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第一节 阅读下面四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


A 2-year-od boy is being described as a hero after using Face Time t2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案o save his mother after she was badly hurt.

According to a report from KGUN, Laura was trying to stop a fight between two dogs when one of the dogs bit(咬) part of her middle finger almost completely off.

Laura tried to call 911 herself, but she said her hands were too badly hurt to make the call. “ I asked my daughters to call 911, and they’re four, and they were quite afraid to even touch the phone, because it was covered in my blood(血),” Laura told KGUN.

The mother continued to lose a lot of blood and thought she would go into a deep sleep—until her 2-year-old son Bentley came up with a dishcloth from the kitchen. After cleaning some of the bold off his mother’s iPhone, Bentley continued to use Face Time to call Laura’s friend Connie.

“All I could see was his little forehead. I said ‘Hi Bentley’ and it was quiet for a little bit. Then I heard Laura shouting,” Connie told KGUN.

Connie then called 911, and Bentley unlocked the door to let firefighters into the house.

Laura told KGUN she is very thankful for her little hero and has since taught all of her children how to call 911.

46. Laura was badly hurt when she was _______.

A. opening the door B. cooking in the kitchen

C. making a phone call D. trying to stop a dog fight

47. Through Face Time _______ learned about the accident and called 911 at last.

A. Laura’s son B. Laura’s daughter

C. Laura’s friend D. Laura’s husband

48. The passage is probably taken from _______.

A. a newspaper B. a poster

C.2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案 a science magazine D. a gui2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案debook


Many people have a fear(害怕) of public speaking. According to a study, it has an influence on 3 in every 4 people. This fact is surprising and worrying, as most jobs require some speaking ability. The following will help you to make a speech better.

Write note cards. Write main ideas on your cards. Don’t write details. Put in some fun facts, questions, and other activities on the cards to share with the class. Don’t look at your note cards for a long time while speaking. If necessary, you’re only going to want to have a quick look at the card for information, not read every last word.

Smile at your class. When it comes time to speak, there’s nothing that draws your cl2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案ass into your speech than a good old-fashioned smile. Be happy, because you’re about to teach your class something they didn’t know before. Studies have shown that smiles are infections. That means once you smile, it’s hard for everyone else not to smile. So if you want your speech to go off well, smile. That’ll make everyone smile and maybe those smiles will make you actually smile.

Make eye contact. Nothing is more boring than listening to a speaker who looks at the floor or at note cards. Relax. Your class is made up of your friends and you talk to them all the time. Talk the same way now. have a look at every person in the classroom at least once. That way, everyone will feel like you’re communicating with them. Also, you’ll look like you know what you’re talking about.

Use hand motions. Move your hands along as you talk, using them to express your key points and keep the class interested. It will also lead your nervous en2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案ergy into a better place.

49. According to the passage, ______ of people might fear to speak in public.

A. 100 percent B. 75 percent C. 50 percent D. 25 percent

50. In Paragraph 3 of the passage “smiles are infection” means ______.

A. smiles can be passed on B. it’s hard to smile

C. smiles keep people fit D. people should smile every day

51. Which picture matches the last paragraph best?


52. The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. a boy’s speech in class B. how to write note cards

C. the fear of public speaking D. how to make a speech better


Canada is famous for its winter lifestyle, for the season lasts half the year there. A great example of this is the Quebec Winter Carnival(嘉年华). Quebec is an old city with beautiful historic building, and many agree that winter is the best time to visit. The city comes alive in the snow, especially during the winter festival. People who visit the cold city can find tons of things to do that will make winter seem perfect.

The Carnival has a magical ice palace made with 9,000 tons of snow, a boat race on the St. Lawrence River, and two night parades(游行) with funny people and colorful cars. Other interesting things include a 122014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案2-meter ice slide, and a large football game. There is also an exciting dogsled race that runs through six kilometers of the city’s streets. With more than 20 teams in the game, the dogsled race is noisy, fun and full of great cheer. Even better, artists from around the world come to enter the snow sculpture(雕塑) competition. It is amazing how these artists can bring snow to life. The Quebec Winter Carnival has everything for the whole family and more. It is surely a great way to experience winter at its fullest.

Another famous winter festival is on the other side of the world in China. Known as the City of Ice, Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, which is next to Siberia. In the winter, it is very cold, and temperatures there can drop to 30℃ below zero. Even so, the cold weather makes the city the right place for the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. The festival is held every year.

53. According to t2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案he passage, many people think ______ is the best time to visit Quebec.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

54. The Quebec Winter Carnival includes ______.

①a dogsled race ②a winter swimming ③two night parades

④a snow fight ⑤a boat race

A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③⑤ D. ③④⑤

55. Which of the following is TRUE about Harbin?

A. It is known as the City of Ice.

B. It’s famous for its four seasons.

C. It is in Northern China, next to Quebec.

D. It holds an exciting festival every month.

56. The writer will probably write about ______ in the next part of the article.

A. the Quebec Winter Carnival

B. the introduction of Heilongjiang Province

C. the snow sculpture competition in Quebec

D. the Harbi2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案n International Ice and Snow Festival


E-waste is fast becoming a serious problem around the world. This report will examine this problem and provide some possible ways to solve it.

We live in a society that is producing and using electronics(电子产品) al2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案l the time. It is often cheaper to buy new products than to repair old ones. Also, through clever advertising, companies always encourage people to change their old TVs, mobile phones and computers for the latest models. E-waste is created when we throw away old ones. In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year. Sadly, just over 1,000,000 tons is recycled.

Burying(填埋) e-waste or burning it cause serious problems for the environment. Electronics have dangerous things in them. These things can then get into the ground or pollute the air when they are burnt.

In recent years, __▲__. However, their plans are not always managed properly. Sometimes electronics are just sent to poor countries such as Ghana. Here they are often burnt in public areas, which is very bad for people’s health. Setting up recycling centers is a good way to solve this problem. E-cycling centers could recycle the parts that can be reused and deal with the rest properly.

Another way is to make producers responsible(负责任) for their used products. This means that producers must take back old products which are no longer wanted. They should then make sure they are properly recycled or reused.

As for us, we should try to cut down on e-waste. Change electronics only when we have to. And don’t buy a product just to have the latest model.

E-waste is a serious problem in the modern world. Both producers and users must take actions and try to keep it to the smallest amount.

57. According to the passage, it is often _______ to buy new electronics than to repair old ones.

A. more expensive B. more difficult

C. cheaper D. worse

58. In the passage the underlined word “they” refers to ______.

A. the old products B. the producers

C. the users D. the new products

59. Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 4?

A. the e-waste problem has been solved

B. the e-waste problem continues growing

C. many countries have started recycling e-waste

D. people haven’t realized the e-waste problem yet

60. Which sentence shows the writer’s opinion?

A. Burning e-waste causes problems for the environment.

B. E-waste problem is very serious and people should take actions.

C. Sometimes electronics are sent to poor countries such as Ghana.

D. In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year.

第二节 任务型阅读。阅读以下内容,完成第61-65小题。

May Day is the day when we celebrate the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It’s a time of new life, with new leaves on the trees and wildflowers growing in the woods and fields. On that day, children in Britain and other parts of Europe often make May baskets and hang them on a neighbor’s door as a gift of love and friendship.

Here are the steps of making this kind of basket.

Step 1 Food paper into a cone(圆锥形) and stick it to keep the shape.

Step 2 Cut top of the cone with scissors.

Step 3 Make two holes on opposite sides of the cone. Leave 5cm form the top2014年浙江省衢州市中考英语真题试卷附答案.

Step 4 Pass ribbon(彩带) through holes and tie it to create a basket handle.

Step 5 Fill your basket with different kinds of flowers.


65.what do children make May baskets for?

A.To thank their parents B.To grow flowers

C.To practise cutting paper D.To show love and friendship


重点单词   查看全部解释    
magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

slide [slaid]


vi. 滑,滑动,滑入,悄悄地溜走
vt. 使

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

tidy ['taidi]


adj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的
vt. 使

poster ['pəustə]


n. 海报,装饰画

scarf [skɑ:f]


n. 围巾

infection [in'fekʃən]


n. 传染,影响,传染病





