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And you happen to be the president. We learned other reasons why you are not happy. We learned that the average number of romantic relationships

又恰好是主席 我们了解到你们不快乐的其他原因 我们了解到上积极心理学课的人

For people to take positive psychology in 4 years is between zero and one. Zero and one. (Tal: No! I don't believe it.)

在4年里恋爱次数的平均数在0到1之间 0到1之间 不! 我不信

Don't leave. - But that was before taking positive psychology class. - That was before taking the class. We are going to test you afterwards.

不要走 - 但那是在上积极心理学课之前 - 是在上课之前 我们之后会调查一下你们

The average number of sexual partners is between zero and .5. I have no idea what .5 sexual partners is. This class is going to be amazing.

性伴侣数目的平均数是在0到0.5之间 我实在不知道0.5个性伴侣是什么 这门课程将会很棒

It was amazing in the past and Tal we actually have extraordinary teaching staff here with us. It's a large teaching staff. And Tal has actually already given us home works

它过去就很棒 而且我们有一个很出色的教学团队 很大的教学团队 Tal实际上已经给我们布置了作业

So the teachers are going to be learning not only the material you are doing and talk you about which the experts., but learning how to be better teachers.

所以老师们不仅要学你们学的那些材料 和你们讨论专业的内容 还要学习如何成为更好的老师

He's given us books to read. He's actually given us assignment. It's a big extraordinary class in that sense.

他给了我们要读的书 他事实上给我们布置了任务 从那个意义上说这是个很特别的课程

In terms of the syllabus, it's going to be online. Tal just described now we've decided to go green, so no trees are in making of this class except the large auditorium made of wood.

至于教学大纲 网上会有 Tal说现在我们决定要环保 所以这门课程中不能使用树木制品 除了这个木制的大礼堂

Sections-- we are going to try sections online next weekend. So we are going to get the numbers on Wednesday. On following weekend we will be doing sectioning

我们下周会在网上分组 所以我们星期三会知道有多少分组 下个周末我们会做分组任务

That gives you a very short of turnaround time. But that way you can give me Monday to change your section if you need to, which I hope you won't.

给你们的周转时间就非常少了 如果需要的话 你们可以在周一换组 虽然我不希望你们改

And sections will start the following week. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, send me an email. Ok, so...

分组会在下一个星期开始 非常谢谢 如果还有什么问题 给我发邮件 好的 那么...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

syllabus ['siləbəs]


n. 摘要,大纲

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人





