6. "What does she look like?" is the question. What's the answer?
a. She likes Italian food – Wrong – this answers the question "What does she like?".
b. She's shy – Wrong - this answers the question "What is she like?"
c. She's tall and slim - Correct – this is the right question to find out about her appearance.
d. She looks like tall and slim – Wrong – you don't need 'like' in the answer.






