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和平、发展 合作─新时期中国外交的旗帜(双语对照)(3)

来源:本站原创 编辑:jason   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

With respect to the Korean nuclear issue, China has acted in the overall interests and worked tirelessly in putting together first the Three-Party Talks and then Six-Party Talks, thus keeping tension in the Peninsula from escalating and contributing constructively to peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

China is an active participant in and staunch supporter for the regional cooperation in Asia. It plays a positive role in such Asia-based mechanisms as ASEAN+China, ASEAN+China, Japan and ROK, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN Regional Forum, and Asian Cooperation Dialogue. In the course of regional cooperation, China has worked vigorously to promote common development of Asian countries by sticking to the principles of consensus, equality, mutual benefit and gradual progress, and taking into account the interests and concerns of various parties.

China's development has become a significant part of Asian rejuvenation. Since 1996, China has contributed up to 44% of Asian economic growth. In 2004, China's trade with the rest of Asia stood at US輹.03 billion, accounting for 57.6% of the country's total foreign trade. Making the best of China's development by expanding the cooperation with it has become the unanimous choice of other Asian countries.

In the spirit of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, and fairness, China has completely settled its boundary issue left over from history with Russia and some other countries through consultations and negotiations, and reached agreement with India on the political guiding principles for the settlement of their boundary issue. China has signed with ASEAN the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and made breakthrough progress in the joint development with the Philippines and Viet Nam in the South China Sea area.

Strengthening solidarity and cooperation with developing countries as the basic point of departure of China's diplomacy. Against the new international backdrop, China has worked hard to promote South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue, exploring new areas and new ways of mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries. While continuing to provide assistance within its capacity to developing countries with a view to helping them overcome difficulties and build capacity for self-development. China has provided tariff breaks to the least developed countries in Asia and Africa, and cancelled the debt owed by 38 developing countries there in the amount of RMB13.778 billion. To strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the groups of developing countries, China has facilitated the launch of the China-Africa and China-Arab cooperation forums.

Ensuring stability and expansion in the relations with developed countries in the interest of greater strategic stability in the world. China has established partnerships of various forms with the world's major countries, while striving to expand common ground with them, properly handling differences and working together to safeguard and promote world peace and prosperity.

China-US relations have, on the whole, maintained stability and growth. Dialogues and exchanges at the various levels have improved mutual understanding and mutual trust. The two countries have strengthened dialogue and cooperation in the economic, scientific, technological, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, regional security and other fields, which serves not only the fundamental interests of the two countries but also peace and stability in the world.

The strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Russia continues to deepen, as the leaders of the two countries have kept up close exchanges in mutual trust and mutual respect. Bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, military, energy and other areas has grown steadily. The two countries have worked in close coordination and cooperation on regional and international concerns, promoting in a concerted effort multilateralism and greater democracy in international relations.

The overall strategic partnership between China and Europe has become richer in substance. China maintains close high-level contacts with the EU and its member states. In 2004, China emerged as the EU's largest trading partner and EU China's second largest. Bilateral exchanges and cooperation in culture, science, technology, education and the environment are thriving.

As neighbors separated only by a strip of water, China and Japan have enjoyed close economic cooperation and frequent personnel exchanges. China attaches importance to China-Japan relations. In the face of the complex political relations in recent years, China maintains that the two sides, the leaders of the two countries in particular, should act in the strategic and long-term interests, strictly abide by the principles enshrined in the three bilateral political documents and, following the principle of "taking history as a guide and looking to the future", step up exchanges and cooperation and create conditions for steady and sound development of bilateral relations by removing obstacles.

Vigorously conducting multilateral diplomacy for closer international cooperation. China has taken an active part in the work of the United Nations, upholding the authority and role of the world body and its Security Council, and conducting extensive international cooperation in such fields as counter-terrorism, arms control, peacekeeping, development, human rights, law-enforcement, and the environment. In the past 15 years, China has sent a total of over 3,000 non-combatant troops, police force and civil officers on 15 UN peacekeeping missions. China has acted in a principled manner and played a constructive role on the questions of Iraq and Darfur in Sudan. As a participant of APEC, ASEM and other mechanisms, China has made its own contribution to the related regional and inter-regional cooperation.

China's development cannot materialize without the world. And a stable and prosperous world also needs China. So long as we hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, and hold on to the path of peaceful development, we will surely make new contributions to world peace and development.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
boundary ['baundri]


n. 分界线,边界

strengthen ['streŋθən]


v. 加强,变坚固

tariff ['tærif]


n. 关税,价目表
vt. 交关税

striving ['straiviŋ]


n. 努力;斗争 v. 力争;奋斗;努力(strive的

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的






