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第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
21-25 BACAD 26-30 CBACD 31-35 DBACD

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
36-40 ABDAC 41-45 ACDBC 46-50 ABDCD 51-55 CBDCA

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)

56-60 BDDCB 61-65 CADAB 66-70 ACBCA

71-75 DAFEC

第一节 应用类作文(15分)

Possible version
Dear Chris,
I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in at your new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions may be helpful.
First, I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible. In this way, you will get to know each other better. Second, it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities, which usually involve teamwork and interactions with other students and are therefore good for developing friendly relationships. Lastly, faced with some tough problems, you might consider asking your teachers, who can usually offer you some sensible suggestions.
I sincerely hope my advice will be of some help to you. If there is anything more I can do to help, pleaselet me know.
Yours, Li Hua (132 words)

第二节 情景作文(20分)
Possible version 1:
Last Friday, I rode my bike home. Unfortunately, I knocked down an old man who was also riding a bike. The old man couldn’t stand up. There must be something wrong with his leg, so I called my mom immediately. We took the old man to the hospital at once. The doctor gave him a careful examination. Luckily, there was nothing serious. We were all relieved.
Then I went to have his bike repaired. The old man took his bike and we waved each other goodbye.
The accident taught me a lesson: when riding a bike we should be more careful.
(99 words)
Possible version 2:
Last Friday, as usual I rode my bike home. But at a crossing, I accidentally knocked an old man off his bike. I hurried over and found his leg was injured. Nervous and worried, I called my mom and told her what had happened. We decided to take him to the hospital first.
Soon after we arrived at the hospital, my mother came. The doctor gave the old man a thorough examination. To our delight and relief, there was nothing seriously wrong with him. We thanked the doctor and left.
After that, we went back to where the bike was parked only to find it didn’t work. So I immediately found a repairman to get it fixed. Before the old man left, my mom offered him our cell phone number in case he needed to contact us. Then the old man got on his bike and we waved goodbye to each other.
The accident made me realize that in the first place we should be careful to avoid accidents, but once they occur, we should take responsibility.(174 words)





