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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Drew Barrymore has a beauty line. It's called Flower Beauty.

德鲁·巴里摩尔有自己的化妆品企业 叫Flower Beauty

And it's doing very, very well.


We're in our seventh year, and we just are this spring going into Ulta's 600 doors.

这已经是第七年了 今年在春天要到犹他州去开第600个门面了

That's huge. I'm so happy. It's huge. That's huge. Congratulations.

特别厉害 我很开心 厉害 是很厉害 恭喜

That's a big deal for us. Yeah. That is a big deal. All right.

对我们来说很盛大 嗯 大事 好


So you have your own beauty line.


And I think you're quite an expert with makeup.


So we have a challenge, first.

首先 我们有项挑战

We need a volunteer, and her name is MacKenzie Quillis. MacKenzie?

我们需要一名志愿者 她叫MacKenzie Quillis MacKenzie

Hi. It's nice to meet you. Oh my gosh, you're so beautiful. So are you! Sit.

嗨 很高兴认识你 天啊 你真漂亮 你也是 请坐

Sit on down, MacKenzie. And I love that everyone raised their hands not even knowing what was going to happen to them.

请坐 MacKenzie 大家都不知道接下来会发生什么 却争先恐后地举手 真感动

So what's going to happen is, you're really good at this.

现在是这样 你真的很擅长

And so I am going to blindfold you first because that's how good you are.

我要先给你戴上眼罩 你的水平根本不需要眼睛看

All right. I love how many things I'm getting put on my head today.

好 今天我头上戴了好多东西 还挺好的

All right. All right. Are you completely blindfolded? Like-- All right.

好 好 是完全看不见吗 好

I'm going to hand you things. Yes. All right.

我给你递东西 嗯 好

And we're using all of your beauty products and your face products, so here we go.

我们用的都是你的化妆品和面部产品 开始了

I'm going to open your hand because this is foundation.

张开手 这是粉底

So we'll want to put foundation on, right?

要先上粉底 对吧

Make her look real pretty, real pretty. All right. Take that off. Thank you.

要给她化很漂亮很漂亮的妆 好 擦下手 谢谢

All right. Scalpel. OK. All right. That's some powder because she'll want powder.

好 手术刀 好 好 这是粉 她想擦点粉

All right. I told you, she's good at this. OK. Good.

好 说过了 她技术很好的 好 好

Some blush. There's some blush.

来点腮红 这是腮红

All right, good. All right. This is eye-- here, turn your head the other way.

好 好 这是 头转到另一边

And then we'll put some eye, some really pretty eye stuff.


Eyelids, close your eyes, close your your eyes.

眼皮 闭眼 把眼睛闭上

All right. Both eyes, you want her to be balanced. OK. That's good.

好 两只眼都要涂 要对称 好 很好

Lipstick? Is that the lipstick? I think that's lipstick. I'm not sure.

口红 是口红吗 应该是吧 不确定

That's not lipstick. No, don't do that. That was not lipstick. All right. OK.

那不是口红 别 别涂 那不是口红 好 好

That's pretty. Wait a minute. God, no wonder you can't find a date.

很漂亮 等一下 天 难怪你还单身呢

You don't even know where her mouth is.


It's true. All right. It's funny because it's true. Yes, it's funny. All right.

是真的 好 这么说很搞笑是因为它是真的 嗯 很搞笑 好

That's good. Oh. OK. There. And then the finishing spray is-- there you go.

很好 哦 好 最后是喷雾 给你

You know how to work that.


All right. That looks pretty. OK. You can take that off.

好 很漂亮啊 好 可以把眼罩摘下来了

Ooh. Oh. There we go. It's too bad, everybody's like, oh, I didn't get to do that.

哦 来 太可怕了 大家肯定在想 哦 幸好我没去

重点单词   查看全部解释    
powder ['paudə]


n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药
vt. 洒粉于,使

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

scalpel ['skælpəl]


n. 手术刀,解剖刀

blush [blʌʃ]


n. 脸红,外观
vi. 泛红,羞愧





