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I. Listening Comprehension
Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: When is your son’s birthday?
W: August 13th, 6 days later than mine.
Q: When is the woman’s birthday?

2.W: Uh, Don, is there a place around here where I can get a coat cleaned quickly?
M: Yes, there’s a one-hour dry cleaner in the Shell Building on Madison. It’s about two
blocks from here.
Q: Where will the woman probably go?

3.M: Why didn’t you stop when the light had changed red?
W: I’m terribly sorry that I was absent-minded. Do I have to pay a fine?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

4.W: Well, have you heard of JLA jeans?
M: Yeah, they are really in style right now. All the popular kids are wearing them.
Q: What are they talking about?

5.M: How do you feel about soap operas?
W: I don’t really care much for dramas.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

6.W: Have you heard about the plan to reduce the number of car parks in the city?
M: Oh yeah! Isn’t it great!
Q: What’s the man’s attitude towards the new plan?

7.M: This is a wonderful sports watch. I’m sure you only want the best for your boyfriend.
W: I do, but money is a bit tight. Do you think … could you give me a discount?
Q: What is the woman’s major concern?

8.W: I’m really concerned about this new hotel development. The first issue is that they’ll have to cut down the trees in the area.
M: Yes, but I think that is unavoidable. Besides, think of all the jobs that it’ll bring to the
Q: What worries the woman a lot?

9.M: Do you want to go on a trip with us to Australia this spring? It will cost about 15,000
dollars a person.
W: 15,000 dollars? Do you think my father has just left me a large fortune?
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

10.W: Hey, Andy, is there anything to eat? I’m starving.
M: No, I thought there was a frozen pizza, but it’s gone. Hmm, why don’t we get take-out?
Q: What does the man suggest?

Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Good evening! Now, I know many of you are excited about the idea of getting paid to travel the world and see the sights. But remember, traveling isn’t all fun and games. It is hard work too. I remember when I was in Egypt to look at the pyramids. Now, of course they are fascinating – they are over 4,000 years old – but remember, Egypt is mostly desert and the temperature is often over forty-five degrees! So, the weather can be a problem.
And several years later, I was traveling down the Yangtze River in China with some photographers, and we constantly had engine trouble with our boat, so we couldn’t steer along the 6380-kilometer river. Instead, we had to abandon our journey after just 2150, which was a major disappointment.
The last journey I want to tell you about was the most rewarding. We went to Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world. We backpacked for seventeen days through the jungles of Venezuela to get there. But when they finally came into view, with their breathtaking drop of 807 meters, it was incredible! So, remember, being a travel writer may sound like an amazing career, and it is certainly rewarding, but you have to be prepared for every possibility!

11.What forced the speaker to stop his journey down the Yangtze River?
12.What does the speaker think of his job?
13.What might be the speaker’s career?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

What is the purpose of learning history? What’s the best way to teach it? Recently educators are rethinking their approach to history education. One new view is that it should be taught from the present backwards, keeping in mind the question, “Why is it like this today?” Let me give you an example. The traditional approach to teaching the history of business, of corporation, always begins with the history of the Industrial Revolution, and proceeds slowly through all the government action over three hundred years to the present. Critics say that method, making students only memorize names, places, and dates about the Industrial Revolution is a waste. Instead, it’s more effective for learners to begin with a present-day question, like, “Why is the economy so bad these days?” and then go back to examine the history of business to find the answer. In other words, beginning with the question about the present is more effective than rote memorization because it demonstrates a cause-and-effect approach to the study of history. And when students begin to see history as a cause-and-effect relationship, they can understand why the study of history is important.

14. Why do critics regard only memorizing historical facts as a waste of time?
15. How can students see history as a “cause-and-effect” relationship?
16. What is the main point of this talk?

Section C
Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: Planet Travel. Julie speaking.
M: Oh, er, hi. This is Peter Tan, I have an account with …
W: Oh, hi, Mr. Tan. How can I help you?
M: Well, I’d like to make a round-trip reservation to the United Kingdom.
W: Sure. Business class?
M: That would be nice, but, no, not this trip.
W: OK. Round trip. Economy.
M: Uh-huh. I need to be in London on the 20th.
W: OK. Let me just take this down. May 20th, London. OK. How about coming back?
M: Is the 28th OK?
W: Yeah, no problem. Oh wait, there’s only business class left on the flight. Is that OK?
M: Yeah, it’ll have to be.
W: OK, I’ll just confirm these details and fax you the schedule.
M: Thanks.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each blank.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
M: Hello?
W: Hello, Carl? It’s Kate Taggart here.
M: Kate! How have you been?
W: Great. Actually, I’ve just been offered a job as news announcer at KGN and I wanted to ask you a few questions.
M: That’s wonderful. What do you want to know?
W: Well, what’s it like to be a news announcer at a big station like that?
M: Well…you know, there are good points and bad points. Announcers are very well paid…
W: Yeah, the salary is a lot higher. But tell me some of the bad points.
M: Hmm. Well, stress is one. Being an announcer is a really high-stress job.
W: And I guess the working hours are pretty long…
M: That’s for sure. But, you’d get to travel a lot. I know you love to travel.
W: I sure do. And also I’d get to interview some pretty important people. That would definitely be a plus.
M: Yeah, it would. One other thing, as an announcer, you just have to be very confident and aggressive. The competition is tough. Everyone will be competing with you to get your job.
W: Hmm. Well, thanks, Carl! You helped me a lot.
Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.




