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女同胞们 你也可以很坚强!

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I love that. You look fantastic. Thank you. Welcome.

真好看 你看起来棒极了 谢谢 欢迎

And this is your 14th-- 14th! 14th time here on the show, 14th season on Gray's Anatomy. Yes.

这是你第14次 14次 第14次上这个节目 也是《实习医生格蕾》第14季 没错

And thank you for supporting me all these years. Of course. Yeah.

谢谢你这些年来对我的支持 当然了 嗯

I mean, we've almost been doing this the same amount of time, right?

我们做这些东西的时间都差不多 对吧

Yeah. Your show is 15 years. 15 years, 14 years.

对 你的节目有15年了 我15年 你14年

And I'm very, very excited for everything that's going on.



First of all, let's just go back to when you got the offer for this.

首先 我们来说说你一开始收到邀请的时候

You wouldn't even read the script at first.


Why didn't you want to take it?


Because medical shows-- ER was on at the time.

因为医学节目 那时候《急诊室的故事》正在播出

And every time I watched it, it made me really anxious.

我每次看的时候 都有一种很担忧的感觉

I was hypochondriac, think there's something wrong with me.

我是疑病患者 老觉得自己有毛病

Has it helped or hurt your hypochondriac self? Helped and hurt at different times.

它是帮助还是伤害了你疑病患者的那一面呢 在不同的时期既帮助又伤害

At certain times, I think I know what to do. And then other times, it's-- You go to a place of I have this thing.

有时候 我觉得自己知道该干什么 另一些时候 你会觉得我有问题

I had a kidney stone on Saturday and ended up in the ER. And I thought I was dying.

周六的时候我检查出了肾结石 去了急诊 当时觉得自己要死了

I had no idea what it was. I thought I was dying for sure.

那时候不知道那是什么 感觉自己肯定要死了

So you really had a kidney stone? I did. I did.

你是真的得了肾结石 真的 真的

But I didn't know that's what it was. How have you been on 14 seasons and not know--

不过我之前不知道 你都拍了14季了怎么会不知道

--not know the symptoms of a kidney stone?


That's what I'm saying. Well, y'all need to do an episode on a kidney stone.

我也是那样说的 你们得出一集关于肾结石的

No, I'll be great at it. For sure. All right.

嗯 我肯定做的特别好 那是 好

So let's talk about what's going on in your life right now.


So you did a story. Hollywood Reporter talked about you being the highest paid actress on a drama on television.

你讲了个故事 好莱坞报道称你是电视戏剧方面薪酬最高的女演员

Congratulations, first of all. Thank you.

先恭喜你 谢谢

I mean, most people don't talk about what they make, but especially when it comes to women because there has been such inequality.

很多人都不会谈论自己的收入 尤其是涉及到女性的时候 因为有性别收入不平等

And when you started the show, you didn't make as much as your male co-star.

刚开始的时候 你的片酬没有联合主演的男演员高

And yet it's called Gray's Anatomy and it's you. But why did you share this story?

但它明明叫《实习医生格蕾》 也就是你 你为什么会分享这个故事呢

I think there are certain moments where it's important to be really truthful about our pain and about our struggles.

我觉得有时候 我们要坦诚面对自己的伤痛和挣扎 这很重要

I recently read the article about your 20-year anniversary of your show, and the whole story about you coming out and how painful that was.

最近 我读了你一篇20周年纪念的文章 里面讲述了你的节目 你出柜的全过程以及那种痛苦

And look at what came out of that. I could cry just recalling that article.

看看痛苦过后的现在 想起那篇文章我都忍不住流泪

It was a monumental moment for the gay and lesbian community, for you in your life.

它是男同性恋和女同性恋的不朽丰碑 也是你值得纪念的时刻

And like a phoenix rising out of the ashes, look at you now.

就像凤凰涅槃 看看现在优秀的你

I think that sometimes you have to go through painful things to just be an example.

有时候 你想成为楷模 就得先经历痛苦

If you have a platform-- we have a platform.

如果你有一个平台 我们有平台

And the women who have approached me from all walks of life since this article came out, I've really been shocked and really moved.

这篇文章发表后 来自社会各界的女性都跟我联系 我真的很震惊 很感动

But so shocked and so moved about how many women just run up to me and want to share their stories.

有这么多女性迫不及待地想要跟我分享她们的故事 真的很震惊 很感动

Because I think as women, sometimes we're afraid to ask.

因为作为女性 我们会害怕问问题

We're afraid to be vocal. We're taught not to be. They like us quiet, as we've seen from this administration.

我们害怕说出自己的声音 我们受到的教育就是要安静 他们喜欢我们保持缄默 就像现在的政府一样

So I think it's really important to encourage each other,


encourage other women to stand up and be strong,

鼓励其他女同胞们站起来 要坚强

and know that we will be OK and we have each other's backs.

相信我们会很好的 我们互相是彼此的后盾

Yeah. And I think that it's OK--

对 我觉得这很好

I think that it makes it OK then, the more that this happens, for other women to support women.

那就没什么问题了 这种情况越多 女性互相支持

Because some people come from a place of lack.


Like, oh, if somebody has something, I'm not going to get it.

比如 如果别人有某些东西 我就得不到

And there's abundance. Everyone can have whatever they want.

其实资源很充足 每个人都能分到一份

So just because you're making a whole lot of money doesn't mean another woman is not going to make that money.


Look at us. This is two Ellens, both with TV shows. We're both doing great.

看看我俩 两个艾伦呀 都有电视节目 都做的很优秀

There's two seats at the table. And that speaks to what you just said, is so poignant, because it's true.

有两个位置 你刚才说的很尖锐 那就是事实

That speaks to civil rights and equal rights.


And there's that notion-- this is a much broader conversation--

人们有这种观念 这个对话可以很宽泛

but because you have means I don't get is a very deep rooted thing where racism and sexism is based.

因为你有途径而我却没有 这种观念根深蒂固 也是种族歧视和性别歧视的根源

And so it's important to talk about that and unearth that, and just simply dispel it and say that is simply not true.

所以有必要说说这个 掰开了说 要消除这种观念 它是错误的

So there's talk that these two co-stars of yours are not coming back, right? Yeah.

有消息称你们的两个联合主演要离开剧组了 对吗 对

Jessica and Sarah? Yeah, Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew.

杰西卡和莎拉 对杰西卡·卡普肖和莎拉·德鲁

Now there's rumors that it's because--


they're using the excuse that they're paying you so much that there's not enough money to pay them to come back.

他们的理由是 因为你的片酬过高 导致没有足够的经费去请她们回来

That is absolutely not true. It's absolutely not true.

根本不是这样 不是的

I mean, I'm not involved in these kind of decisions.


However, there's a few problems that you encounter doing a show for 14 seasons.

但是 做一个14季的节目会遇到一些问题

And one of them is the writers have a really hard time creatively, thinking up new stories for all these characters.

其中一个就是编剧很难创作 很难为每个角色想出各种新故事

And I mean, I think we have 16 regular cast members.

我是说 我们有16个固定演员

And it's always sad when we lose people, for whatever reason.

不管有人因为何种理由离开的时候 我们都很难过

Whether they want to go or they don't want to go, it doesn't make it any easier. Yeah.

无论他们是不是自愿离开的 都很难受 嗯

I just want to make sure because I don't want that to be a perception out there,

我想确认一下 因为我不想让大家有这种观念

that it's somehow attached to your paycheck, that because they're leaving for different reasons or whatever.

觉得这跟你片酬过高有关 而是他们离开都有各自的原因

I appreciate you doing that. Thank you.

很感谢你这么做 谢谢

I think that it's important for us to not pit women against each other and to really dispel the notion that women are always victims.

我们女同胞内部不要起内讧 要消除那种女性总是受害者的观点

You don't have to pit us against each other. We're not enemies.

我们不需要针对彼此 我们不是敌人

We do lift each other up and support each other. And we're not victims.

我们互相帮助 互相支持 而且不是受害者

We're very strong. And we're capable of many, many things.

我们很强大 我们可以做到很多很多事情

重点单词   查看全部解释    
abundance [ə'bʌndəns]


n. 丰富,充裕

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

unearth ['ʌn'ə:θ]


vt. 发掘,掘出,发现并披露

poignant ['pɔinənt]


adj. 悲伤的,痛切的,严厉的,尖锐的,剧烈的,浓烈的

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

inequality [.ini'kwɔliti]


n. 不平等,不平均,差异,多变性,不等式

script [skript]


n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...

truthful ['tru:θfəl]


adj. 诚实的,真实的

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地





