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来源:可可英语 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

第Ⅰ卷 选择题(五大题,共70分)




1. What day is it today?

A. Monday.B. Tuesday. C. Mother’s Day.

2. Where is the woman from?

A. China. B. France. C. America

3. How’s the weather there?

A. Warm. B. Cold.C. Hot.

4. What does Mrs. Black look like?

A. Tall. B. Smart. C. Serious.

5. What’s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

A. Sa2014年湖北省荆州市中考英语真题试卷附答案lesman and customer.B. Husband and wife.C. Foreigner and student.


听下面A、B、C三段对话和D篇的一段短文, 并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。对话或短文听两遍。



6. Does the man know the way to the bank?

A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

7. Where’s the bank?

A. Next to the supermarket. B. Behind the supermarket.C. Across from the supermarket.

8. How far is it from here?

A. 20 metres.B. 200 metres. C. 2 kilometres.



9. Where are the two speakers probably talking?

A. In a hospital.B. In a restaurant.C. In a library.

10. What is wrong with the young man?

A. He has a toothache. B. He has a headache.C. He can’t sleep at night.

11. How long has he been like this?

A. For three days.B. For two weeks. C. For one day.

12. What should the young man do?

A. To have a check again.B. To take more exerciseC. To drink more water.



13. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Having a birthday party.

B. Listening to birthday music.

C. Buying a birthday gift.

14. When is Cathy’s birthday?

A. On June 24.B. On June 14.C. On July 4.

15. Why didn’t Alex buy her a CD?

A. Because Cathy has already got one.

B. Because it’s too expensive for Alex.

C. Because Cathy only likes reading.

16. What does Betty suggest Alex buying at last?

A. A book.B. A magazine. C. A dictionary.

( D )


17. How long was Mr. Brown going away?

A. A weekB. A month. C. Two weeks.

18. What did the boy do when he thought nobody would come to see Mr. Brown?

A. Looked for the paper. B. Burnt the paper. C. Visited the man.

19. When did the man come to see Mr. Brown after he left?

A. Last week. B. On the first day.C. On the fifth day.

20. Why was the man very surprised after he heard the boy’s words?
A. He thought Mr. Brown was out.

B. He thought Mr. Brown was ill.

C. He thought Mr. Brown was dead.


Ⅲ、单项选择 (共10分,每小题1分)


21. —Excuse me, but is that my passport?

—Oh, sorry, I took ________ by mistake.

A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his

22. It’s a wise ________ to wear the white tie. It matches your shirt well.

A. agreement B. support C. choice D. condition

23. —I’ll not be Jack’s friend any more.

—Don’t be angry. He’s just so , but in fact he’s good to us, you know.

A. helpful B. direct C. polite D. brave

24. —Do you like swimming in winter?

—Of course. The water a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.

A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. looks

25. —Can you catch what I said?

—Sorry, I can _________ understand it.

A. almost B. probably C. nearly D. hardly

26. —How was the concert last night?

—It was so good. Though itnearly four hours, few people left early.

A. covered B. reached C. lasted D. played

27. —Do you have thenews about Anna?

—I was told she had gone abroad on June 15th, but I don’t know whether she is there now.

A. latest B. funniest C. longest D. worst

28. —We’ve been trying hard, but can’t solve the problem.

2014年湖北省荆州市中考英语真题试卷附答案—I think you can ________ it in another way.

A. share with B. deal with C. keep up with D. point out with

29. —How do you like the popular documentary “A Bite of China”(《舌尖上的中国》)?

—Excellent! You won’t realize how wonderful our Chinese food is _____ you watch it.

A. when B. as C. after D. until

30. —Would you mind helping me look after my baby for a while?

A. Sure, be careful on the way. B. Oh, don’t you like children?

C. Of course not, dear.D. Yeah, I hope so.

Ⅳ. 完形填空 (共10分, 每题1分)


One afternoon a boss was riding in his car when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. He felt31and ordered his driver to stop and he got out to ask32 why.

He asked one man, “Why are you eating grass?” “We don’t have any money for33 . We have to eat grass.” the poor man replied.

“Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll34you,” the boss said.

“But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree.”

“Bring them along,” the boss replied.35to the other poor man, he said, “You come with us, too.” The second man said36a pitiful voice, “But sir, I also have a wife and six children with me!”

“Bring them along37,” the boss answered. They all38the car, which was no easy task even for such a large car. In the car one of the poor men turned to the boss and said, “Sir, you are so39 . Thank you for taking all of us with you.”

The boss replied, “Glad to do it. You’ll love my40because the grass there is almost a metre high.”

31. A. surprised B. angry C. happy D. proud

32. A. him B. them C. us D. you

33. A. grass B. food C. shoes D. clothes

34. A. leave B. teach C. find D. feed

35. A. Carrying B. Having C. Turning D. Shouting

36. A. by B. on C. of D. in

37. A. as usual B. as well C. in general D. no 2014年湖北省荆州市中考英语真题试卷附答案longer

38. A. cleaned B. drove C. entered D. pulled

39. A. kind B. lucky C. exciting D. interesting

40. A. work B. car C. place D. family

Ⅴ、阅读理解 (共30分, 每小题2分)



Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer.

◆Keep your computer in a cool room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Most computers work best at a temperature of 5 ºC—30 ºC.

◆Don’t let people smoke cigarette(香烟)near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.

◆Don’t eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.

◆Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes. If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.

◆Keep your screen clean and don’t have it too bright. A dirty screen can hurt your eyes. A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.

41. According to the passage you should use your computer.

A. in a small room B. in a big room

C. in a cool room D. below 5ºC

42. When you work on the computer, you can.

A. wear glassesB. smoke cigarette

C. eat some hamburgers D. clean the keyboard with water

43. If you want to look after your eyes, you shouldwhen you use computers.

A. buy a pair of sunglassesB. keep your screen clean

C. have your screen very brightD. keep your screen near your eyes


March 21 is World Sleep Day. How’s your sleep recently?

The Chinese Medical Doctor Association asked 8,200 people in China about their sleep. More than 36.3 percent of them said they often sleep badly. The study also finds that many students have only 5 hours of sleep a day. According to the US National Sleep Foundation, teenagers need 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

What cuts into their sleeping time? Homework. Also, school starts early in the morning. But bad sleeping habits also play a role.

Do you like to have a look at your mobile phone before going to bed? The survey finds that 60 percent of people check their phones before they sleep. They read news, check their WeChat (微信) and micro blog(博客) messages, or chat with QQ friends.

It’s important for us to get enough sleep. If we can't get enough sleep, we'll feel sleepy and think slowly. And sleepy kids are often unhappy, says a study by the US National Sleep Foundation.

103 Dates(枣)

70 Mashed potatoes

56 Boiled potatoes

52 Orange juice

49 Chocolate bar

30 Whole milk

We can’t change our school time. But there are still ways to get better sleep. Stay away from soda, coffee and tea at night. They make it hard to sleep well. Leave your mobile phone and computer on your desk. Watch less TV.

Look at these numbers in the box. They are glycemic indexes (血糖生成指数). The bigger the number is, the better that food can help you to get better sleep.

44. How many hours of sleep do teenagers need every night according to the passage?

A. About 12 hours B. About 9 hours C. About 4 hours D. About 5 hours

45. Many students can’t get enough sleep because.

A. they play sports too much and feel tired

B. they use mobile phones during the day time

C. they drink too much soda, coffee and tea at night

D. they have too much homework and bad sleeping habits

46. When people can’t get enough sleep, they may .

A. feel sleepy and unhappy B. go to bed earlier next day

C. change their school time D. go to work late next day

47. In the passage if you want to get better sleep2014年湖北省荆州市中考英语真题试卷附答案, you should .

A. chat with your friendsB. eat the right food

C. put your phone beside you D. be away from food like dates


重点单词   查看全部解释    
screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

sample ['sæmpl]


n. 样品,样本
vt. 采样,取样

miracle ['mirəkl]


n. 奇迹

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

documentary [.dɔkju'mentəri]


adj. 文献的
n. 纪录片

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物





