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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

People often ask me what I think the limitations are for transformative technology.

经常有人问我 技术变革的局限在哪里
And I would say that I don’t think anything replaces sitting down one-on-one with someone that you love or care about.
我会说 我认为任何一件事情都无法取代跟自己爱和关心的人面对面坐下来
There’s nothing that replaces that. But we don’t live in an only one thing world.
这是无可替代的 我们又不是活在单一的世界
I really believe in having a suite of tools that we use.
And so when you can’t be one-on-one with your loved one and you are forced to be at distance then to have things that support you in that.
所以如果你不能和你爱的人见面你们被迫相隔两地 那技术能帮你解决这种问题


And in terms of other limitations I think a lot of the limitations are really our imagination

至于其他的局限性 我认为很多都是我们想象出来的
because it’s out of our imaginations that we develop products.
It isn’t really a coincidence that the first flip phones look like the communicators on Star Trek.
Like that’s not a coincidence.
It was sort of set and then we worked to make it so.
And so I think with transformative technology or any technology really it’s being of the mindset
所以我觉得变革性的技术 或者其他任何的技术的实质在于这样一种心态
that there won’t be one way and there shouldn’t be one input.
不只有一种方法 也不应该只有一种输入
So we should always prioritize real live interactions with other people.
所以我们永远应该把现实生活中 与他人的互动放在首要位置
We should prioritize having healthy spaces and cities where people can connect and collide.
我们应该优先考虑健康的环境和城市 能让人们口头交流又思想碰撞
We should have spaces where people of different backgrounds and socioeconomic levels come together so we don’t have stratified experiences.
我们真的需要让拥有不同背景和社会经济水平的人有一个共处交流的空间 这样他们就不会有层次化的经历
Because part of growing up and becoming an adult is being exposed to a lot of different things.
So we should have those too.
And then we should also have technology that helps us work on the things that we’re working on.
There’s one device that I particularly love.
I’m really interested in behavior change.
I’m really interested in behavior change because it’s really quite hard and there’s been a couple of studies that have come out on human willpower.
我对它感兴趣是因为行为改变很难 并且已经发表过很多关于人类意志力的研究
And our willpower actually isn’t that strong.
And so there’s two products that work on behavior change that I’ve been tracking.
One uses affirmation and the other one uses cessation as a tool.
一种是用肯定 一种是用终止的方法
So the cessation one is called Pavlok and it shocks you when you do something that you don’t want to do.
利用停止的那个叫Pavlok 当你做一些你不想做的事情时它会震你一下
So it’s a slight electrical shock but it shocks you nonetheless.
这是很轻的电击 但它还是电了你
And you can sort of amp it up if you want to.
Right now there are some things that it can tell that you’re doing so you can put in a list of websites.
目前它可以识别你的一些行为 所以你可以输入一系列网址
So if you have a Facebook addiction and you want to get off
所以如果你沉迷于脸书 你想摆脱这种习惯
that every time you go to Facebook the wearable which you wear on your wrist can shock you.
这样每次你打开脸书的时候 你手腕上的可穿戴设备就能震你一下
Or they’ve really been helping people with porn addictions
because there’s basically like ten words that matter and you can put all of those in the app
因为大概有10个重要的关键词 你可以把这些关键词输入应用
and every time you go to a website with those words in it then you get shocked.
这样每次你在网址上输入这些词汇的时候 你就会被电到
And they’re actually really helping people because if that’s a problem for you it’s a real problem.
他们真的对人们有很大的帮助 因为如果一件事对你来说是个问题的话 那它就真是个问题
And so people need to have things that help them change the behaviors that they want to.
The flip side of that is another device called Moti which I just love it.
相反地 另一个装置叫Moti 我喜欢这个
It’s this little ball that sits on your desk and it’s got a little face on it.
这是个放在你桌上的小球 上面有个小脸
And every time you do something that you want to do you touch it and it sort of – it blinks and vibrates and it coos.
每次你要做你想做的事时 按它一下 它就会眨眼 颤动和咕咕叫
And it sounds like a really silly thing.
You’re like why would you do that.
But it turns out that our inner mind, our monkey mind, the lizard brain loves that. We just love it.
但事实是 我们的内心 我们的大脑 本能地喜欢做这件事 我们就是单纯地喜欢做这个
And so every time you do something that you want to do, every time you go to bed early
所以每次当你做你想要做的事情的时候 比如你每次早睡
or you don't or you get up and go and exercise you touch it and it can track your you tell it what you’re tracking
晚睡或者每次你起床锻炼的时候 按它一下 它就可以记录你想要让它记录的东西
and so you can accumulate rewards for your positive change.
But you get this sort of physical sound reinforcement that oh, that was good.
但你可以得到这种声音强化 噢 这很棒
And in both cases they’re finding that they’re helping people change behaviors that people thought they couldn’t change.
两种情况下研究者都发现 它们有助于改变那些人们以为无法改变的行为
And so that’s a really great example of yes, there are limitations to technologies of any kind
这是个很好的例子 没错 任何类型的技术都有局限
but there’s also so many great ways it can help people with private and personal goals that they have.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reinforcement [.ri:in'fɔ:smənt]


n. 增强,加固,强化物,增援力量

flip [flip]


vt. 掷,弹,轻击
vi. 翻转

cessation [se'seiʃən]


n. 中止,(短暂的)停止

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit]


vt. 积聚,累加,堆积
vi. 累积

coincidence [kəu'insidəns]


n. 巧合,同时发生

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

affirmation [.æfə:'meiʃən]


n. 肯定,断言,主张





