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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

There’s a proposal around that’s got a lot of interest called universal basic income

where everybody is guaranteed at least a certain level of income in the society.
Some free market economists like Milton Friedman talked about a negative income tax
which in effect had the same features of guaranteeing a certain level of income for everybody as a base.
I think from a human rights and decency standard there’s a lot of sense to the idea that
从人权和道德标准来看 我认为全民基本收入有很大的意义


everybody in a society should be able to meet their basic needs.

There’s on the other hand this sense if you give someone a check whether they’re trying, not trying, working, not working.
另一方面 保证全民基本收入可能会削弱他们的工作积极性
If there’s no effort, no conditionality involved at all maybe we’re going to get a lot of people that are absolutely doing nothing on the backs of those who are really working.
如果不需要任何付出 也没有任何制约性涉及其中 那就可能造成很多什么也不干的人压榨那些真正在工作的人
So the incentive issues are real even if the sensitivity and decency issues are also real.
因此确实存在激励问题 虽然敏感性和体面性问题也存在
I think that one way to handle this is a little bit more rounded rather than seeing a universal basic income as a check
我认为解决这个问题的方法应当更全面一点 而不是视全民基本收入为一张支票
and kind of an unconditional check that’s just handed out as income.
I like the idea of social democracy as it’s applied in real countries in Europe, the Netherlands and Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany.
我喜欢社会民主的观点 因为它应用于欧洲一些国家 如荷兰丹麦 挪威 瑞典和德国
The idea is everybody has access to publicly financed healthcare.
Everybody has access to quality publicly financed education including college tuitions.
Not a trillion dollars of crushing student debt, but tuitions paid for.
并非几万亿美元的学生债务 而是免除学费
Everybody has access to not only guaranteed vacation, but paid vacation.
人人都可以享受 不只是法定节假日 还有带薪休假
Everybody has access to quality childcare so that moms can go to work knowing that their kids are in a healthy, nurturing environment.
人人都可以享受托儿服务 这样一来妈妈们就可以放心去上班因为他们知道孩子生长在健康被呵护的环境中
Everybody has access to maternity leave so that moms and also paternity leave, dads can stay home with their kids for several months.
人人都可以享受产假和陪产假 父亲和母亲就可以几个月在家陪他们的孩子
It’s kind of decent where you say we have all this wonderful technology, this wealth.
当你说我们拥有这样绝妙的技术和财富 的确很有面子
Why don’t we live decently, not miserably.
我们为什么不活的体面些 快乐些
If people want a market income beyond that they’ve got to go work for it.
如果人们想得到高于本身应得工资的市场收入 他们就得努力工作
If, of course, they’re disabled or for some reason can’t then there’s added social support but it’s not cash in people’s pockets. It’s decency.
当然 如果他们身体残疾或出于某种原因不能去工作他们就会得到额外的社会救助 但不是提供资金 而是尊重
It’s public service. It’s basic needs met.
是公共服务 是基本需求得到满足
I see it as basically living decent lives in decent societies.
They have a very different spirit to them.
There aren’t a lot of super rich Wall Street hedge fund misanthropes
and I’ll use the term advisably because I find a lot of people on Wall Street don’t give a damn about anybody else except they care about their money.
我会谨慎的用这个形容词 因为我发现华尔街有很多除了钱根本就不在乎别人的人
And I find that really weird.
But you don’t find that kind of idea in northern Europe because it’s really looked down upon.
但是在北欧人并没有这样的想法 因为这种想法真的会让人们瞧不起
And people don’t like it when people are money grubbing.
They’re kind of shunned. So the social ethos is different.
他们会有点排斥 所以社会的理念是不同的
I remember once I was running to the airport in Oslo and I fly business class
我记得 我曾经飞奔到奥斯陆的机场 坐的是商务舱
and I’m constantly moving around on trips relentlessly around the world.
And I ran up and said, “Where’s the business class line to board?”
然后我跑上去问 哪里是商务舱的登机队伍
And the guy looked at me like I was crazy and he said, “Excuse me, we’re boarding the Scandinavian way.
然后那个人像看疯子一样看着我 说 不好意思 我们正在登机去往斯堪的纳维亚的路途
Get back in line.” And I just thought okay, that’s pretty cool actually, you know.
回到你的队伍中 我当时就想 好吧 可是真的很酷
Everybody’s in line and let’s all get on the plane. It’s a social spirit.
每个人都在排队 然后让所有人一一登上飞机 这是一个社会精神
It’s the idea that we like well by the way this is not people tearing their clothes and living in hair shirts and not enjoying themselves.
这就是我们所喜欢的主张 顺便一提 并非人们情愿撕掉他们的衣服过着苦行僧的日子 也不享受生活
They like their vacations. They like their boats in the Stockholm archipelago.
相反 他们喜欢他们的假期 他们喜欢斯德哥尔摩群岛的小船
They like six weeks on their island. So they live beautifully.
他们喜欢岛上度过的六周 他们生活地有滋有味
But they don’t want gazillions. They don’t want to do it at the expense of others.
但他们并不奢求太多 他们不想以他人的代价来换取这些
They want to do it as a society.
God, if America could just get a little of that back rather than a president who believes in killers and losers.
天呐 如果美国可以紧随其后一点点 而不是让一个相信刽子手和失败者的总统坐在上面
Sick, but that’s what we got and that is what’s degrading American society.
虽然病态 但这就是我们 这就是美国社会退化
Not just the technical issues.
Not just the rising inequality but this spirit that you’re a winner or you’re a loser.
不仅仅是日益严重的不平等 而是这种"你是一个胜者或是一个失败者”的价值观
And if you’re a loser get out of the way. That’s Ayn Rand talking. It’s ugly and we’ve had enough of it.
如果你是一个失败者 那就出局 那是艾因·兰德的观点 这很丑恶 而我们也已经受够了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hedge [hedʒ]


n. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿

universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

sensitivity [.sensi'tiviti]


n. 敏感,多愁善感,感受性

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

decency ['di:snsi]


n. 得体,礼貌,体面

incentive [in'sentiv]


adj. 刺激的,鼓励的
n. 刺激,鼓励,动





