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中级美国英语 Lesson 37: 动词不定式[三]

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第三十七课 动词不定式(三)

在这一课里, 我们学习动词加上宾语再加上动词的用法. 比方 "让我试试" Let me try, "看他吃" Watch him eat 等等. 我们还要学习许多跟电视节目有关 系的词汇.

现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说彼得跟玛丽谈起了在家里头看 电视的事情. 请你注意听两位英语文老师的发音和语调.

M: Mary, did you see the special on TV last night?

F: No. My folks wouldn't let me watch it. They wanted to watch something else.

M: What did they have you watch?

F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season. Dad wanted to see it.

M: I heard they won the game. Did you see them make the winning goal?

F: I saw them make it, but hockey doesn't excite me very much. What about the special?

M: It was great! It was on physical fitness and better health. It made me want to be more active. It convinced me to watch less television.


M: Mary, did you see the special on TV last night?

F: No. My folks wouldn't let me watch it. They wanted to watch something else.

M: What did they have you watch?

F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season. Dad wanted to see it.

M: I heard they won the game. Did you see them make the winning goal?

F: I saw them make it, but hockey doesn't excite me very much. What about the special?

M: It was great! It was on physical fitness and better health. It made me want to be more active. It convinced me to watch less television.

下面我把包含了今天要学的语法的句子挑出来, 请英文老师再念一遍给你听.

F: My folks wouldn't let me watch it.

M: What did they have you watch?

F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season.

F: I saw them make it.

M: It made me want to be more active.


听了上面那些句子后, 你可能已经注意到在英文里有些动词后面可以加上宾 语再加上另外一个动词. 这些动词包括let, l-e-t, let, have, h-a-v-e, have, watch, w-a-t-c-h, watch, see, s-e-e, see, hear, h-e-a-r, hear, make, m-a-k-e,make, help, h-e-l-p, help 等等. 下面老师念两个句子让你作个比较. 第一个句子是 "他不准 我看电视." He won't allow me to watch television. 第二个句子是 "他不让我看 电视."He won't let me watch television. 在第一个句子里, allow me后面必须加 上 to 再加上 watch; 而第二个句子里只需要说 let me watch 就行了.

下面我们作一组练习比较这两种说法. 练习的内容都是跟玛丽的父母不准或 是不让她看什么电视节目有关系. 在这组练习里你还可以学到不同种 类电视 节目的名称, 比方 "有残暴镜头的节目" violent programs, "匪徒电影" gangster movies, "恐怖电影" horror films, "晚间电影" late movies, "爱情连续剧" soap operas, "游戏节目" game shows 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师用allow 作句子, 并且跟着女老师改用 let 把句子说出来.

M: Mary's parents wouldn't allow her to watch some T.V. programs.

F: Mary's parents wouldn't let her watch some T.V.programs.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch violent programs.

F: They wouldn't let her watch violent programs.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch gangster movies.

F: They wouldn't let her watch gangster movies.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch horror films.

F: They wouldn't let her watch horror films.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch late movies.

F: They wouldn't let her watch late movies.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch soap operas.

F: They wouldn't let her watch soap operas.

M: They wouldn't allow her to watch game shows.

F: They wouldn't let her watch game shows.

下面我们用代换练习的方式学学 have, h-a-v-e, have 加上宾语再加上其他动 词的说法. 练习的内容都是说到玛丽的父母要她看什么电视节目, 比方 "新闻 特写" news features, "记录片" documentaries, "杂耍节目" variety shows, "总 统新闻记者招待会" presidential news conferences, "竞选报道" election coverage, "现场转播节目" televised programs 等等.请你跟着老师把第一个句 子重复一遍, 然后把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句, 老师 会把句子再念一遍给你听. 现在我们开始.

M: Mary's folks have her watch news.

M: news features

F: Mary's folks have her watch news features.

M: sports

F: Mary's folks have her watch sports.

M: science programs

F: Mary's folks have her watch science programs.

M: documentaries

F: Mary's folks have her watch documentaries.

M: variety shows

F: Mary's folks have her watch variety shows.

M: presidential news conferences

F: Mary's folks have her watch presidential news conferences.

M: election coverage

F: Mary's folks have her watch election coverage.

M: televised programs

F: Mary's folks have her watch televised programs.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

viewer ['vju:ə]


n. 观看者,电视观众,观察器


关键字: 原著 宫崎骏




