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来源:可可英语 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题, 共65分)



1. A. Thank you. B. I don’t think so. C. It doesn’t matter.

2. A. Yes, I’d love to. B. You’re welcome. C. You’d better not.

3. A. Goodidea. B. Don’t worry. C. You are so funny.

4. A. Be careful. B. Good luck. C. That’s OK.

5. A.OK, I will. B. Yes, please. C. I hope so.


6. What are they talking about?

A. Tim’s family photo. B. Tim’s younger brother. C. Tim’s twin sister.

7. What does Ben look like now?

A. He is short. B. He is thin. C. He is tall.

8. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman likes travelling.

B. The woman is worried about her son.

C. The woman can’t speak English.

9. Where will the man work?

A. In the bank. B. At the TV station. C. The man hasn’t decided yet.

10. Which tie is the man going to probably take?

A. The black one. B. The blue one. C. The pink one.


11. Where is Ms Ma going to spend her holiday first?

A. Hong Kong. B. Florida. C. Hawaii.

12. Why doesn’t Ms Ma want to visit Disneyworld?

A. Her daughter doesn’t like it.

B. It’s far and expensive.

C. Her friend left Florida for Hawaii.

13. How is Ms Ma going there?

A. By air. B. By bus. C. By train.

14. What will Tony do in Hawaii?

A. Go surfing. B. Visit his friend. C. Go to the Disneyland.

15. Who is Tony going to Hawaii with?

A. His wife. B. His friend. C. His daughter.


二、单项选择 (共20小题,计20分)


16. “If you stop dropping litter, I’ll kiss pig.” the head teacher promised the students at a school meeting.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

17. On May 10th, a horse was found running happily the busy street in Beijing.

A. at B. of C. in D. from

18. -- When is Day?

-- It’s on June 1st, Dave.

A. Child B. Children C. Child’s D. Children’s

19. – do you like Huo Zun’s “Roll of Bead Curtain(卷珠帘)”?

-- Very much. You know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful music.

A. Why B. How C. When D. What

20.There more visitors in Dongying this year because 2014 City Landscaping Exposition of Shandong Province (山东省城市园林绿化博览会) will be held here on September 1st.

A. is B. are C. will be D. is going to have

21. The air in Dongying is much worse than that in many other cities. We must do to protect our environment.

A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

22. After you read the article “Why fast food is slowly killing you”, you stop eating fast food.

A. can B. may C. have to D. should

23. It is better to travel 10,000 miles to read 10,000 books.

A. as B. but C. nor D. than

24. When he arrived at the airport, Lee Minho found that fans were waiting for him there.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

25. People were excited when they saw “Monkey King” 2014 the Yellow River Estuary (入海口,河口) International Marathon.

A. losing B. running C. refusing D. forgetting

26. Scientists say that banana trees may disappear(消失) from the world banana cancer.

A. because of B. instead of C. as for D. together with

27. On March 8th, Flight MH 370 went missing. The news brought great sadness to us,

the families of the passengers.

A. even B. only C. also D. especially

28. Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad?

A. usual B. useful C. successful D. traditional

29. --Are you going to Brazil to watch 2014 FIFA World Cup(2014年世界杯足球赛) this summer?

-- I’m not sure. It time.

A. depends on B. cares about C. agrees to D. finds out

30. -- Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed. If you therule, you’ll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan.

A. broke B. break C. will break D. have broken

31. CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but in America.

A. picked up B. gave up C. grew up D. dressed up

32. -- fantastic documentary it is!

-- Do you mean the hot film “Diaoyu Island----The Truth”?

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

33. What will global warming(全球变暖) bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list.

A. news B. dangers C. courses D. advantages

34. When some Chinese women were dancing to loud music in a park in New York, the people

lived nearby called the police.

A. who B.whom C. whose D. which

35. –Excuse me, could you tell me ?

-- Go along this street until you see some buildings with golden roofs.

A. how I can go to Tianning Temple (天宁寺)

B. how often you go to Tianning Temple

C. how soon you will go to Tianning Temple

D. how many times you have been to Tianning Temple




Do you want to know how you can succeed in a new school term? Here are several tips for you from some teachers.

● Use a calendar or chart. Write down special tasks, activities and important dates on a calendar. This helps you remember things you need to do. You can also make a chart. Then, use colorful pens to circle or draw a line under your homework, reading tasks or other activities. By using a chart, you learn how to plan for your studies.

● Buy folders (文件夹) in different colors. Put your notebooks in different folders according to the subject. This helps you keep papers and notes organized.

● Books are great friends. Visit the bookstore or library every few weeks to find a new book to read. The more you get excited about reading, the more confident you will become.

● Join all kinds of clubs or sports. It’s important to communicate with teenagers outside of school. Joining sports clubs or other group activities is also a good way to help you learn how to get on with others. During this process(过程), you can learn how to solve problems and respect others.

● Ask for help. You’re never too old to ask for help. You can turn to your teachers when there is a question about homework, projects or relationships with your family members. They are there to help solve problems and listen to you.

36. How many tips can you find from the passage? _______ .

A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

37. You can NOT write down _________ on a calendar.

A. special tasks B. homework C. activities D. important dates

38. ______ can help you become confident.

A. Using a chart B. Buying folders in different colors

C. Reading books D. Joining different kinds of clubs

39. According to the passage, the students can ______.

A. not communicate with teenagers outside of school

B. join all kinds of clubs and sports to get good grades in exams

C. think it over when they have a question about their homework

D. ask their teachers for help if they can’t get on well with their family members.

40. The passage is mainly about _____ .

A. how to plan for your studies

B. how to succeed in a new school term

C. how to solve problems and respect others

D. how to keep the papers and notes organized


This is an online discussion group where people can post(发布) comments about a topic.

Read the post from the travel forum(论坛).

Answers To All Your travel




5 days ago

Question: First trip to the USA

For my new job, I will travel to the United States next month and meet my American boss. This will be my first trip there. I’m worried about correct business behavior and manners. My boss invited me to his home for dinner. Do you have any advice?




3 days ago

Re: First trip to the USA

It’s a good idea to bring a small gift or something from your country. Don’t be surprised if your boss opens the gift right away. In the USA, people often open a gift when they receive it. In Korea, that is not polite, but it’s common in the USA.


Los Angeles


2 days ago

Re: First trip to the USA

Americans use their hands to eat some kinds of food, such as pizza and fried chicken. Watch your American hosts, and do what they do.


New York


12 hours ago

Re: First trip to the USA

In Korea and Japan, it’s the custom to remove your shoes before entering a house. In the United States, you usually don’t take your shoes off. Once I was travelling in Japan and entered a house with my shoes on by mistake. Oops!




2 hours ago

Re: First trip to the USA

Many Americans are very informal(非正式的)at home. One time I went to an American business partner’s home for dinner, I was surprised that everyone stood and talked in the kitchen while the husband and wife were cooking dinner. Besides, unlike in Korea, everyone took part in the dinner table conversation, eventhe man’s wife and children.




1 hour ago

Re: First trip to the USA

I agree with Lee. You probably won’t speak about business during dinner, so my advice is to know some topics of conversation. For example, you can talk about travel, food, music, or sports. But you’d better not question about age.

41. Jun posted a question in the forum, because _______.

A. he got a new job

B. he would meet his boss

C. his boss invited him to his home for dinner

D. he wanted to know businessbehavior and manners in the USA

42. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “remove”?

A.开除 B.移开 C.脱下 D.去掉

43. If you are invited to an American friend’s home, it’s NOT polite to________.

A. bring a small gift from your country B. open the gift right away

C. enter the house with your shoes on D. ask a person’s age

44. If you go to your American boss’s home for dinner, you _______.

A. shouldn’t use your hands to eat fried chicken

B. can’t stand and talk in the kitchen while the host is cooking

C. can’t talk with all the family members

D. probably won’t speak about business

45. We can know from the online discussion that ________.

A. different countries have different customs

B. Japanese have the similar customs with Americans

C. everyone may take part in the dinner table conversation in Korea

D. only people from Korea and America can answer Jun’s question


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

pearl [pə:l]


n. 珍珠
v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状





