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艾伦太忙 让观众去帮她买东西

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

As you can imagine, I'm a very busy person. Extremely busy.

大家知道 我特别忙 都快忙死了

I have-- I spent hours looking for gifts for you, to show you today.

今天 我花了好几个小时给你们选礼物

Plus I have a serious gambling problem. And so--

外加我有严重的赌博问题 所以

--I need some things done, and I-- this weekend, I--

我需要做些事情 这周末 我

well anyway, I went to shop at, because Walmart makes online shopping easier than ever.

总之 我在Walmart.com上面购物 沃尔玛让网上购物变得太简单了

You can simplify your shopping by ordering anything from anywhere, and get what you need fast.

你可以快速从任何地方购买任何你需要的东西 特别简单


And they've got something called "pick up today" that lets you shop online and pick up in-store the same day.

它们有一种“今天递送”服务 可以让你在网上购物的同一天在店里拿到实物

So before the show I bought some stuff. I got some hair extensions, because I'm going to extend my hair.

所以节目开始前 我买了点东西 有假发 我想把头发接长点

And I got a padded butt lifter to make me look, you know, a little more booty-licious.

还有臀部提升器 你懂的 为了让我的翘臀更翘一些

And then of course, the sexy black dress, so I can show off my sexy legs.

当然了 还有性感的黑裙子 让我秀秀这性感的双腿

And so-- you don't know me, I'm very different when I'm not on this show.

你们才不懂我 我不录节目的时候跟现在判若两人哦

Here's the problem, though. So I picked all this stuff out, and I can't pick it up, because now I'm busy doing this show.

不过 有个问题 我买了这些东西 却没法去取 因为这会儿在录节目呢

As I said, very busy. So Gillian Thompson, are you here?

我说了 超忙的 所以吉莉安·汤普森 你在吗

Gillian Thompson, where are you? Hi! Come here.

吉莉安·汤普森在哪里 嗨 过来

I love you so much! I love you too! No, I mean it! No, I love you, no. No!

我超爱你的 我也爱你 不 我是真心的 不 我爱你 不 不

Sit down. Can I do what you do? Yeah, do it! Do it. Let's-- hey, you want to-- Yeah, yeah.

请坐 我能学你吗 可以啊 来吧 我们 嘿 你想 嗯 嗯

Let's do it together. All right, let's do it together. How long can you hold it?

我们一起吧 好 一起 你能保持多久

I don't know, let's see. Oh, my arms are shaking. Yeah, I know. It takes-- yeah.

不知道 看看 哦 我胳膊开始抖了 嗯 我知道 这很 嗯

OK. All right. We're going down? OK, all right.

好 好 坐下吗 好 好

Hi mom! That's my mom. Oh, hi mom! That's my mom. Hi mom, how are you?

嗨 妈妈 那是我妈妈 哦 你好啊妈妈 嗨 你好吗

I'm great! Oh, good! Wonderful. So how are you doing?

好极了 哦 很好 很好 你呢 你好吗

I'm fantastic. Good, good. You excited to be here at the show? Yeah!

我棒极了 好 好 上节目开心吗 开心

Can I-- can I do something though? I need the stuff picked up at Walmart. OK.

我能做件事吗 我需要去沃尔玛取点东西 好

And I know you came to see the show, but I need this stuff.

我知道你来是为了看节目的 不过我需要这些东西

Would you mind going to Walmart to pick the stuff up for me? Yeah!

你愿意去沃尔玛帮我取一下吗 愿意

That is so kind of you. That is so sweet. Anything you ask, I'll do it.

你太好心了 太善良了 你说什么我都愿意做

That's so great, OK. So head on out, and somebody will show you, and then you'll get in a car.

太好了 好 那去吧 有人会告诉你 有车接你

We'll get you a Lyft or an Uber or something.


Jeannie! Hi girl! Jeannie! We'll see you soon!

珍妮 嗨 你好 珍妮 一会儿见

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.


I don't need any of that stuff.


So Gillian is a single mother to a four-year-old daughter, and I'm going to send her off.

吉莉安是单亲妈妈 有个四岁的女儿 我让她去

She's going to get a huge surprise when she gets there.


Earlier in the show, we sent an audience member named Gillian Thompson to Walmart.

刚才 我们让名叫吉莉安·汤普森的观众去了沃尔玛

Gillian is a mom to a four-year-old daughter.


She works as a receptionist for an insurance company.


I want to check in with Jeannie and Gillian now. Hi! Hi Ellen!

现在来看看珍妮和吉莉安 嗨 嗨 艾伦

Hi! Gillian, you're so sweet that you decided that you didn't need to stay and watch the show and you'd go to Walmart for me.

嗨 吉莉安 你不看节目去沃尔玛帮我拿东西 真的是太善良了

You know, I don't really have anything at all. I'd do anything for you!

其实 我什么都没买 为你做什么都愿意

Ah, you're so sweet. Anything for you, I love you. I love you too.

你太善良了 唯命是从 我爱你 我也爱你

I don't have anything that I ordered.


What I did is, I gave Jeannie an envelope that I'd like you to open right now.

是这样 我给了珍妮一封信 你现在可以打开了

And then you'll just read that. Go ahead and read that to Ellen. Ready?

你看一下里面的内容 读给艾伦听 准备

Gillian, we have a challenge for you. You have 60 seconds to find three items.

吉莉安 现在有一项挑战 给你60秒的时间找到三样东西

If you can grab all of them in under one minute, you will win a prize.

如果你能在一分钟内找到它们 就会获得一份奖品

Ellen is going to tell you what the items are. OK, ready? Oh, my God!

艾伦会告诉你去找什么东西 好 准备 天啊

OK, I'm ready. Isn't this fun? This is going to be really fun. All right.

好 准备好了 是不是很好玩 会很好玩的 好

So we're going to put 60 seconds on the clock, so you have to do this really fast.

我们会有60秒计时 所以你得非常快

In 60 seconds, I need you to get a shower curtain, turtle wax, and a DVD copy of Finding Dory.

在60秒内 你需要找到浴帘 龟蜡和《多莉去哪儿》的DVD

And we've go to go in that order. OK. Put 60 seconds on the clock. Go! Go!

我们按照那个顺序找 好 60秒开始计时 去 去

Fast, fast! Shower curtain! Shower curtain, go, go! Shower curtain, here!

快 快 浴帘 浴帘 去 去 浴帘 这里

Turtle wax, what's turtle wax? Auto, this way! Turtle wax!

龟蜡 龟蜡是什么 这边 龟蜡

Turtle! Auto! No! Where's turtle waaaax? OK, over here, OK. Turtle wax!

龟 不是 龟蜡在哪里 好 这边 好 龟蜡

Is that the right one? It's perfect, let's go! I'm going! DVD!

是那个吗 是的 走吧 来了 DVD

Finding Dory, Finding Dory. Where's Finding Dory? Found it!

《多莉去哪儿》 《多莉去哪儿》 《多莉去哪儿》在哪里 找到了

I got it! With time to spare!

找到了 还有多余的时间呢

That's great. You did that-- I didn't even need to put 60 seconds on the clock, you do that in 38 seconds.

很好 根本就不需要60秒计时 你只用了38秒

Nope! All right, so here's your prize. You get to keep the turtle wax, the shower curtain and the DVD.

不用 好 这是你的奖品 你可以留着龟蜡 浴帘和DVD

You get to keep those. OK, thank you! Yes! And then-- oh, one more thing.

它们是你的了 好 谢谢 棒 然后 哦 还有一件事

There's one more thing. Jeannie, will you give it to her? Yeah.

还有一件事 珍妮 你能给她吗 嗯

One more thing. Yes, I will. $10,000.

还有件事 好的 1万美元

All right! Everyone in the audience, you can try out Walmart's pick up service today,

好 所有观众都可以试试沃尔玛的今天递送服务

because you're all going to go home with a $150 Walmart gift card.


We'll be back! Oh my God! I can not breathe right now.

稍后回来 天哪 我快窒息了

Oh my God! All because of her! All because of her!

天啊 多亏了她 多亏了她

重点单词   查看全部解释    
extend [iks'tend]


v. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

wax [wæks]


n. 蜡,蜂蜡
vt. (用蜡)涂

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

turtle ['tə:tl]


n. 海龟

ordering ['ɔ:dəriŋ]


n. [计]定序;排序;订购 v. 命令;指挥;订购(o

envelope ['enviləup]


n. 信封,封皮,壳层

simplify ['simplifai]


v. 简化,使单纯
vt. 简化

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





